Part-Time Faculty Benefits Reports

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for using the custom reports for part-time faculty benefits information in ctcLink.

Audience:  Benefits Administrator.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Benefits Reporting

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

NOTE: This report will total all FWL FTE’s from both Job and FWL to generate one totaled FTE.  Any jobs in Job Data that have an EMPL CLASS of Part Time Faculty will not be considered for Job purposes (as they are being taken from FWL), but any other Job Data that contains an EMPL CLASS outside of that will be added in.

For instance, if a PTF employee has three (3) jobs, two (2) of them with an EMPL CLASS of Part Time Faculty and one with an EMPL CLASS of Hourly, then it will add the FTE from FWL which contains the Contract Types that have the Benefit Eligibility box checked in FWL but will also add the Hourly Job’s Job Data FTE.

This means for PTF to correctly be represented on this report, all non-PTF EMPL CLASS Jobs must have a correct FTE maintained in Job Data.

PTF Benefit Eligibility Report

Navigation:  Benefits > CTC Custom > CTC Reports > PTF Benefit Eligibility Report

  1. The PTF Benefit Eligibility Report run control search page displays.
  2. Enter an existing run control, or Add a New Value if this is the first run by the user for this report.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The PTF Benefit Eligibility Report page displays. On the page, select the Company Code using the lookup icon.
  5. Use the radio buttons to select one of the following conditions (separate runs must be performed for each condition):
  6. PTF employees listed as Eligible but should be ineligible.
  7. PTF employees listed as Ineligible but should be eligible.
  8. PTF employees listed as Ineligible but may be eligible.
  9. Select the Run button.
  10. The Process Scheduler Request page displays. Select the OK button.
  11. The PTF Benefit Eligibility Report page displays.
  12. Make make note of the Process Instance number.
  13. Select the Process Monitor link.  The page will display.
  14. Select the refresh button periodically until the process CTC_BNELG_AE status is Success/Posted. NOTE: This can take a while, as there is a lot of information for it to process, anywhere up to and including 30 minutes.
  15. Select Go back to PTF Benefit Eligibility Report at the bottom of the Process Monitor.
  16. Select Report Manager at the top of the page.
  17. Select CTC_BEN_ELG  CTC_BEN_ELG.pdf. And then select CTC_BEN_ELG.pdf.
  18. The report lists the following fields for every applicable employee:  Name, Empl ID, Winter/Fall/Summer/Spring 20XX (past 2 years of quarters) %FT Elig

The process to run the PTF Eligibility Report is now complete.

PTF YRQ History Detail List

Navigation:  Benefits > CTC Custom > CTC Reports > PTF YRQ History Detail List

  1. The PTF YRQ History Detail List run control search page displays.
  2. Enter an existing Run Control ID, or Add a New Value if this is the first run by the user for this report.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The PTF YRQ History Detail List page displays. Select the Company code using the lookup.
  5. Select one of the radio buttons: All Years/Quarters  (this should rarely be used as it will take a long time to process), Quarter Range.
  6. If Quarter Range is chosen, a Begin Term and an End Term must be specified using the lookup.
  7. NOTE:  There is a check box at the bottom of the page which defaults to unchecked that, when checked, will include all jobs.  The default (unchecked) only looks at PTF jobs.
  8. Select the Run button.
  9. The Process Scheduler Request page displays. Select the OK button.
  10. The PTF YRQ History Detail List page displays. Select the Process Monitor link.
  11. Select Go Back to PTF History Detail List at the bottom of the Process Monitor.
  12. The PTF History Detail List page displays.
  13. Select the Report Manager link. The Report Manager page displays.
  14. Select CTC_PTFYRQ  CTC_PTFYRQ.xlsx.

The report lists the following fields for every applicable employee:  Name, Empl ID, YQR, Ben Pgm, Con Unit, % Full Time, Full Time Rate. It will list under YQR every Quarter included in the Begin and End Quarter Range.

The process to run the PTF YRQ History Detail List report is now complete.

PTF LTD Salary Base Calc Report

Navigation:  Menu > Benefits > CTC Custom > PTF LTD Report

  1. The PTF LTD Salary Base Calc Report run control search page displays.
  2. Enter an existing Run Control ID, or Add a New Value if this is the first run by the user for this report.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The PTF LTD Salary Base Calculation Report page displays.
  5. Select Company code using the lookup.
  6. As Of Date will default to the system date, change it if there is a different as of date that is of interest.
  7. Choose one of the following radio buttons: All Active PTF, Active PTF with Opt LTD.
  8. Empl ID(s)  (Empl IDs must be supplied by the user under this option).
  9. Select the Run button.
  10. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  11. Select the OK button.
  12. The PTF LTD Salary Base Calculation Report page displays.
  13. Select the Process Monitor link.
  14. Use the Process Monitor to wait for the process CTC_PTFLTDAE to show Success/Posted.
  15. Select Go Back to PTF LTD Salary Base Calc at the bottom of the Process Monitor.
  16. The PTF LTD Salary Base Calculation Report page displays.
  17. Select Report Manager at the top of the page.
  18. Select CTC_PTF_LTD  CTC_PTF_LTD.pdf
  19. The report lists the following fields for the applicable employees:
    • Name, Empl ID, Emp Type, Empl Rcd, Ben Pgm, LTD Plan.
    • For QTR1/2/3  Wages, Salary Base.
    • Every Empl ID has a line with the total Wages and Salary Base for all jobs combined for that college.

End of procedures.


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