9.2 Running Inbound HCA Billing
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for using the custom process Inbound HCA Billing in ctcLink.
Audience: Benefits Administrators, ERP.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- <there are no college-assignable roles>
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
NOTE: Only ERP or SBCTC Benefits/Payroll specialists will run this process as it is a global load that applies to all colleges.
Inbound HCA Billing
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Benefits > CTC Custom > CTC Interfaces > Inbound HCA Billing
- The Inbound HCA Billing run control ID page displays.
- Create a Run Control ID if you are running this for the first time.
- Select the Add button.

- The Inbound HCA Billing page displays.
- Enter a Coverage Year and Coverage Month manually.
- HCA delivers two files a month to PeopleSoft, one around the 15th and one around the 26th (give or take a few days).
- The file on the 15th is the final billing for the current month, the file on the 26th is the preliminary billing for the next month.
- If the person running it is dealing with the file delivered around the 15th they must use the current year/month (i.e. a 7/15/2017 file would be given a Coverage Year of 2017 and a Coverage Month of 07).
- If the person running it is dealing with the file delivered around the 26th they must use the next month and current year (i.e. a 7/26/2017 file would be give a Coverage Year of 2017 and a Coverage Month of 08).
- Select the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays. Select the OK button.
- The Inbound HCA Billing page displays.
- Select the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page displays.
- Select the Refresh button until it says Success/Posted.
- Once the process is initiated, the file is retrieved from a holding area, written to the tables CTC_HCA_BILLING and CTC_HCA_SUMMARY.
- The preliminary file is completely overwritten by the final file, once loaded.
- After the file is loaded, the file moves to an archive folder on the server.
- Loads must be timed during the month so that only one file is loaded per run. (They are currently run as part of the after payroll reconciliation process at SBCTC).
- All the information loaded may be seen immediately in the screen HCA Benefits Data (see the 9.2 QRG: Viewing HCA Benefits Data).

- The process to run inbound HCA billing is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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