9.2 Compensatory Time Payoff - End of Fiscal Year

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to enter the Comp Time hours to be paid out at the end of the fiscal year in ctcLink.  This process is typically done on the 06B payroll processing period.

Audience:  Time and Labor Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:


If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The process to payoff Comp Time balances consists of two (2) parts:

  • Part 1 - Run a public query to identify employees with a Comp Time hours balance and validate data. If determined that balance from previous fiscal year is due with the current fiscal year, process balance adjustments in the prior period via CTA (Comp Time Adjust).
  • Part 2 - For employees with Comp Time balance in the current fiscal year - enter the hours in employee's timesheet and submit for processing.

Comp Time Payoff


In order to payout via CTP (Compensatory Time Payoff) on June 30th, any necessary balance adjustment need to be processed in prior periods via CTA (Comp Time Adjust).

Comp Time Payout hours can only be entered into the employee’s timesheet by the Payroll/Time & Labor Administrator.

Part 1:  Run the PS Query to identify employees eligible for Comp Time Payoff

Navigation:   Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

  1. The Query Viewer search page displays.
  2. Enter the query name in the Begins with field (QHC_PY_COMP_PAYOUT_REPORT).
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. Search Results display.
  5. Select HTML to start the run process.
  6. The query opens in a new window.
  7. Enter your company code or select from the lookup icon.
  8. Select View Results, located on the upper left side of screen.
  9. The results displays.
  10. To download query results in Excel spreadsheet format, select Excel Spreadsheet option in Download Results.
  11. Review the results of the query and validate data.
  1. In addition to Comp Time balances per employee, the query output provides information about:
    • HR Status (A=Active, I=Inactive)
    • Job Effective Date/Sequence
    • Supervisor's Name
  2. Sort by Balance as of Date in the Excel spreadsheet.  This matches the Accrual Date shown in employee's Comp Time Detail screen for Leave/Compensatory Time.
  3. To quickly identify people  who most likely did not receive Comp Time balance payout last year, begin data review for employees that Balance as of Date (Accrual Date) is earlier or equal to 7/1 of the Current Year.
  4. If determined that a balance from previous fiscal year is due with the current fiscal year, process balance adjustments in the prior period via CTA (Comp Time Adjust).
  5. The next section demonstrates how to do the data review.

Navigation:  Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time > Timesheet

  1. The Timesheet search page displays.
  2. Enter the Employee ID in the Employee Selection Criteria section and select Get Employees.
  3. Select the employee's Last Name to open the Timesheet.
  4. Select Previous Period to navigate to the prior period Calendar Period
  5. Enter the appropriate (positive or negative) Comp Time hours balance in the time slot for a day that the employee did not report absence
  6. Select the CTA-Compt Time Adjust time reporting code from the drop down
  7. Select the Submit button.

NOTE: If the entry is made on a day when the employee took a full day absence, Time Administration will generate exception TLX01700 (TLX01700: Time is reported with Time Reporting Code CTA for Full day Absence).

  1. Balance adjustment via CTA (Comp Time Adjust) will be available for use or payout on the following reporting period, after the Time Administration engine processes the Timesheet.  As a reminder, Time Administration is scheduled to run nightly at 3AM and could be manually run at any time by Time and Labor Administrator.
Part 2:  For employees with Comp Time balance in the current fiscal year - enter the employee's Timesheet and submit for processing.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ HCM Manager
  • ZZ TL Process Time

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time > Timesheet

  1. The Timesheet search page displays.
  2. Enter the Employee ID in the Employee Selection Criteria section.
  3. Select the Get Employees button.  The Search Results displays.
  4. Select the employee's Last Name to open the Timesheet.
  5. The Timesheet page displays.
  6. Enter the Comp Time hours balance in the last day of the pay period  or any day of the last pay period of the fiscal year.
  7. Select the CTP-Compensatory Time Payout time reporting code from the drop down.
  8. Select the Submit button.
Manually Run Time Administration

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ TL Process Time

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Time and Labor > Process Time > Request Time Administration

  1. The Request Time Administration search page displays.
  2. On the Find an Existing Value tab, enter a Run Control ID to view information.
  3. Select the Search button.  
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Choose Run Control ID name/link.
  6. Check the box Use Reported Time for POI.
  7. Enter 6/30/Current year in Process through Date.
  8. Enter Employee ID in the section Employees To Process.
  9. Select Include from the *Include or Exclude Selection drop-down menu.
  10. Select the Run button.
  11. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  12. Select OK.
  13. The Request Time Administration page displays.
  14. Make note of the Process Instance number.
  15. Select the Process Monitor link.
  16. The Process Monitor page displays.
  17. Select the Refresh button until the Run Status = Success and the Distribution Status = Posted.
  18. Navigate to employee's Timesheet to verify Leave/Compensatory Time Recorded Balance has been adjusted accordingly and is down to 0-.

NOTE:  The Comp Time hours reported using the Time Reporting Code of CTP in the Timesheet will pay on the current paycheck.  The Comp Time hours balance will be reduced by the hours reported on the Timesheet.

The process to view and adjust compensatory time payoff for end of the fiscal year is now complete.


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