OAAP Application Report
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to identify applications submitted through the Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP).
Audience: Admissions staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > BIP Query Report Scheduler
The report was built using connected queries; therefore, you will run it from the BIP Query Report Scheduler.
Before applying for admissions, returning students using their ctcLink credentials will need to update their address, email address, and phone number in ctcLink. Due to this, the Online Admission Application Report reflects the values entered by the applicant.
- The Query Report Scheduler run control ID search page displays.
- Enter an existing Run Control ID or select the Add a New Value tab and create a new Run Control ID and select Add.
- In the Report Definition section, select Connected Query from the Data Source Type drop-down list.
- In the Report Name field, enter or look up BCS_AD_OAAP.
- Prompts appear for Query QCS_AD_OAAP_APPLICATION_BI_CQP. At least one other field in addition to the institution must be populated.
- Institution (Required)
- Admit Term (Optional)
- You must enter one of the following:
- Enter OAAP Temp ID or
- OAAP Appl Nbr or
- ctcLink Appl Nbr or
- Student ID
- Once prompts have been entered, select OK.

- The Query Report Scheduler page displays with Query Parameters section populated.
- To modify prompt criteria, select the Update Parameters link and enter new values.
- Select Run.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays. Select OK. (Note: Click on the Distribution link to ensure the ID Type = User, and your EMPLID is in the Distribution ID field).
- The Query Report Scheduler page displays. Select the Report Manager link.
- Select the Report name BCS_AD_OAAP_BCS_AD_OAA.pdf.
- Select the BCS_AD_OAAP.pdf link in the File List section. Ensure pop-ups are enabled.
- Online Admission Application Report displays (approx. two pages). Information added by the student is blurred in the below images.

- Process complete.
Security Information:
The ability to run the Online Admissions Application Report requires the ZD_DS_QRY_CC_SSN_HIGHSENS security role.
Additional roles are needed.
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