9.2 Batch Update Program Action/Reason with External File
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for running the Update Program Action/Reason with an external file.
Audience: Student Services/Admissions Staff
You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZD AD App Entry
- ZZ AD App Entry
- ZC AD App Entry
Please get in touch with your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access if you need assistance with the above security roles.
Update Program Action/Reason Run Control ID
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Student Admissions > Processing Applications > Update Applications > Update Program Action/Reason
- The Update Program Action/Reason search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select Add. It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted; therefore, we encourage them to be reused. Because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA220_Batch_App_WADM.
- Select the Find an Existing Value to enter an existing Update Program Action/Reason Run Control ID.
- Select Search.
- The Update Program Action/Reason page displays.
- Select Selection Tool: External File from the drop-down list in the Population Selection panel.
Population Selection - External File Option 1
Option 1: BATCH_ADM_APPL File Mapping
- Format your Microsoft Excel file in .csv format. To use BATCH_ADM_APPL File Mapping, you must include the following six data fields in a header:
Note: You will receive the following message if you do not include all the fields in the BATCH_ADM_APPL File Mapping in your .csv file.

- Select the Upload File button. Upload your saved Microsoft Excel file in .csv format with the required columns.
- Select the File Mapping looking glass and choose the file map name BATCH_ADM_APPL.
- Select Preview Selection Results to review the uploaded file format, ensuring no blank rows exist.
- Select Return after viewing results.
Population Selection - External File Option 2
Option 2: Create File Mapping
- Format your Microsoft Excel file in .csv format. To Create a File Mapping, you must include the following five data fields, and a header is optional.
- Selecting the Upload File button, upload your saved Microsoft Excel file in .csv format with the required columns.
- Create File Mapping. After the Excel .csv file is uploaded, click the Create File Mapping link to create a new option.
- In the File Mapping field, enter a name (you can reuse this next time you run the Update Program Action/Reason process).
- Verify that the File Type is Delimited.
- Verify the Field Delimiter is Comma.
- In the Field Mapping area, enter the Field Number that corresponds to the column number of your .csv file for the required fields (image below).
- Click Ok.
- The Update Program Action/Reason page displays, and the File Mapping is populated.
- Select Preview Selection Results to review the uploaded file format, ensuring no blank rows exist.
- Select Return after viewing results.
Program Action - Action Reason
- Effective Date: Select the Use System Date checkbox.
- Institution: Enter or look up.
- Program Action: Select applicable action (e.g., WADM).
- Action Reason: Optional (action reasons can be created for your institution by submitting a CS Support ticket).
- Select the Run button at the top of the page.
- On the Process Scheduler Request page, select the Process Name SAD_APL_PRG.
- Select OK.
- Select the Process Monitor link and the Process Monitor page displays.
- At the Process List page, ensure the Run Status runs to Success and the Distribution Status runs to Posted. You may select the Refresh button until the status is Success, Posted.
- Process complete.
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