9.2 Understanding Benefit Programs and Rate Configurations
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to understand the rate table construction and relationship to program and payroll at a high level in ctcLink.
Audience: Benefits Administrators.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Benefits Config Inquiry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Understand Benefit Programs and Rate Configurations
Benefit Program Table
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Program Structure > Benefit Program Table
- The Benefit Program Table search page displays.
- Select the Search button.
- The Search Results display.
- Select a desired Benefit Program (you may need to scroll down page to see all options).
- The selected Benefit Program page displays.
- PeopleSoft stores Benefit Programs in which all employees can be sorted:
- SB0 - Only eligible for Savings Plans (403(b) & 457), all programs allow Savings plans.
- SB2 - Eligible for all Retirement Plans and Savings Plans.
- SB1 - Eligible for all benefits we administer including Health and HCA administered plans.
- SBA - Eligible for same benefits as SB1 (after tax, this is an elective option that mirrors SB1 but takes more out of an employee paycheck for Health related deductions).
- Program eligibility is determined by the number of hours worked in a year, here are some highlights:
- Full time employees (most FTF, Classified, and Exempt) are eligible for SB1 and SBA programs.
Part time employees (PTF, most Hourly) can become eligible for benefits if they meet certain benchmarks, but default to the SB0 program unless they meet one of the following:
- SB1 - PTF must be working .50+ FTE for 2 consecutive quarters at one college, the .50 FTE can be a combined calculation of all teaching assignments in one college, it is evaluated on a quarterly basis using a custom Benefits report, and one college must be the sponsor of the Benefits and pay the employer portion to HCA if the PTF works at multiple colleges (the other colleges must assign that PTF an SB2 status an input their Retirement option)
- SB1 - Hourly must work 480 (non-student) hours in a 6 month period in one job at a single college, a second job that is NOT hourly at the same college does not count towards this total, the 6 month period is reviewed on a rolling basis
- SB2 - PTF who qualify for SB1 in the system must be coded as SB2 at all other colleges in the system and given a Retirement deduction at the other work sites
- SB2 - Hourly employees at one college working 70 or more hours for 5 of 12 months for 2 consecutive years qualify for the Retirement benefit
- Every Benefit Program makes sure that it creates a group of options that include:
- Plan Type
- Benefit Plan
- Deduction Code
- The Benefit Program Table should be updated when a Plan Type, Benefit Plan, or Deduction Code is changed, added, or deleted.
- This action is taken by the ERP Benefits team member, often working with ERP Payroll.
- Every Benefit Program is attached to a Rate ID that is associated with an entry in the Benefits Rates Table.
- SB0 - CTCMED (Medical is waived only for this Program for system reasons).
- SB2 - none (limited retirement, etc. not controlled by a rate table as they are straight deductions).
- The review of the Benefits Program Table is now complete.
Benefit Rates Table
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Rates and Rules > Benefit Rates
- The Benefit Rates search page displays.
- On the Find an Existing Value tab, select the Search button.
- The Search Results displays.
- Select a Rate Table ID link (you may need to scroll down the page to view all results).
- The Benefit Rates page displays.
- Benefit Rates are stored in Benefit Rate tables which reflect the actual amount that will come out in the payroll deduction it has been associated with in the Benefit Program Table.
- Benefit Rates in all effected tables must be updated at least yearly:
- Updates must be separated into AS EARNED vs AS PAID Benefit types.
- AS PAID - the date it is paid is the is the month in which it covers.
- AS EARNED - the date it is earned is the month in which it covers.
- Life Insurance and Long Term Disability are “AS EARNED” Benefits and updates to the table for these values will go into effect on 1/1/20XX (Note: Life insurance became a deduction only benefit in PeopleSoft paid to MetLife as of 1/1/2017).
- Health, Tobacco Surcharge, Spouse Surcharge, Dependent Care, Deferred Compensation, FSA/HAS, and VEBA are “AS PAID” Benefits and updates to the table for these valued will go into effect on 12/16/20XX (previous year to the 1/1/20XX update).
- Updates must be separated into AS EARNED vs AS PAID Benefit types.
- Different Benefit Rate tables have different purposes:
- For example, while the SBCTC After-Tax Medical rate table stores similar plans and coverage codes, it does not contain Before-Tax Rate because the SBA plan is not a before-tax plan and therefore must be tracked and updated separately.
- The HCA Avg Rate is a General Deduction with code 000990 and is stored in the General Deduction Table. Update to the HCA Average cost is effective 07/01/YYYY as it changes on a fiscal year.
- The review of the Benefit Rates page is now complete.
Deduction Table
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Benefits Config Inquiry
- ZZ Payroll Local Config
- ZZ Payroll Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Deductions > Deduction Table
- The Deduction Table search page displays.
- On the Find an Existing Value tab, select the Search button.
- Select a Plan Type link (if you may need to scroll down to view all results).
- The Deduction Table displays.
- Deductions are mapped to a number in the Program Table, and the amount being taken by Payroll is mapped in the Rate Table, but the actual Deduction lives in the Payroll area.
- The manner in which Payroll takes the Deduction lives in the Payroll module, and a Benefits Admin would need to work with Payroll if they wanted to examine paycheck details and deductions:
- The amount of money deducted on a paycheck will always be associated with the deduction number that is associated with deduction code, and will be visible on the paycheck.
- The deduction table review is now complete.
- Next you will review paycheck deductions details.
Review Paycheck Details
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Benefits Employee Data Inq
- ZD Payroll Inquiry
- ZZ Payroll Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA > Produce Payroll > Review Paycheck
- The Review Paycheck search page displays.
- Enter the applicable Search Criteria.
- Select the Search button.
- The Review Paycheck page displays.
- Select the Paycheck Deductions tab.
- Review the Deductions section.
- The Deduction Table review is now complete.
- The process to understand benefit programs and rate configurations is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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