OAAP Forgot Username

Purpose: Use this document as a reference to retrieve your OAAP Username.

Audience: Students and Staff

Welcome! Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP)

  1. Access the Welcome to Online Admissions Application Portal screen.
  2. Click on the Existing Users Login button.
Existing Users Login button highlighted in red

Forgot Username

  1. On the login page, click the Forgot my Username link.
  2. Enter Required Information on the Forgot Username page.
    • Email Address: Use the email associated with your OAAP account.
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Date of Birth
  3. Submit the request by clicking the Submit button.
Forgot Username page with information populated. The Submit button is highlighted in red.

Confirmation Message

  1. If the information is correct, a confirmation box will appear, stating that your Username has been sent to your registered email address.
  2. Click the Log in Here button in the message box.
Username confirmation message

Retrieve Username and Log In

  1. Access your email account.
  2. Look for the Forgot Username Request email from the SBCTC system. The email will include your Username.
  3. Log in.
    • Use the Username you retrieved to log in to your OAAP account.
  4. Process complete.
Image of Forgot Username Request email,

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View the external link to OAAP Forgot Username. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Please contact your college if you require immediate assistance with ctcLink. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college.


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