9.2 PeopleSoft Update Manager and HCM Images
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to prepare for HCM Image updates delivered to ctcLink.
Audience: All HR Department Employees, Security Employees, Technical Support Employees.
PeopleSoft Update Manager
Navigation: support.oracle.com > login > PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Home Page (Doc ID 1641843.2)
- Oracle Support delivers periodic content updates to entities that license their PeopleSoft HCM product. (These updates are called Bundles in Campus 9.0, but they are called Images in HCM 9.2 and Finance 9.2).
- The PUM Home Page provides a lot of information, and typically only ERP and other technical staff will spend much time examining the Oracle delivered pages.

- Only a PeopleSoft Admin can apply an Image to an environment, and they will always apply Images to test environments first. PeopleSoft Administrators work for ERP in the SBCTC office and no college employee will be expected to apply Images to the PeopleSoft environment
- It takes a lot of people a lot of time to do complete testing for one Image, so patience is always needed as testing is performed for the pillar
- Customizations are always at risk of breaking or being made redundant in an update so extra care will always need to be taken in testing HCM CEMLIs.
HCM Images
- PeopleSoft releases approximately four (4) Images a year for HCM, and they always publish their release schedule a year ahead of time
- Depending on governmental changes, or programming issues, sometimes these releases can be delayed
- Oracle is committed to making sure that businesses that use their products are compliant with all needed federal guidelines, and so they will always deliver something to allow the guideline to be met
- Just because something is released does not mean it is free of all bugs

- Images are cumulative. All the content from a previous Image is contained in future Images.
- There will always be a December tax update Image for HCM, and testing and maintenance must always be planned for this for around mid-December
- There will always be updates as needed in January for regulatory reasons should Oracle not meet the December deadline
- On the PUM Home Page, there is a link called “VirtualBox”, and in this is a section called “Update Image Content List.” Within that link is an excel file that outlines all changes made in each Image, what it fixed, and what module that fix falls under.
- This list, and other update notes for the specific Image, should be generally available by request

- What PeopleTools version we are using matters!
- Some fixes only apply to certain PeopleTools versions, and some fixes have a minimum PeopleTools version to work, so you should always know your current PeopleTools version if you want to report a bug to ERP or Oracle Support
- Your HCM Analyst (or equivalent position) should be aware at least superficially of the contents of an Image update so that they can plan for any impact to the work of the HCM team
- Ideally, the HCM Analyst will pass on relevant information to every person who works in affected areas should the Image change something about a business process or screen that an Admin works with
- If your college does not possess an HCM Analyst, then area leads will be responsible to stay aware of changes in their own area
- All people in HCM are each responsible to monitor their own queries in case of breakage when an Image is applied
- Communicate irregularities to ERP after an Image has been applied to the production environment
- Be aware that this irregularity could take coordination with Manage Services, Oracle Support, or programmers and therefore can take a variable amount of time to resolve
- End of procedure.
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