DRS Interface and Transmittal
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to understand the DRS interface and transmittal's relationship to jobs and payroll at a high level in ctcLink.
Audience: Benefits Administrators, Payroll Administrators, HR Administrators.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC Payroll Data Maintenance
- ZD DRS Processing Inquiry
- ZD HR Local Config Vw
- ZZ DRS Processing
- ZZ HR Local Configuration
- ZZ Payroll Data Maintenance
- ZZ Payroll Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
DRS Interface and Transmittal

DRS Calendars
Navigation: Set Up HCM > CTC Custom > DRS Calendar
- The DRS Calendar search page displays.
- Enter an existing Company and Calendar ID or select the Add a New Value tab to create a new one.
- Enter the Company or leave blank to return all values.
- Enter the Calendar ID or leave blank to return all values.
- Select the Search button.
- Custom tables were created in PeopleSoft to accommodate the need for a calendar that defines the actual number of hours worked in a day for an Empl Class as well as the number of days worked in a given month for the year
- This was needed because DRS expects retirement funding to be reported “as earned” as opposed to “as paid”.
- Every calendar number is unique to an Empl Class as well as a college; for instance here are calendar numbers associated with colleges and Empl Class:
- Tacoma has: Full-Time Faculty (01), Correctional Faculty (02), Part-Time Faculty (03)
- Spokane has: Faculty (01), Classified (02), Exempt (03), Summer Faculty (04), Part-Time Faculty (05)
- These calendars used to be maintained by ERP, but going forward they are a local maintenance item and should be updated as part of Fiscal Year preparation activities at each college.
Assigning a DRS Calendar
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC HR Employee Maintenance
- ZD FWL HCM View Pay
- ZD HR Central Config VW
- ZD HR Admin View Job Data
- ZD Benefits Employee Data Inq
- ZD HR Employee Maintenance VW
- ZD HR Limited Person Job Info
- ZZ HR Employee Maintenance
- ZZ SS Workforce Administrator
- ZZ FWL HCM Pay Process
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
- The Job Data search page displays.
- Enter at least one criteria in an applicable field.
- Select the Search button.
- The Job Data page displays.
- A custom page in Job Data was created to accommodate information that was not delivered in PeopleSoft, and the DRS calendar falls into this tab named CTC Job Data.
- The field DRS Calendar needs to be populated with the college specific DRS Calendar code that is outlined by the custom tables which were defined in the setup page.
- The DRS Calendar chosen must correspond with the Empl Class as defined on the delivered PeopleSoft field Empl Class in the Job Information tab of Job Data.
Viewing the DRS Transaction Page
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD DRS Processing Inquiry
- ZZ DRS Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Benefits > CTC Custom > DRS Transaction
- The DRS Transaction search page displays.
- To use the page, the Benefits Admin will need to know the Empl ID or name of the employee they wish to examine and enter the needed information.
- If an employee is in a TIAA-CREF plan (i.e. they do not need a DRS calendar), then they will not be searchable on this page.
- Select the Search button.
- The DRS Transaction page displays.
- A custom page called DRS Transaction was created so that there was a way to keep track of transactions, and to be able to view them by employee easily.
- Required Payroll adjustments (i.e. adjustments for future payrolls) must be entered on the normal, delivered payroll pages, not on the DRS Transaction page (This is a change from legacy.).
- The informational page will display:
- Begin Date,
- Sent Date,
- Benefit Record,
- Plan Type,
- Benefit Plan.
- Upon retirement/separation these will populate:
- Separation Date,
- Retiree Type,
- Separation Sent.
- The inset DRS Reporting Period tab will display:
- Reporting Period,
- Reporting Period Sent,
- Version (if the pay end date ends in 15 then it’s 01, otherwise it’s 02),
- Pay End Date,
- Retirement Gross,
- Retirement Deductions,
- Retirement Contributions.
- DRS Transaction Detail further outlines everything associated with the payroll that was paid defined by the Pay End Date.
DRS Data Load from Payroll
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ DRS Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Benefits > CTC Custom > CTC Processes > DRS Data Load From Payroll
- The DRS Data Load From Payroll search page displays.
- Enter an existing Run Control ID.
- Select the Search button.
- The DRS Data Load from Payroll page displays.
- The Run Control ID displays based on the initial input.
- As of February 2023, the Process Request Parameters for this process is by Pay Run ID only. NOTE: This process is no longer run by Company and Pay Period End Date.
- Enter or select the Pay Run ID.
- Select the Run button.
This is a custom process designed to load payroll related retirement information into the DRS Transaction holding tables from the payroll that was most recently run.
This process is run by the colleges as part of their post payroll confirm processing.
Benefits Administrators should run this the working day after payroll confirms. (A Payroll staff person with access to Benefits' processes may run this process).
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- If the Server Name field is empty, enter or select PSUNX. Be sure the Select check box for the process is turned on.
- Select the OK button.
- The DRS Data Load From Payroll page displays.
- Make note of the Process Instance number, and select the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page displays.
- From the Process List tab, select the Refresh button periodically until the Run Status field is Success and the Distribution Status field is Posted.
- Select the Details link.
- The Process Detail page displays.
- Select the View Log/Trace link (under Actions, lower part of page).
- The View Log/Trace page displays.
- The log files are in the File List section of the page. Select the DRS_LOAD_ProcessInstanceNumber.log link. Be sure to look at both logs for information.
- A new window will open for each .log link.
- Research and resolve any messages displayed in log. Close the tab to close the file.
DRS Redistribution
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ DRS Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Benefits > CTC Custom > CTC Processes > DRS Redistribution
- The DRS Redistribution search page loads.
- Select the Search button.
- The DRS Redistribution page displays.
- The custom process DRS Redistribution was created to calculate retirement distribution data to then load to the DRS transaction holding table
- This performs the Redistribution process, displays in the Transaction Details,
- Also redistributes on a per pay period basis for those employees with a Separation date within that pay period and not previously sent to DRS or in the case where an employee has multiple jobs, having a job end or terminated, or no longer contributing or contract end date falls within the pay period.
- The process specifically does the following:
- Determine employees job DRS Calendar, job termination date, job contract end date to process redistribution for.
- Determine Compensation Hourly Rate for employee.
- Gather DRS Calendar Months and Day/Hours.
- Compute compensation rate multiply compensation hourly rate by computed hours from DRS calendar months. If calendar indicator equals days multiple FT hours per day by days in month.
- Take original rolled up earnings for reporting period subtracting computed amount from the previous step.
- Previous step amount will be placed in the Transaction detail section of the DRS page.
- Determine Proration Percentage amount for multiple jobs ( Total Earnings / Job Earnings).
- Take original Employee Deductions minus the new Prorated Deduction amounts in Ret Deduction column.
- Take original Employer Contributions minus the new Prorated Contribution amounts in Ret Contribution column.
- This process is run by colleges as part of their post payroll confirm processing.
- This process is run by the Benefits Administrator within about 2 days after the Data Load From Payroll has been run.
DRS Transmittal
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- <there are no college-assignable roles>
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: CTC Custom > CTC Interfaces > DRS Transmittal
- The DRS Transmittal search page displays.
- Enter the Run Control ID.
- Select the Search button.
- The DRS Transmittal page displays. The custom process DRS Transmittal creates a flat interface file to send to DRS and then sends it to DRS. This process is run by ERP as part of the all college post payroll confirm processing.
DRS Email to SBCTC
After the Check Register and Tax Deposit Summary have been completed, and the DRS Data Load from Payroll and DRS Distribution has been run, the Benefits Administrator must send an email to SBCTC to let them know all those processes have been completed and the information is ready to be sent to DRS.
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