9.2 Setting Up Supplier ACH/EFT Payment
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC Supplier Entry
- ZD Accounts Payable Inquiry
- ZD Purchasing Inquiry
- ZZ Supplier Entry
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
A Supplier must be set up to receive ACH or EFT payment before the voucher is created.
- Navigate to the Payables Options page: Navigation: Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier
- The Supplier Information search page displays.
- Enter the SetID 'WACTC' and the Supplier ID.
- Select Search and then select the desired Search Results.

- The Summary tab displays. Select the Correct History button at the bottom of the page.
- Select the Location tab.

- The Location tab displays.
- In the Details section, among the the Options links, select the Payables link.

- The Payables Options window displays.
- Select Expand All.
On the Payables Options page, note the toggle buttons Expand All or Collapse All and the highlighted arrows below.
- Scroll down to view the Additional Payables Options section.
- In the Bank section, accept the default values. This is the location bank information.
- In the Additional Payment Information section,
- Select *Pay Method Options = “Specify”.
- Select Payment Method= "Automated Clearing House ".
- Select *Layout Option = Specify
- Select Layout = CCD+ Pay Cycle (if you want to pay through the pay cycle in AP), CCD+ Gateway (it pays through Cash Management.
- Scroll down to view the Electronic File Options section.
- In the Pre-Notification section, select the Prenotification Required box, if needed. If the Prenotification Required check box is selected and the prenote status is New. The prenote is created, during the next pay cycle that includes EFT or ACH payments for the vendor's bank, the system changes the prenote status to Pending, and populates the prenote Date field with the date on which the prenote was created by AP Pay Cycle. After 10 days, the system automatically confirms a supplier ACH Prenote. Note: With the Prenotification option selected, you cannot generate an actual ACH payment for this supplier location until it is marked as Confirmed.
Note: Select Confirm to manually confirm a supplier location for EFT or ACH payment.

- Scroll down to view the Supplier Bank Account Options section.
- Fill out the supplier banking information in the Supplier Bank Accounts section.
- Add Description, if there are more than one information.
- Select Bank ID Qualifier = “001”.
- Add supplier bank routing number in the Bank ID field.
- Add supplier bank account number in the Bank Account Number field.
- Select DFI Qualifier = “01”.
- Add supplier bank routing number in the DFI ID field.
Optional to select the Payment Notification drop down arrow to select the boxes to enable Email Payment Advice or Remittance Advice.
Note: In Pay Cycle preferences, make sure to check the boxes: "Email Payment Advice" and "Print Email ACH/EFT Advice".
- Scroll to the bottom of the Payables Options page and select OK to return to the Supplier location page.

- The Payables Options window disappears.
- The Location tab page displays.
- Banking information form, provided by the supplier, needs to be attached in the Attachment link on the right side of the Location.
- Select Save.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Setting Up Supplier ACH Payment. This link will open in a new tab/window.
- Navigate to the Payables Options page. Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier
- The Supplier Information search page displays.
- Enter Supplier ID.
- Select Search and then select the desired Search Results.

- The Summary tab displays. Select the Correct History button at the bottom of the page.
- Select the Location tab.

- The Location tab displays.
- In the Details section, among the the Options links, select the Payables link.
- The Payables Options window displays.
- Select Expand All.
- In the Bank section, accept the default values.
- In the Additional Payment Information section, select Payment Method = "Electronic Funds Transfer".
- At the bottom of the window, select OK.

Optional to select the Payment Notification drop down arrow to select the boxes to enable Email Payment Advice or Remittance Advice.
- The Payables Options window disappears. The Location tab displays.
- Select Save.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Accounts Payable Entry
- ZZ Voucher Approval Entry
- ZZ Voucher Entry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
- Next, navigate to the Voucher search page. Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry
- The Voucher search page displays.
- Enter Business Unit.
- Allow Voucher ID to default to "NEXT". The system will assign a unique, permanent ID later.
- Enter Voucher Style.
- Enter Supplier ID.
- Enter Supplier Location.
- Enter Invoice Date.
- Enter Gross Invoice Amount.
- Select the Tax Exempt Flag checkbox.
- Select Add.

- The Invoice Information tab displays. Use it to create a voucher. From this page you can enter or view invoice information, nonmerchandise charges and voucher line and distribution information.
- Enter Invoice No.
- Enter Accounting Date.
- Enter Invoice Date.
- In the Distribution Lines section, select the GL Chart tab. The Merchandise Amt field should show the same amount entered above.
- Enter Quantity.
- Enter Account.
- Select the Payments tab.
- The Payments tab displays.
- Enter Pay Terms.
- Enter Gross Amount.
- Ensure that Scheduled Due is blank.
- Allow the Payment Options section to default.
- Select the Layout link.
- The EFT Layout window displays. Use it to enter information to settle a payment through ctcLink Financial Gateway or Pay Cycle Manager.
- Select OK.

- The EFT Layout window disappears.
- Select Schedule Payments.
- Select Save.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Setting Up Supplier EFT Payment. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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