Maintaining Applications: Program/Plan & Admit Term Updates Before Matriculation

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for Application Updates for Current Term and Application Updates for Future Terms in ctcLink.

Audience: Admissions Staff

Students may request changes to their application after submission, such as switching to a different admit term or program plan. This could happen if a student decides to defer their start date, selects the wrong program, or needs to update their academic plan. Before matriculating an application in PeopleSoft, ensuring that the program plan and admit term accurately reflect the student's intent is essential. Updating these details beforehand prevents errors in the student's academic record and avoids needing post-matriculation corrections.

Application Updates for Current Term

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC AD App Entry

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access

When updating applications for the current term, the Effective Date for both the APPL (Application) and MATR (Matriculation) rows must be set before the term start date. This is necessary to ensure the student can be term-activated and enroll in classes for the appropriate term. Staff must have Correct History access to modify the Effective Date accordingly.

Accessing the Maintain Applications Page
  1. Open the Maintain Applications page. The Find an Existing Value tab will display.
  2. Select the Academic Institution.
  3. Enter Search Criteria such as Application Number, Student ID, National ID, or Last Name/First Name to find the applicant.
    • Tip: Deleting the “0” in the Application Program Number field will display all applications submitted by the student.
  4. Check the Correct History box.
  5. Click Search.
Reviewing and Updating Application Data Tab

Biographical Details Tab

  1. Verify the student’s information to confirm you are working with the correct applicant.
  2. Navigate to the Application Data tab.

Application Data Tab

  1. Ensure the Admit Type reflects any changes the student requests.
  2. Check the Complete box in the File Information section. This option will update the student's Self-Service portal to reflect the completed status.
  3. Enter the Date the application was marked complete.
  4. If the student applied through the Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP), the External Application Number field will be automatically populated.
  5. Navigate to the Application Program Data tab.
Application Data Tab
Reviewing and Updating the Application Program Data Tab

Application Program Data Tab - Updating the "APPL" (Application) Row 

  1. Confirm that the Program Status panel displays Program Action "APPL" Application).
  2. If a student wishes to apply for the current term, the Effective Date for the APPL (Application) and MATR (Matriculation) rows must be set before the term start date. This ensures the student can be term-activated and enroll in classes within the correct term.
  3. In the Program Data section, locate and update the Admit Term to reflect the student’s requested term, if applicable.
  4. Verify or update the Academic Program field to reflect the correct program based on the student’s request.
  5. Verify or update the Academic Plan to align with the student's chosen Academic Program, if applicable.
  6. If the student selected a Sub-Plan, confirm that the Sub-Plan Data field reflects the correct sub-plan (if applicable). This field is optional and only needs to be updated if applicable.
  7. To matriculate program data without overriding existing information, navigate to the Program Data section and select the Add a New Row [+] icon. This action creates a new effective-dated row.
Matriculating the Application

Adding a New Effective-Dated Row

  1. In the Program Data section, click the Add a New Row [+] icon. This creates a new date-effective row while preserving existing information (APPL row).
  2. If the new row has the same effective date as the APPL row, you will receive the following message when matriculating the application:

"Duplicate key value -- not allowed. (15,7) You have entered a key value for a scroll item that is a duplicate of another scroll item. The record definition indicates that the record does not allow duplicate entries. Either correct the key for the duplicate entry or contact your system administrator to change the record definition."

  1. To avoid the message when adding a new row with the same date as the APPL row, update the Effective Sequence to "2" on the new row. Updating the Effective Sequence to "2" allows the system to recognize the new row as a separate entry while keeping the same Effective Date.

Completing the Matriculation Process

  1. In the Program Status panel, enter or look up the Program Action "MATR" (Matriculation).
  2. To finalize the matriculation process, click the Create Program button. This step completes the transition from applicant to active student, and the fields are greyed out.
  3. The OAAP will reflect the updated information for both college administrators and students.

Application Updates for Future Terms

You must have at least one of these local-college managed security roles:

  • ZC AD App Entry
  • ZD AD App Entry
  • ZZ AD App Entry

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access

Accessing the Maintain Applications Page
  1. Open the Maintain Applications page. The Find an Existing Value tab will display.
  2. Select the Academic Institution.
  3. Enter Search Criteria such as Application Number, Student ID, National ID, or Last Name/First Name to find the applicant.
    • Tip: Deleting the “0” in the Application Program Number field will display all applications submitted by the student.
  4. Check the Correct History box.
  5. Click Search.
Reviewing and Updating the Application Data Tab

Biographical Details Tab

  1. Verify the student’s information to confirm you are working with the correct applicant.
  2. Navigate to the Application Data tab.

Application Data Tab

  1. Ensure the Admit Type reflects any changes the student requests.
  2. Check the Complete box in the File Information section. This option will update the student's Self-Service portal to reflect the completed status.
  3. Enter the Date the application was marked complete.
  4. If the student applied through the Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP), the External Application Number field will be automatically populated.
  5. Navigate to the Application Program Data tab.
Application Data tab
Reviewing and Updating the Application Program Data Tab

Application Program Data Tab - Adding a Second "APPL" (Application) Row 

  1. Confirm that the Program Status panel displays Program Action "APPL" Application).
  2. Click the Add a New Row [+] icon In the Program Data section. This creates a new date-effective row while preserving existing information (APPL row).
  3. In the Program Data section, locate and update the Admit Term to reflect the student’s requested term, if applicable.
  4. Verify or update the Academic Program field to reflect the correct program based on the student’s request.
  5. Verify or update the Academic Plan to align with the student's chosen Academic Program, if applicable.
  6. If the student selected a Sub-Plan, confirm that the Sub-Plan Data field reflects the correct sub-plan (if applicable). This field is optional and only needs to be updated if applicable.
  7. In the Program Status panel, enter or look up the Program Action "APPL" (Application). This is the second APPL row (1 of 2), displaying updates to the Admit Term and/or Academic Program/Plan.
  8. Select the Add a New Row [+] icon in the Program Data section to matriculate program data without overriding existing information. This action creates a new effective-dated row.
Matriculating the Application

Adding a New Effective-Dated Row

  1. In the Program Data section, click the Add a New Row [+] icon. This creates a new date-effective row (1 of 3) while preserving existing information (APPL rows).
1 of 3 rows  box is outlined in red

Completing the Matriculation Process

  1. In the Program Status panel, enter or look up the Program Action "MATR" (Matriculation).
  2. To finalize the matriculation process, click the Create Program button. This step completes the transition from applicant to active student, and the fields are greyed out.
Matriculation row on Application Program Data Tab

Optional: Action Reasons and Comments

Optional: Requesting an Action Reason for Application Updates

If needed, submit a CS Support ticket to request the creation of a new Action Reason that indicates the application data was updated based on the student's request. This helps track modifications and provides a clear record of changes made before matriculation.

Maintain Applications MATR row
Optional: Adding Comments to Track Application Changes

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC CC 3Cs User
  • ZD CC 3Cs User
  • ZZ CC 3Cs User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The Person Comment Entry page allows admissions staff to document student requests, such as changes to the admit term or academic program. Comments may be edited or appended. Appends (updates) added to Comments are not tracked. If it's essential for your team to know who is appending Comments, develop an internal business process with staff indicating who is appending a Comment. One standard method is simply adding your name to the Comment at the end of your update. 

  1. Navigate to the Application Data tab.
  2. Click on the Comments icon. The Person Comment Entry page displays.
  3. Enter the Required Details:
    • Administrative Function: Select ADMA (Admissions Application).
    • Academic Institution: Choose the appropriate Academic Institution (e.g., Tacoma CC).
    • Comment Category: Select ADM (Admissions).
    • Variable Data: If required, click the Variable Data button. Variable Data links the Comment to specific data points in the system. The fields required will change based on the Administrative Function selected for the Comment. For example, If ADMA is selected, the Comment is linked to a specific admissions application in the system. Select OK.
  4. Input the Comment Data:
    • Comment ID: Automatically generated or manually entered.
    • Department: (Optional)
    • Comment Date: Defaults to the current date but can be adjusted.
    • Comments: Clearly state the requested change, such as: "Student requested to change data on admissions application: Term & Plan." Whenever information regarding a student is entered into PeopleSoft, the student can review it and subpoena it.
    • Append Comments: Use this field for additional updates if necessary.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Process complete.
Comments icon

Run the query QCS_CC_COMMENT_READ to retrieve and display comments related to a specific student's admissions application. To execute the query, you will need to provide two key pieces of information:

  1. Institution
  2. Student ID

The query will return all comments associated with the student's application. This can help monitor any changes made during the admissions process.

Query results for QCS_CC_COMMENT_READ


Add your comment

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