Understanding OAAP Search/Match

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for understanding OAAP Search/Match.

Audience: Admissions Staff.

Glossary: OAAP – Online Admissions Application Portal

Overview of Search/Match for the OAAP

Search/Match is a ctcLink functionality that identifies potential existing student accounts when an application is submitted through the OAAP. Search/Match is also used for other transactions, although this document pertains to the Search/Match parameter applied to OAAP transactions.

Search/Match processing can result in a single confirmed match, multiple matches (suspended for staff intervention), or no matches (a new ID is created). A set of rules is defined (the Search/Match parameter) which uses different combinations of student data like name, SSN, address, date of birth, email, and phone.

Search/Match Processing

When an application is submitted, the student data is processed through every rule in a defined order until a match is found. If no match is found a new ID is created in ctcLink. The 15 rules (figure 1) use different combinations of fields to perform a thorough search and provide strong potential matches.

Figure 1. The OAAP Search/Match parameter rules.

Result Order Search Fields:
Application is linked to an existing account if a single match is found.
010 Last, DOB, SSN, Address1, Zip, Email
020 Last, DOB, SSN, Address1, Zip, Phone
030 Last, First, DOB, Address1, Zip
040 Last, First, DOB, SSN
050 First, DOB, SSN, Phone
Application is suspended if a match is found.
060 Last, First (begins with 3char), DOB, City
070 Last, First (begins with 3char), DOB, Zip
080 Last (contains 5char), First, DOB
090 Last (contains 5char), First, Phone
100 First, Address1, Zip, Phone
110 First, DOB, Address1, Zip
120 First, DOB, Phone
130 Last, DOB, Phone
140 Email
150 SSN or ITIN

Important notes about Search/Match

  • All fields in the search rule are required for a match. Data must be populated in the applicable field on the application and in ctcLink on an existing account.
    • For example, if a student does not enter a phone number in the application and they have an existing account without a phone number, Search/Match will not match on a rule that uses phone.
  • If a student logs into the OAAP using ctcLink login credentials, the Search/Match process is not run, and the student application is linked to the existing ID.
  • Name Search
    • Search/Match will process all name types in the database including the student preferred name.
    • The search field “Last (contains 5 char)” will search for the first five characters from the application last name.
      • For example, if a student enters SMITHERS, the system takes the first 5 characters "SMITH" and will find last names that contain that string like, SMITH-JONES, ROBERTS-SMITH, SMITHSON, or RESMITHER.
  • Email and Phone
    • Search/Match will process all email and phone types in ctcLink.

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC AD App Entry
  • ZD AD App Entry
  • ZZ AD App Entry
  • SACR - CTM Transaction Security - ADMISSIONS_APPLICATION

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Search/Match results in ctcLInk update dynamically based on the student data in the system. When you click the link "Search/Match Results", the system displays the data match between OAAP and ctcLink at that moment and not the moment when the application was submitted - unless the application is suspended and not processed.

Navigation: Constituent Staging page in ctcLink (Search/Match Results link) - Expected behavior for each Constituent Status:

Student Admissions > Application Transaction Mgmt > Constituent Staging

Constituent Status: ID Updated

  • Search/Match found a single match to an existing ID on an “update” rule (numbers 010 to 050).
  • The Search/Match rule displayed includes data that was updated in ctcLink from the OAAP.

Constituent Status: ID Created

  • Search/Match did not find a match in ctcLink.
  • The Search/Match rule displayed includes data from the OAAP that was saved to ctcLink when the ID was created.

Constituent Status: Suspend

  • Search/Match found an existing ID on a suspense rule (numbers 060 to 150).
  • When staff view the Search/Match results, they will see what the student matched on at the time of the application if the application has not been processed.
  • When the application is processed, the Search/Match results will update.


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