Maintaining the Fluid Applicant SS Setup Configuration

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for maintaining the Fluid Applicant SS Setup configuration in ctcLink. This setup determines which terms students can view their application statuses for within the Admission Tile on their ctcLink Student Homepage.

Audience: Student Services/Admissions Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ SACR Admissions Fluid Config

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Note: Fluid Applicant SS Setup is locally managed and can be set at any time and should be reviewed for accuracy before each term. The term must exist on the Term/Session table first before proceeding with this QRG, and staff should know the Census Date and Begin Term Date defined on the Term/Session table before proceeding with this process.

Note: Do not change any values on the Fluid Applicant SS Setup tabs other than what is referenced in this QRG.

Fluid Applicant SS Setup Configuration

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > Applicants > Fluid Applicant SS Setup

  1. On the Fluid Applicant SS Setup search page, enter your Academic Institution.
  2. Enter or look up the UGRD Academic Career (this is not set up for CNED).
  3. Click Search.
  4. A list of all admit terms already been set up within this configuration will display for your institution.   
  5. Find the most recent term that was set up. Depending on how many terms have previously been set up, you may need to first click “View All.” The Admit Term column defaults term values displaying from lowest to highest. Find the most recent term at the bottom of the list, or click on the column title “Admit Term” to resort the column from highest to lowest.
  6. In Search Results, click on the most recent term in the Admit Term column.
Define Attributes Tab
  1. The Fluid Applicant SS Setup page will display for that term and default to the Define Attributes tab.
  2. Click the Copy Setup button.
  3. A Copy Term pop-up box will display.
  4. Enter the new Admit Term you are configuring this setup for, or click the spyglass icon to look up the term.
  5. Click OK.
  6. A message will pop up confirming the new term will be saved. Click Yes to proceed.The Fluid Applicant SS Setup page displays and defaults to the Define Attributes tab. The new term will now be displayed.  
  7. Scroll down to the Valid Program and Plans section.

Valid Program and Plans Section

  1. Ensure the Define Application Model field indicates "Application Model 2." If not, click the field and select Application Model 2 for new terms.
  2. Change the setup from "Application Model 1" to "Application Model 2."
  3. Select Application Model 2 from the Define Application Model drop-down.
  4. A message will appear asking you to confirm removing the existing grid row. Select Yes.
  5. The program/plan values that were previously listed will now be cleared. Click Insert All Prompt Values. 
  6. All the Academic Programs configured for your college for the Undergraduate (Academic) Career will be displayed.
  7. At the top of the Fluid Applicant SS Setup page, click on the Display Options tab.
Display Options Tab
  1. Scroll to the Display Decisions section. Change End Date to the Census Date defined on your Term/Session Table for this term.

Program Action Section

  1. Scroll down to the Display for Program Action section. The following Program Actions (on the Maintain Program Actions page) will display to the student in their ctcLink Student Homepage  Admissions Tile:
    • Admit
    • Application Submitted
    • Conditional Admit
    • Intention to Matriculate (appears after they have accepted their offer of admission)
    • Matriculation
    • Waitlist
    • Waitlist Offer
  2. Click the arrow or “View All” to view the Program Action APPL row.
  3. For the fields “Complete Action Description” and “Incomplete Action Description,” ensure “Application Submitted” is entered if these fields are blank, type “Application Submitted” into each field. Note: It is recommended that colleges input “Application Submitted” as the status that students will view. Otherwise, it will default to show students “incomplete” if left blank.
  4. Be sure to leave the Display Letter Link box unchecked for all Program Action values.
  5. At the top of the page, click on the Additional Options tab.
Additional Options Tab

Accept Decline Options Section

  1. Scroll to the Accept Decline Options section. Change the Display Accept Decline date to the Term Begin Date defined on your Term/Session Table for this term.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. You can click Save on any of the Fluid Applicant SS Setup page tabs, and it will save the values on all tabs.
  3. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Maintaining the Fluid Applicant SS Setup Configuration. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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