Enter a Quick Invoice
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for building a voucher from a Quick Invoice in ctcLink.
Audience: Accounts Payable staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Quick Invoice Entry
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The Voucher Build process can create vouchers from many sources of information, including Quick Invoice. Because the Quick Invoice component will likely be used by non-finance staff and faculty (if it is used at all) it is important to check the resultant voucher for completeness and accuracy.
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Quick Invoice Entry
- On the Quick Invoice Entry search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter or select Business Unit.
- Voucher ID will default to "NEXT". A Voucher ID will be assigned by the system later in the process.
- Enter or lookup Supplier by using:
- Supplier Name.
- Short Supplier Name.
- Supplier ID.
- Enter the Invoice Number.
- Enter the Invoice Date.
- Enter the Gross Invoice Amount.
- Optional to adjust the Estimated No. of Invoice Lines. The system defaults to 4 lines and only will save the lines completed.
- Select the Add button.
To create a Quick Invoice by copying a PO, select "Quick Invoice Template" as "Complete". This will enable PO Business Unit and PO Number fields to be selected.
Note the Quick Invoice Template defaults to "Simple" and Voucher Style defaults to "Regular Voucher".

- The Quick Invoice page displays.
- Verify the Supplier Invoice Address and update the Location to your local college as needed.
- Enter Sales Tax Amount or select the Tax Exempt box if applicable.
- Enter or lookup Payment Terms.
- On the Invoice Lines section, enter ChartField distribution details such as Description, Account, Fund, Dept, Class and State Purpose. Scroll the bar over to right to view all available fields.
- Select the Save button.
Add Comments or Attachments by selecting the links located on the right side of the Quick Invoice page.
- Notice that the system has assigned a Voucher ID. Select "Voucher Build" from the Action dropdown list.
If missing the Action menu option, you are missing Process Group from your User Preferences. From the QUICKVCHR Source Transaction, add the following groups to your user preferences:

- Select Run. The Process Monitor will display. Refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for additional instructions.
- Section complete.
Once voucher build process runs successfully on a quick invoice, the quick invoice can only be modified on Voucher Regular entry page
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry
- On the Voucher search page, select the Find an Existing Value tab.
- Enter or select Business Unit.
- Enter or Select "Quick Invoice" in Voucher Source.
- Select Search. The Voucher invoice information page displays with populated data fields from quick invoice.
- Add and/or update data details as needed and save.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Enter a Quick Invoice. This link will open in a new tab/window.
Dusty Burleson
In order to use the "Find and Modify a Quick Invoice Voucher" method, does a permission need to be given to the user? Once the quick invoice is batched, I as a department user cannot make changes to fields, add attachments or change the comment.
Thank you kindly,
Dusty Burleson (she/her)
Executive Assistant
Pierce College
Information Technology
Karen Ebert
Hi Dusty,
Appreciate your comment. Once voucher build process runs successfully on a quick invoice, the quick invoice can only be modified on the Voucher Regular Entry page. We have added this note to the existing QRG. For more information how to update an existing voucher, please see QRG Updating an Existing Voucher.
Karen Ebert - Functional Finance Trainer