9.2 Maintaining Time Reporter Data

Purpose:  Maintain time reporter data in ctcLink.

Audience:  Time and Labor Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Admin Enroll Time Reporters
  • ZD TL Admin View Enrollment

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Each employee who will have time reported or created must be enrolled as a time reporter.  ctcLink Time and Labor enables you to update enrollment information for time reporters. 

The Maintain Time Reporter Data page enables you to update time reporter data and modify how the person will report time and how the system will process that time. 

Maintain Time Reporter Data

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Maintain Time Reporter Data

  1. The Maintain Time Reporter Data search page displays.
  2. Enter valid value into the Empl ID field.
  3. Select the Search button.
Maintain Time Reporter Data search page
  1. The Maintain Time Reporter Data page displays.
  2. Use the Maintain Time Reporter Data page to update and modify time reporter data.  In this example, you are adding an employee to a Time Reporter Group.  Normally, Group Membership is a nightly or adhoc refresh process that places employees into their appropriate groups based on dynamic group criteria
  3. Select the Group Membership link.
  4. Use the Time Reporter Group Membership page to view the list of dynamic groups that the time reporter is assigned to.
Maintain Time Reporter Data page
  1. The Time Reporter Group Membership pagelet displays.
  2. The Group Type can be either Dynamic or Static.  ctcLink is configured for Dynamic groups.
  3. Dynamic groups comprise time reporters who met the group selection criteria at the time you last refreshed the dynamic group. Time reporter are automatically added and removed from dynamic groups as their ability to match the selection criteria changes. This process is automated via a scheduled job.
  4. Static groups comprise time reporters who met a specific set of criteria at the time the group was established. Time reporters stay assigned to a static group unless you remove them.
  5. Select the Return button.
Time Reporter Group Membership
  1. The Maintain Time Reporter Data page displays.
  2. Time reporter data is effective dated.  If you need to make changes to the data, insert a new effective-dated row and update the data in the new record.
  3. Select the [+] button to add a new row.
Maintain Time Reporter Data page add a new row
  1. The Maintain Time Reporter Data page displays with new row.
  2. Notice the Effective Date is updated to current date.
  3. Make applicable updates/changes to the new row.
  4. Select the Save button.
Added row
  1. The process to maintain time reporter data is now complete.
  2. End of procedure.


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