9.2 LTD Salary Base Calculation for Hourly Employees

Purpose:  To calculate annual salary base for hourly employees in ctcLink.

Audience: Benefits Administrator.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Benefits Reporting

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

LTD Salary Base Calculation for Hourly Employees

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

  1. The Query Viewer page displays. In the 'begins with' field, enter the query name:  QHC_PY_HOURS_PAID.
  2. Click the Search button.
  3. In the Query grid results area, select the HTML link on the QHC_PY_HOURS_PAID row.
  4. Enter the following parameters:
    1. Company
    2. First Pay Period End Date
    3. Last Pay Period End Date

NOTE:  Salary Base Calculation for hourly employees is determined using average number of hours per month for which employee was compensated during the previous 12 months (or during the period of your coverage under the Group Policy if less than 12 months).

Continue entering the following parameters:

d.  Empl ID - If running this query for all hourly employees, leave the Empl ID blank.
    If running the query for a specific hourly employee, enter the Empl ID.

e.  Pay Group - enter the appropriate HXX pay group.

  1. Click the View Results button.
Query Parameter input page for Hours paid by pay period and employee ID
  1.  Review the information. if the initial results look acceptable, Download to Excel the query results and open the file.
  2. In Excel, apply a filter to access data for HRY Earning Code.
Excel file with query results downloaded, filter applied to Earnings Code column
  1. For employees enrolled in Optional LTD plan, sum up hours worked during previous 12 months (or during the period if worked less than 12 months).
Excel file with Total hours for year and average monthly hours summarized
  1. Multiply the resulting total hours times employee’s current hourly rate of pay rate
    (example: 1228.50 total hours * $40/hour = $49,140)
  2. Update the employee’s Annual Benefit Base Rates (ABBRs) (Navigation: Benefits>Employee/Dependent Information>Update ABBRs).
    For assistance on this step, refer to the QRG at the following link:
    9.2 Review and Update ABBRs  
  3. The Update ABBRs screen should reflect the calculated salary (example:  $49,140).  
Update ABBRs page reflecting ABBR from Excel

NOTE: Calculated annual benefit base salary is divided over 12 months to determine average monthly rate which is then used in LTD deduction calculation.

NOTE: When processing any job data updates for an hourly employee enrolled in Optional LTD benefit plan, please additionally review and correct employee’s LTD salary base on ABBRs (Annual Base Benefit Rate) screens.


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