9.2 Admitting an Applicant Manually

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for admitting an applicant manually in ctcLink

Audience: Admissions staff

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC AD App Entry
  • ZD AD App Entry
  • ZZ AD App Entry

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access

Admitting an Applicant Manually

When adding an admission application (Quick Admit, Add Application) to an existing EMPLID:

  • If you copy/paste an EMPLID, you may have noticed that when you copy/paste an EMPLID it can come along with an extra space and tab. Please keep an eye out and delete those extra spaces before and after an EMPLID before saving your record. If you save with the extra space/tab, it creates a NEW EMPLID (a duplicate!) that includes that space/tab.
  • If you manually enter an EMPLID, please confirm it is the same as the intended EMPLID before saving. If you save it and it is not the same and intended EMPLID, it can create a new EMPLID (or associate data with the wrong EMPLID).
  • When you get a warning that an SSN is already in use, heed it! It is a clue that you may unintentionally be creating a new EMPLID. Stop and figure out who else has the SSN on their record: Are they the same person that you are adding to the system?

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications

  1. The Maintain Applications search page displays.
  2. Enter Academic Institution.
  3. Enter additional Search Criteria to identify your applicant.
  4. Select Search.
Maintain Applications search page
  1. The Biographical Details tab displays.
  2. Select the Application Program Data tab.
The image displays  the Maintain Applications  page highlighting the Application Program Data tab
  1. The Application Program Data tab displays.
  2. In the Program Data section, select the Add a New Row [+] icon.
 The image points to the plus icon in the Program Data section prompting you to add a new row.
  1. A new effective-dated row displays.
  2. In the Program Status section, enter "ADMT"  in Program Action.
  3. Select Save.
The image highlights the Program Status section of the Application Program Data page.
  1. Process complete.


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