Voucher Mass Maintenance
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for using the voucher mass maintenance component to search for multiple vouchers for mass maintenance and select the maintenance operation you want to perform: field replacement, unposting, closing, or deleting in ctcLink.
Audience: Accounts Payable staff/supervisors
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AP Support (not college grantable)
- ZZ Voucher Entry (college grantable)
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The Voucher Mass Maintenance component allows you to search for multiple vouchers for mass maintenance and select the maintenance operation you want to perform: field replacement, unposting, closing, or deleting.
*Note: Oracle recommends granting access to the Voucher Mass Maintenance component exclusively to system administrators or other authorized users.
Voucher Mass Maintenance Processing of Field Replacement
The Voucher Mass Maintenance process performs the following processing for field replacement:
- Selects and updates voucher tables with the new field values.
- Sets the voucher entry status to M or modified.
- Resets budget checking status to Not Budget Checked
- Deletes scheduled payments records (only for a Payment Terms field replacement).
You must run the Voucher Build process to edit the replaced field values and complete the vouchers.
The following vouchers are excluded:
- Vouchers that have been posted, selected for payment, or paid, fully or in part.
- Third Party Vouchers.
- Uncompleted registered vouchers.
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Maintain > Voucher Mass Maintenance
- The Voucher Mass Maintenance page displays. In the Search Criteria section, enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values to select voucher for mass maintenance. Use the plus sign icon [+] to add additional rows.
- Use the Filter Criteria drop down menu arrow to select action of Vouchers to be Field Replaced.
- Select the Search button to retrieve the vouchers that meet your search criteria.
- The Search Results will populate below. Select the vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and select the Field Replace button.
- The Field Replace window displays. Enter a Request ID and Request Description.
- Enter the fields whose values you want to replace and the new values.
- Select an Action to run one of the following on-demand processes:
- Mass Maintenance - which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to update the voucher tables and sets the voucher entry status to M or modified.
- Voucher Build - which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process tasks, and runs the Voucher Build process to edit the vouchers and update the voucher tables.
- Select the Run button.
Note: If you have selected Mass Maintenance, then run the Voucher Build process afterwards.

After the process is completed, a message appears informing you that the process was successful.

The Voucher Mass Maintenance process calls the Voucher Delete Application Engine process to perform the following processing:
- Deletes vouchers from the voucher tables.
Note: The voucher row remains in the voucher tables, but the voucher ID is marked as unavailable. This is irreversible.
- Deletes corresponding match exceptions and match details records.
- Deletes corresponding duplicate invoice records.
- Resets the budget checking status of the voucher to Not Checked.
The following vouchers are excluded:
- Vouchers that are posted, selected for payment, or paid in part or full.
- Vouchers in Matched status.
- Vouchers having any scheduled payments selected by the Pay Cycle process or on hold for netting processing.
- Vouchers that are associated with a debit memo adjustment voucher if the debit memo adjustment voucher has not been deleted.
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Maintain > Voucher Mass Maintenance
- The Voucher Mass Maintenance page displays. In the Search Criteria section, enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values to select voucher for mass maintenance. Use the plus sign icon to [+] add additional rows.
- Use the Filter Criteria drop down menu arrow to select action of Vouchers to be Deleted.
- Select the Search button to retrieve the vouchers that meet your search criteria. Enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values to select vouchers for mass maintenance. Select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and select the Delete button.
- The Delete window displays. Enter a Request ID and Request Description.
- Select the Action drop-down menu to Mass Maintenance, which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to Maintenance search page, some of the vouchers you selected may be ineligible for deletion. The page informs you of the number of vouchers you selected and the number of these which are eligible for deletion.
- Select the Run button.
WARNING - Once you select the Run button, the vouchers will be deleted immediately from the system.
After the process is completed, a message appears informing you that the process was successful.
The Voucher Mass Maintenance process calls the Voucher Close Application Engine process to perform the following processing:
- Updates the voucher close status to closed and updates manual close date entered on the Voucher Mass Maintenance.
You must run the Voucher Posting process to create the closure accounting entries.
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Maintain > Voucher Mass Maintenance
- The Voucher Mass Maintenance page displays. In the Search Criteria section, enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values to select voucher for mass maintenance. Use the plus sign icon to [+] add additional rows.
- Use the Filter Criteria drop down menu arrow to select action of Vouchers tthat can be Closed.
- Select the Search button to retrieve the vouchers that meet your search criteria. Enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values to select vouchers for mass maintenance. Select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and select the Close button.
- The Close window displays. Enter a Request ID and Request Description.
- Enter a date as the Manual Close Date or system will default today’s date. The system validates that the close date occurs in an open accounting period.
NOTE: With Commitment Control enabled, you can close PO vouchers with the Mass Maintenance functionality, but you cannot restore encumbrances. Review any associated purchase orders
- Select to run one of the following on-demand processes:
- Mass Maintenance - which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to update the voucher tables and mark the vouchers for closure.
- Voucher Post - which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process tasks, and runs the Voucher Posting process to close the vouchers and update the voucher tables.
- Journal Generator - which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance and the Voucher Posting processes tasks and run a process that creates PeopleSoft General Ledger journal entries.
- Select the Run button.
Note: For performance reasons, it is not recommended to run Journal Generator when you are processing more than five vouchers.
After the process is completed, a message appears informing you that the process was successful.
The Voucher Mass Maintenance process calls the Voucher UnPost Application Engine process to perform the following processing:
- Updates voucher status to unposted and updates the accounting date.
- Posts reversal entries (with the reversal accounting date selected on the Voucher Mass Maintenance - UnPost page) to the voucher accounting tables.
- Updates the ENTRY_STATUS from 'D' or Defaulted to 'M' or Modified.
Vouchers must meet the following requirements:
- Vouchers must be posted
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Maintain > Voucher Mass Maintenance
- The Voucher Mass Maintenance page displays. In the Search Criteria section, enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values to select voucher for mass maintenance. Use the plus sign icon to [+] add additional rows.
- Use the Filter Criteria drop down menu arrow to select action of Vouchers to be Unposted.
- Select the Search button to retrieve the vouchers that meet your search criteria. Enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values to select vouchers for mass maintenance. Select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and select the Unpost button.
- The Unpost window displays. Enter a Request ID and Request Description.
- Select a new accounting date for the unposted vouchers in the Update Voucher group box. The system validates that the date occurs in an open accounting period.
- Select the accounting date for the reversal accounting entries in the Reversal Accounting Date group box.
- Select to run one of the following on-demand processes:
- Mass Maintenance - which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to update the voucher tables and unpost the vouchers.
- Journal Generator - which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process tasks, and run a process that creates PeopleSoft General Ledger journal entries.
- Select the Run button.
Note: For performance reasons, it is not recommended to run the Journal Generator on demand process when you are processing more than five vouchers.
After the process is completed, a message appears informing you that the process was successful.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates one of the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Voucher Mass Maintenance. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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