OAAP Dashboard

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for viewing online application analytics using the OAAP Dashboard in ctcLink.

Audience: Admissions Staff.

This dashboard will provide the Admin an overview of the status of student admissions.   The dashboard displays the count of the In-Progress Applications and Submitted Applications.  In addition to providing counts, the dashboard allows the Admin to drill down to view lists of students and further to individual student applications.  

New OAAP Dashboard

Images shown in this reference guide may not reflect the current product as software updates may slightly alter these views.

  1. Enter the Username and Password.
    • When logging into the OAAP, type in the Username and Password. You will receive an "Invalid credentials" message if the Username and Password are pasted into the fields.
  2. Select the Sign In button—the OAAP Dashboard displays for the Admin.


  1. Select the calendar icon for the From field.  A calendar displays.
In progress Filter From and To dates
  1. Select the From date. In this example, November 1, 2020.
  2. Note that the totals and graphs have been updated to exclude records before November 1, 2020.
In-Progress Dashboard
  1. On the IN-PROGRESS APPLICATIONS chart, select the 11/2020 bar.  The In-Progress Applications page will display.  

The IN-PROGRESS APPLICATIONS chart displays the number of saved, but not submitted, applications grouped by month, for the past 12 months.

Select the Chart from the graph
  1. There is a Filter function on this page. Select the Filter icon.  A drop-down list will display.  
Filter the In-Progress applications
  1. It is possible to select an option from the drop-down list to further filter the records on this page.  The options are as follows:
    • Institution
    • Creation Date Range
    • Modified Date Range
    • All Applications
    • Active Applications
    • Inactive Applications
In-Progress applications filter selection displays
  1. Select the Download (cloud) Icon.  A dialog box will display with a choice to Open or Save the file.  
  2. Select the Cancel button. In this example, the file will not be opened or saved.  
  3. Select the browser's back button or Dashboard from the menu. The OAA Dashboard page will display.
Option to select the cloud and download the graph into an Excel file
  1. On the Application Status chart, select the Submitted Students.  The Student Applications page will display.

The Application Status chart displays the application count grouped by status.

Application Status graph displays
  1. Note that only 10 records display at a time.  Scroll through the records using the arrows at the bottom right of the page.
  2. Select the browser's back button or Dashboard from the menu.  The OAAP Dashboard page will display.
Sumitted Application Table in the ADMIN view
  1. On the Submitted Applications chart, select the 12-2020 bar.  The Submitted Applications page will display.

The Submitted Applications chart displays the number of submitted applications, grouped by month, for the past 12 months.

Select the Chart for Submitted Applications
  1. Select an Application ID to drill down to the individual student's application.  The application will display.
In progress table displaying student applications
Status Description
Submitted Application was Submitted
Active in Program Application has been Matriculated
Pending Application was Suspended
  1. Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through the Application.  
Image of completed application. ctcLink ID displays in upper-left corner
  1. Process complete.


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