9.2 Running the Savings Age Catch Up Extension

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to run the Age 50 Extensions for 403b and 457 savings plans in ctcLink.

Audience:  Benefits Administrator.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Benefits Enrollments

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The Savings Age Catch Up Extension process identifies the employees who are age 50 or more and it creates Age-50 limit extension records that increase the 402(g) Savings Plan limits, the 457 Savings Plan limits, or both for elective deferrals as authorized by IRS regulations. 

This process should be run prior to each payroll processing.

Running the Savings Age Catch Up Extension

Navigation:  Benefits > Monitor Savings Pln Extensions > Savings Age Catch Up Extension

  1. The Savings Age Catch Up Extension run control ID search page displays.
  2. Enter the Run Control ID or select Add a New Value.
  3. Select the Search button.
  1. The Savings Age Catch Up Extension page displays.
  2. In the As of Date field enter the last day of current calendar year (ex. 12/31/24). While this process needs to be run prior to each payroll processing cycle throughout the year, the As of Date should always be the last day of current calendar year. The only exception is when completing this process for 12B payroll processing cycle, in which case users should use the last day of next calendar year (ex.12/31/25).
  3. Enter the Company or select from the search icon.
  4. Enter the Empl ID if needed.

NOTE: You can run this on individual employees if needed, but typically you will run it for the entire company.

  1. Within the Limit Type Extension, select the following Limit Types: 402(g) Limit, and 457 Limit.
    - Add the first limit type by using the drop-down menu and selecting 402(g) Limit.
    - Add a New Row by selecting the [+] icon.
    - In the new row, again click the drop-down menu and select 457 Limit.
  2. Select the Run button.
    By selecting Run, the system automatically saves your Run Control and Report Request Parameters.
    However, if you are not able to run the process now, you can select the Save button to capture the information entered so far. When it is time to run the process, use the Find an Existing Value in the search page.
Savings Age Catch Up Extension page with As of Date, Company, Limit Type with new row added, and Run button highlighted.
  1. Select OK at the following warning message: Warning - Verify the latest Age Limit Extension Amounts on the Limit Table, (3000, 179)
Warning message for limit extension amounts

NOTE: The Annual Cap Expansion amounts are now accessed and applied directly from the Limit Table which is maintained by SBCTC Central Payroll.

For more information about the Annual Cap Expansion amounts, please refer to the IRS Retirement Plans > Topic Index > Retirement Topics 403(b) Contribution Limits for catch-up contribution limits based on the year!


  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  2. Select the OK button.
  3. The Savings Age Catch Up Extension page displays.
  4. Make note of the Process Instance number.
  5. Select the Process Monitor link.
  6. The Process Monitor page displays.
  7. From the Process List tab, select the Refresh button until the Run Status = Success and Distribution Status = Posted.
Process List tab and page

The process to run the Savings Age Catch Up Extension is now complete.

End of procedure.


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