Submitting Vouchers for Approval
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for submitting voucher(s), one at a time or multiple in batch in mass, for approval in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Accounts Payable Inquiry
- ZZ Voucher Approval
- ZZ Voucher Entry
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry
- The Voucher search page displays. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
- Enter the Business Unit.
- Enter or lookup an existing Voucher ID. Optional to use additional Search Criteria field values.
- Select the Search button and select desired Voucher ID.
- The Invoice Summary page displays.
- Select the Invoice Information tab.
- Select the Submit Approval button.
- A pop-up box displays to enter any optional comments.
- Select the OK button to close the comment box.

- The Approval Summary tab displays.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Submit a Voucher for Approval. This link will open in a new tab/window.
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Approve > Batch Voucher Approval
- The Voucher Batch Approval Request search page displays.
- If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button.
- NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA150_SUBMIT_VOUCHER_BATCH (College, Process).
- The Voucher Approval Workflow page displays.
- Enter the Run Control Options:
- Request ID: 1 or local college business naming convention.
- Description: Voucher Approval workflow.
- From/To Invoice Date: enter specific date or date range.
- Select the Process Option field choices:
- Process all eligible vouchers - Do not use; includes all BU’s.
- Process Business Unit - to include all eligible vouchers for the specified BU (most common).
- Process Control Group - If Control Groups are in use.
- Process Supplier - use to specify BU and a Supplier ID.
- Process Voucher - use to specify BU and a specific Voucher ID.
- Process Voucher Origin - use to specify BU and an Origin (batch transaction, EDI, Online Entry, Payroll Vchrs, Purchasing, Student Admin).
- Process Voucher Source - use to specify BU and voucher source (ex: XML invoices (SF, single pymt), procurement cards, quick invoices, Excel Upload (Payables), etc.).
- Select the Process Business Unit in the Process Option field.
- Select the Save button. After saving, notice that the “View Vouchers” hyperlink appears. Select the link to see of list of vouchers that fit the run control criteria.
In this example, all eligible vouchers specific to the Business Unit for the date range entered will be submitted for approval.
- The Voucher Approval List page displays. Review the list of vouchers. The run control options can be revised if needed.
- Close the Voucher Approval List screen.

- The Voucher Approval Workflow page displays. If the Voucher Approval List is correct, run the process. Select the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays. Select the OK button. The Voucher Approval Workflow page displays. To view the status of the process and the process results (optional), select the Process Monitor hyperlink. Please refer to the Process Schedule Request steps for further instructions.

- Optionally, to confirm that the voucher(s) approval status is now "Pending", navigate to: Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Mass Submit Vouchers for Approval. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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