Creating or Maintaining a Supplier

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create or maintain a supplier in ctcLink.

Audience: Accounts Payable Staff

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Supplier Entry
  • ZD Accounts Payable Inquiry
  • ZD Purchasing Inquiry
  • ZZ Supplier Entry

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Since Suppliers are "Global", only one W-9 form is required per Supplier. Please note, if a W-9 is already attached, you can make updates as needed. However, if a W-9 is not attached, please contact your vendor to attain a current W-9 and upload to the Supplier. 

Edit Information for a Supplier

Navigation: Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Add/Update Supplier

  1. The Supplier Information page displays.
  2. On the Find an Existing Value tab, enter or select "WACTC" in SetID.
  3. Enter or search for Supplier Name. In this example, search for a name that contains “college”.
  4. Select Search.  The Supplier Information search page will redisplay with the search results.
  5. In the Search Results section, select the Supplier.  The Supplier Information page will display.
Supplier Information page - Search Results displayed
  1. Summary tab of the selected Supplier will open with a message box. The message indicates the audit for the supplier fields are enabled and any updates to supplier will be recorded.
  2. Select OK.
Message box
  1. On the Summary page, select Correct History to allow modification of this record.
  2. Select the Address tab.  

In order to use the Correct History button, you must have the security role of ZC Supplier Entry. Contact your local IT or Supervisor to request access.

Supplier Information page - Summary tab
  1. On the Address tab, in the Supplier Address section, select the “+” to add a new address.  The Supplier Address page will redisplay with an empty address.  

Make sure the Correct History button is grayed out. Once selected, you are able to make modifications or corrections to pages.

Supplier Information page - Address tab
  1. In the Supplier Address section, the Address ID will pre-fill with the next sequential number.  In this example, "4".
  2. Enter Description.
  3. Enter Address 1.  Enter  Address 2 and Address 3 if appropriate.
  4. Enter Zip Code.  The City, State and County will be filled based on the Zip Code.  The Address will also be verified as a valid address.
  5. Enter Email ID if appropriate.
  6. Select Save.
Supplier Information page - Address tab

To modify an existing Address:

  1. Under the Supplier Address details section, do not change the old address to the new address as this will delete historical information.
  2. Select the “+” to get a new Address Detail section.
  3. Enter the new Effective Date.
  4. The Status of this address should be Active.
  5. Enter the new street/mailing address information.
  1. Once you select save, another window for “Preview Audit, Enter Reason Codes/Comments” will open to enter the reason code and comment for the update done in each field.

Note: You have to give the reason code & comment for each field you modified.

Preview Audit Enter Reason Codes Comments page
  1. Select a Reason Code using the magnifying glass.
Reason Code window
  1. Enter a Comment describing the reason for the change.
  2. Select OK.
Comment window
  1. A Message box will appear to submit the Vendor for Approval.
  2. Select OK to submit approval or Cancel to discard changes.
Message box for vendor approval
  1. If you select OK to submit Approval, the Approval Comments Box will appear to add Additional Details.
  2. Select OK.
Location tab
  1. The Vendor is submitted for Approval.  
  2. The User will be notified via Email and/or Worklist when the action will be taken by the Approver.

Optional to select the Approval History hyperlink to view the Supplier Approval History.

Identifying Information tab
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


View Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Edit Information for a Supplier. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Add Information for a New Supplier

Follow the Supplier Data Entry Convention Style Guide when adding a new vendor/supplier.

Note:  Supplier TIN's are required in 2 places for all suppliers; in the Additional ID Numbers section on the Identifying Information tab and on the Location tab. If the Supplier is also a 1099 vendor, then the TIN will be added while filling out the Global/1099 Withholding information on the Location tab.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Supplier

  1. On the Supplier Information page, select the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Enter or search for "WACTC" in SetID.
  3. Leave “Next” in Supplier ID for the system to assign the next sequential Supplier ID.
  4. Select Persistence from the following choices:
    1. One Time  Use this selection for a supplier that will only be used one time. After the one time use, the supplier will be inactivated automatically. However, it will still be available for re-activation if needed.  Note: A one-time supplier is different from a single payment supplier in that a one-time supplier adds rows to the supplier tables. A single payment supplier does not affect supplier tables and is used as the default master supplier for single payment vouchers.
    2. Permanent: Select for suppliers you know your organization will always use, even if not on a frequent basis. The supplier is not purged from the system unless you specifically request that they be archived in a supplier archive request. Only a select number of suppliers will be given this Persistence.
    3. Regular: This selection will be most of your suppliers. It is for a regularly used supplier that needs to be maintained for some time. Suppliers with this Persistence can be inactivated if not used. However, it will still be available for re-activation if needed.
    4. Single Payment Supplier: There is one Supplier that is already setup as a Single Payment Supplier. This option will not be available to any other suppliers.
  5. Select Add.  The Supplier page will display.
Supplier Information search page
  1. On the Supplier page, use the Identifying Information tab to enter the required (*) supplier information.
  2. Enter Supplier Name.
  3. Enter Additional Name.
  4. Enter Supplier Short Name.
  5. Select Classification from the following choices:
    1. Attorney: This classification is not being used.
    2. Employee: This classification is only used when you don’t have HCM module, therefore we will not be using it.
    3. HCM: This is the designation for a Payroll supplier. The HCM Class is required if you choose this classification.
    4. Outside Party: This will be most of your suppliers.
  6. Select HCM Class. The following classifications are for payroll suppliers:
    1. Garn Payee: This is for a garnishment supplier.
    2. General Deduction: This is for a general deduction supplier.
    3. General Provider: This is for payroll benefit suppliers.
    4. Imp Partner Provider: This HCM Class is not being used.
    5. Industrial Ins Board Provider: This HCM Class is not being used.
    6. National Health Serv Provider: This HCM Class is not being used.
    7. Tax Collector: This HCM Class is not being used.
  7. Select the Withholding checkbox to set Supplier up for 1099 withholding/reporting. See Withholding Supplier Update QRG for details.
  8. In the Supplier Relationships section, select the InterUnit checkbox and enter the InterUnit Supplier ID if this is an InterUnit supplier.
  9. In the Additional ID Numbers section, enter or search for "TIN" or" SSN" in Type. (Enter other identifiers such as UBI, DB, etc. if appropriate.)
  10. Enter ID Number.
  11. Select the Address tab.
Supplier page - Address tab
  1. On the Address tab, in the Supplier Address section, the Address ID number will be automatically filled with the next sequential number.
  2. Enter Description.  This is a free text field to describe the address.
  3. In the Details section, enter Country.
  4. Enter Address 1.  Enter Address 2 and Address 3 if appropriate.
  5. Enter Zip Code.  The City, State and County will be filled based on the Zip Code.  The Address will also be verified as a valid address.

Note: If you are adding more than one current address for this supplier (for example, the supplier has multiple sites), click the add button (+) in the Supplier Address group box to add a new row. To update address information for the supplier, click the add button (+) in the Details group box to add a new row. Because supplier information is effective-dated, you can insert new rows to reflect changes in address before the change goes into effect, so that you don’t forget to update this information later. To correct an erroneous address, enter the correct address in place of the incorrect one, and save your changes.

  1. Enter Email ID.  Enter the supplier’s email address. This is the address that the Email application engine process uses when you select the dispatch method of email in PeopleSoft Purchasing.
  2. In the Payments/Withholding Alt Names section, enter Alternate Names.

Use the Payment/Withholding Alt Names section (payment and withholding alternate names) section to specify alternate names for the supplier that can be used for payment and withholding purposes. When the system generates payments for the location that uses this address, it uses the alternate name information on the payment forms. Likewise, if you specify an alternate withholding name, the system uses this name on withholding reports instead of the name that you specified on the Identifying Information page.

  1. Select the Contacts tab.
Supplier page - Address tab
  1. On the Contacts tab enter contact information if available.
  2. Select the Location tab.
Supplier page - Contacts tab

Each school has been setup with a Location number and Description (refer to school listing). In order to utilize this supplier, a school must setup their location here and associate payment and address detail.

Note: Supplier “locations” in PeopleSoft are not addresses but “Business Units”. Within the Business Unit you can specify which addresses will be associated with the business unit.

  1. On the Location tab, enter Location.
  2. Enter Description.
  3. Select the Payables link.  The Payables Options page will display.
Supplier page - Location tab
  1. On the Payables Options page, enter the location in the Invoicing and Remitting addresses.
  2. For suppliers that have remittance addresses to a different supplier, select the supplier here (factoring).
  3. The following are additional options sections.  Select the arrows to expand the sections.
    1. Additional Payables Options section:  You can set definitions for the fields and controls that handle how the payment is done. Such as, Payment Control, Bank, Draft Processing Control, Additional Payment Information, Holiday Processing Options, Document Sequencing Type, and Late Charges.
    2. Matching/Approval Options section:  You can set definitions that handle the Workflow Approval, Matching Options and ERS Invoice Date.
    3. Electronic File Options section:  You can set definitions that handle Pre-Notification, Fund Transfer Details, Bank Charge Options, and Treasury Payment.
    4. Self-Billed Invoice Options section:  You can set definitions that handle SBI Numbering.
    5. Supplier Bank Account Options section:  You can enter the Bank information for the supplier.
    6. Supplier Type Options section: You can set the Preferred language along with the Primary Type and Service Type for the supplier.
    7. Debit Memo Options section: You can set the option to Allow Debit Memos along with Defaults, Dispatch Options and Address Options.
    8. Payment Notification section: You sent an e-mail address to receive a payment advisory.
  4. Select OK.  The Payables Options page will close.
Payables Options page
  1. On the Supplier page, select the Procurement link.  The Procurement Options page will display.
Supplier page - Location tab
  1. Use the Procurement Options page to enter the location to the Ordering, Pricing, Returning and Ship From addresses.
  2. Select OK.  The Procurement Options page will close.
Procurement Options page
  1. On the Supplier Page, select the Global/1099 Withholding link.  The Withholding Supplier Information page will display.
Supplier page - Location tab
  1. Under the Details section, expand the Additional ID Numbers section.
  2. Select or enter the Type = 'TIN'.
  3. Enter the Taxpayer ID Number.
  4. Select Save.
Location tab
  1. To add the TIN for a non-1099 vendor, select the Identifying Information tab.
  2. Expand the Additional ID Numbers section.
  3. Input the type 'TIN'.
  4. Enter the Taxpayer Identification Number.
  5. Select Save.
Identifying Information
  1. Use the Withholding Supplier Information page to specify withholding options for the supplier location.
  2. Select OK.  The Withholding Supplier Information page will close.
Withholding Supplier Information page
  1. On the Supplier page, select Save.
Supplier page
  1. A Message box will appear to submit the Vendor for Approval.
  2. Select OK to submit approval or Cancel to discard changes.
Location tab
  1. If you select OK to submit Approval, the Approval Comments box will appear to add Additional Details.
  2. Select OK.
Location tab
  1. The Vendor is submitted for Approval.
  2. The User will be notified via Email and/or Worklist when the action will be taken by the Approver.

Optional to select the Approval History hyperlink to view the Supplier Approval History.

Identifying Information tab
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


View Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Add Information for a New Supplier. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Setup Withholding Suppliers
  1. On the Supplier page, select the Identifying Information tab.
  2. Select the Withholding checkbox to enable withholding for this supplier.
  3. Select the Location tab.
Supplier page - Identifying Information tab
  1. On the Location tab, select the Global/1099 Withholding link.  The Withholding Supplier Information page will display.

NOTE: If Withholding is checked, all locations must have the Global/1099 Withholding grid completed.

Supplier page - Location tab
  1. On the Withholding Supplier Information page, select the Main Information tab in the Withholding Information section.
  2. Enter or select the Withholding Entity to which the withholding amounts are reported. The withholding entity is the tax authority. You can define more than one entity for a single supplier location.
  3. Enter or select the Withholding Type. For each withholding type, there may be classes and categories associated with that type.
  4. Enter or select the Withholding Jurisdiction for this type of withholding. The Jurisdiction field enables you to define where the supplier is located or where the transaction took place.
  5. Indicate which jurisdiction is the default by selecting the Default Jurisdiction check box in that jurisdiction’s row. You can select more than one row as the default jurisdiction. However, you must select at least one row as the default jurisdiction or the withholding defaults are not copied to the invoice.
  6. Enter or select the Default Withholding Class for this type of withholding.
  7. Enter or select the Withholding Status for this withholding class combination or supplier location.
  8. Select the Overrides tab.
Withholding Supplier Information page
  1. On the Overrides tab, for Hold Pay Indicator, accept the default from the control hierarchy, or select "Specify" to override the default and activate the Hold Payment field.
  2. Select Hold Payment from the following options:
    1. Hold All: Hold both the payment and the withholding amount for this supplier.
    2. No Hold: Do not hold payments for this supplier.
    3. Wthd Only (withhold only): Hold only the withholding amount.
  3. For Withholding Rule Indicator, accept the default from the control hierarchy, or select "Specify" to override the default and activate the Rule field.
  4. Select Withholding Rule. The withholding rule describes the actions to be taken during withholding.
  5. Select the Withholding Condition for this withholding class combination and supplier location. Some suppliers enjoy special withholding privileges. This privilege is termed exoneration and enables the supplier to be withheld less than other suppliers. For instance, a supplier may have a condition that stipulates that only half of the regular amount be withheld during the first six months of the year. These three fields provide a way to specify an exoneration percentage and expiration date for the exoneration at the supplier level:
    1. Exempt: The supplier is completely exempt from withholding. The Condition Percent field should be 100.00. Enter the date until which this supplier is exempt, in the Valid Until field.
    2. Exonerate: The supplier is withheld less than other suppliers. Enter the exoneration percentage in the Condition Percent field. Enter the date until which this supplier is exonerated, in the Valid Until field.
    3. None: The supplier is neither exempt nor exonerated from withholding. The Percent and Valid Until fields should be blank.
  6. Enter Condition % if appropriate.  For a location with a withholding condition of Exonerate, enter the percentage of withholding from which the supplier is exonerated.  For a location with a withholding condition of Exempt, enter the 100.00.
  7. Enter Condition Valid Until if appropriate.  For a location with a withholding condition of Exempt or Exonerate, enter the date until which the supplier is exonerated or exempt.
  8. Select the Withhold if missing checkbox to activate withholding for this withholding class combination for supplier location.
  9. Select the Remit tab.
Withholding Supplier Information page
  1. On the Remit tab, enter or select Withholding Entity or Supplier to indicate to whom you remit withholding payments for this supplier location.
  2. Enter or select Remit Supplier.  Select the supplier to whom you want to remit withholding information.
  3. Enter or select Remit to Location. Select the supplier’s remit to location.
  4. Enter or select Remitting Address.  Select the supplier’s remitting address.
  5. In the Withholding Reporting Information section, select the Main Information tab.
Withholding Supplier Information page
  1. On the Main Information tab, enter or select the Withholding Entity to which the withholding information is reported. You can define more than one entity for a supplier location.
  2. Enter or select Address Seq. Select the supplier’s address from the addresses defined on the Supplier Information Address page. The entity needs the supplier’s address.
  3. Enter or select TIN Type. Select the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) type for the supplier from these options:
    1. F: Federal Employer ID Number.
    2. S: Social Security Number.
  4. Enter or select the supplier's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for the withholding entity.
  5. Select the Additional Info tab.
Withholding Supplier Information page
  1. On the Additional Info tab, select the Direct Sales of $5000 or More checkbox if you had more than $5,000.00 USD worth of direct sales with this supplier.
  2. Select the IRS Notified Twice of Invalid checkbox if the IRS has informed you twice that the TIN number that your supplier gave you is not valid.
  3. Enter the amount of State Income tax Withheld for this supplier.
  4. Enter the Withholding Control Name as defined by the IRS. It is usually the first four characters of the surname of the payee. The control name is included in the file provided to the IRS.
  5. Select the Trade or Business Income Ind checkbox to indicate whether the withholding involves trade or business income for IRS 1099-G (Government Payments) reporting.
  6. Enter the amount of Foreign Tax Paid for IRS 1099-INT (Interest Income) reporting.
  7. Enter Country Paid. This is the country to which the foreign tax was paid for IRS 1099-INT (interest Income) reporting.
  8. Select the TIN Match tab.
Withholding Supplier Information page
  1. On the TIN Match tab, select the Match TIN checkbox if you have used the IRS online matching process. If the checkbox is selected, then the TIN Match Code is set to "0" and the TIN Match Status set to "Matched".
  2. TIN Match Status displays the various options which include New, Pending, Matched or Error. TIN Match Status is set using the results of the batch verification or is set to Matched if the online verification is used.
  3. TIN Match Code displays the match code returned by the IRS. The valid TIN Match Codes are as follows:
    1. 0: TIN and Name match
    2. 1: TIN missing or entered incorrectly
    3. 2: TIN entered is not currently issued
    4. 3: TIN and Name do not match
    5. 4: Invalid TIN matching request
    6. 5: Duplicate TIN matching request
    7. 6: TIN Match found only on SSN (Social Security Number)
    8. 7: TIN Match found only on EIN (Employer Identification Number)
    9. 8: TIN Match found on both the SSN and EIN
  4. The IRS assigns an IRS Tracking Code to every file you download. If you enter the tracking code when the file is loaded into PeopleSoft, the supplier/location can be tracked enabling you to tie the TIN to a bulk file.
  5. Match Date is the date you enter when the file is uploaded. If the TIN was manually matched, you can enter the match date from the Interactive TIN matching process. The Match Date can be entered only if the Match TIN check box is selected.
  6. The Manually Matched checkbox is selected by the system if the match was done through the online matching process.
  7. Select OK.  The Withholding Supplier Information page will close.
Withholding Supplier Information
  1. On the Supplier page, select Save.
Suplier page - Location tab

Note: If you are adding Withholding to an existing Supplier, then it will be followed by the next steps:

  1. Another window for “Preview Audit, Enter Reason Codes/Comments” will open to enter the reason code and comment for the update done in each field.

Note: You have to give the reason code & comment for each field you modified.

Preview Audit Enter Reason Codes Comments page
  1. Select a Reason Code using the magnifying glass. Repeat as needed.
Reason codes
  1. Enter a Comment describing the reason for the change. Repeat as needed.
  2. Select OK.
Comment page
  1. A Message box will appear to submit the Vendor for Approval.
  2. Select OK to submit approval or Cancel to discard changes.
Message box
  1. If you select OK to submit Approval, the Approval Comments box will appear to add Additional Details.
  2. Select OK.
Approval Comments pagelet
  1. The Vendor is submitted for Approval.
  2. The User will be notified via Email and/or Worklist when the action will be taken by the Approver.

Optional to select the Approval History hyperlink to view the Supplier Approval History.

Supplier Approval History
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


View Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Setup Withholding Suppliers. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Factoring Suppliers
  1. On the Supplier page, select the Location tab.
  2. Select the Payables link.  The Payables Option page will display.
Suplier page - Location tab
  1. On the Payables Options page, enter or select Supplier in the Remitting section.  
  2. Expand the Additional Payables Options by selecting the arrow to the left. The Supplier page will redisplay with the Additional Payables Options section expanded.
Payables Options page
  1. In the Additional Payables Options section, select the Factoring checkbox in the Payment Control area.
  2. Select OK.  The Additional Payables Options page will close.  
Payables Options page with the Additional Payables Options section expanded
  1. On the Supplier page, select Save.
Supplier page
  1. A Message box will appear to submit the Vendor for Approval.
  2. Select OK to submit approval or Cancel to discard changes.
Message box
  1. If you select OK to submit Approval, the Approval Comments box will appear to add Additional Details.
  2. Select OK.
Approval Comments
  1. The Vendor is submitted for Approval.
  2. The User will be notified via Email and/or Worklist when the action will be taken by the Approver.

Optional to select the Approval History hyperlink to view the Supplier Approval History.

Supplier Approval History
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


View Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Factoring Suppliers. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Payment Setup
  1. On the Supplier page, select the Location tab.
  2. Select the Payables link.  The Payables Options page will display.
Supplier page - Location tab
  1. On the Payables Options page, enter the Address in the Invoicing section.
  2. In the Remitting section, enter Supplier.
  3. Enter Address.
  4. Enter Location.
  5. For suppliers that have remittance addresses to a different supplier, select the supplier here.
Payables Options page
  1. Expand the Additional Payables Options section by selecting the arrow to the left.
  2. Use the Additional Payables Options section to define payment and draft control options for the supplier location.

NOTE:  Please refer to QRG 9.2 Setting Up Supplier ACH/EFT Payment to setup the Supplier's Payment Method to either ACH or EFT.

Payables Options page - Additional Payables Options section
  1. Expand the Electric File Options section by selecting the arrow to the left.
  2. Use the Electric File Options section to to specify the electronic file setup for this supplier location.
Payables Options page  - Electronic File Options
  1. Expand the Supplier Bank Account Options section by selecting the arrow to the left.
  2. Us the Supplier Bank Accounts section enter the Supplier's banking information.
Payables Options page  - Supplier Bank Account Options section
  1. Expand the Payment Notification Options section by selecting the arrow to the left.
  2. Use the Payment Notification Options section set up the Supplier's Payment Notification options.
  3. Select OK.  The Payables Options page will close.
Payables Options page - Payment Notification
  1. On the Supplier page, select Save.
Supplier page
  1. A Message box will appear to submit the Vendor for Approval.
  2. Select OK to submit approval or Cancel to discard changes.
Message box
  1. If you select OK to submit Approval, the Approval Comments box will appear to add Additional Details.
  2. Select OK.
Approval Comments
  1. The Vendor is submitted for Approval.
  2. The User will be notified via Email and/or Worklist when the action will be taken by the Approver.

Optional to select the Approval History hyperlink to view the Supplier Approval History.

Approval HIstory
  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


View Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Supplier Payment Setup. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Credit Card Purchase
  1. On the Supplier page, select Location tab.
  2. Select the Procurement link. The Procurement Options page will display.
  1. On the Procurement Options page, at the bottom expand Procurement Card Information section.
  1. In Procurement Card Information section, click the Accepts Procurement Card as payment method check box.
  2. Then select Contact Cardholder from the Procard Dispatch Option dropdown.
  3. In Types of Procurement Card Accepted section, select Visa as a Card Type.
  4. Select OK.
  1. Process complete.



I have an error message when I am in process adding new 1099 witholding supplier in location tab -how to fix this error: Cannot change current or history records unless in Correction mode. (15,1)

You have attempted to change a record that is effective dated, and the record contains an effective date that makes it either the current record or a historical record. Either use the Add (+) button to create a new record with a future effective date, or change your mode to Correction.

Karen Ebert

Hi Snezana,
That is a great question. In order to use the correct history mode and update the 1099 withholding information, you will need to have the security role of "ZC Supplier Entry" and will add this info to this QRG. Please reach out to your local IT or Supervisor to request access. Hope that helps.
Thanks again,
Karen Ebert

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