OAAP General Application with a Fee

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to submit an admissions application with a fee in ctcLink.

Audience: Prospective students and Admissions Staff

You can find the link to the Online Admissions Application on your college's website.

If you have already created a User Name and Password for the Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP), you can enter your User Name and Password and finish completing your application.

If you have not created an account for OAAP, follow the instructions in the first two foldable sections of 9.2 New OAA-P Submitting an Admissions Application. Users may not register more than one account per email address. Students can apply to more than one college using the same OAAP account.

If you are a returning student logging in with your ctcLink credentials and need to make corrections to your address, email, and phone information, you will need to do this in ctcLink before applying for admissions. If you do not remember your ctcLink account information, please contact the college directly.

Submitting an Admissions Application

Images shown in this reference guide may not reflect the current product as software updates may slightly alter these views.

Create a New Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP) Account

If you have already created a Username and Password for the Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP), you can enter your Username and Password to finish completing your application.  

If you forgot your Username or Password, please refer to the 9.2 New OAAP Forgot Username and Password? QRG.

If you have not created an account for the OAA, follow the instructions below.

  1. Select the Create an Account button.
Create account link

*NOTE: The fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields. Be sure you keep your username and password and the answers to your security questions in case you need to complete your application at a later time.

  1. Create a Username and Password.
  2. Confirm the Password.
Create username and password
  1. In the next section, enter the personal information.
  2. Select the Submit button.
Personal information
  1. The Security Questions page displays.
  2. Complete the Security Questions section by selecting each question from the drop-down menu on the left and entering the answer to the right. Make sure to keep the questions and answers for future reference if needed.
  3. Check the I'm not a robot box.
  4. Select the Register button.
Security questions page
  1. The Registration OTP page displays.  It is used to validate the email address provided in the application.  Go to the associated email account, locate the email with the OTP (one time password) and enter it on this page.  Make sure to check the spam folder if you do not see it in the inbox.
  2. Enter the OTP provided.
  3. Select the Validate OTP button.
Validate OTP page
  1. The OTP Verified Successfully message displays.
  2. Select the Login Here button.
OTP Verified
  1. The Welcome to Online Admissions Application page displays.
  2. Enter your Username and Password.
  3. Check the I'm not a robot box.
  4. Select the Login button.
Welcome to OAA login
  1. A Captcha screen displays.  Follow instructions provided.
  2. Select the Verify button.
Captcha screen
  1. The Welcome page displays again.
  2. Select the Login button.
Login button
  1. The Start a New Application page displays.
  2. Complete all required fields designated with an asterisk (*).
  3. Select the Sub-Plan from the drop-down menu if applicable. Academic Sub-Plans are optional and not required to submit an Online Admissions Application successfully.
  4. Select the Apply button.
Start a New Application page

If you are a returning student logging in with your ctcLink credentials and need to make corrections to your address, email, and phone information, you will need to do this in ctcLink before applying for admissions. If you do not remember your ctcLink account information, please contact the college directly.

  1. The application page now displays and is defaulted to the Personal Information section.  Notice there is also a progress bar across the top to indicate how far the application has been completed.
  2. There are links on the far left side that highlight when the cursor hovers over them:
    • Start a New Application
    • Instructions Guide
    • In-Progress Applications
    • Submitted Applications
  3. Go to the Completing the Application section of the QRG to continue the application.
Application page
  1. Section complete.
Completing the Application

Page Order and Pages Required may differ based on college and admit type. This reference guide will review each page but users may need to skip down to find the appropriate section based on their selections.

As noted in the previous section, the Personal Details page displays after selecting the Apply button.  The information entered in the Create an Account pages will carry forward to this page.  There are additional fields that can be optionally entered in this section.  Remember to complete all fields that are required items designated with an asterisk (*) in the field.

Scroll through the Personal Details area to review/complete optional fields such as:

  • Additional Name preferences
  • National ID and type
  • Marital Status
  • Sex - see note below.
  • Marital Status

The Legal Definition of Sex

Please enter the legal sex as denoted on this person's birth certificate or driver's license per WAC 246-490-075 or WAC 308-104-0150

  1. Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through the sections below.
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Address
    • Citizenship
Personal Details first section
  1. The Phone and Email sections display below.  None of these are required fields.
  2. Complete the Phone section as desired.  If additional phone numbers to be added, select the Add New button on the right side to create a new row.
  3. The Email section is auto-populated with the information previously submitted.  If there are additional emails to enter, select the Add New button.
  4. Upon completion of these sections, scroll down to the Address section.
Phone and Email sections
  1. The Address section contains a combination of drop-down menus and fill-in fields. Most of these are required fields.
  2. Select applicable values from the Address Type, Country and State drop-down fields.
  3. Complete the City, Address Lines, and Postal Code fields.
  4. The County field is optional.
  5. If additional addresses are to be added, select the Add New button to create a new row.
  6. Scroll down to the Citizenship section.
Address section
  1. The Citizenship page displays.  This page is not required to submit the application.
  2. Review the message displayed below the Citizenship section for next step options:
    • Select the Next button
    • Select the Save for Later
    • Exit without saving
  3. Select the Next button.
Citizenship section
  1. The High School/College Information page displays.
  2. Follow instructions on the screen to search and add High School information.
High School/College Information page
  1. When you select the Search School field a Search Organization pagelet displays.
  2. Enter the filtering information for each field to narrow results.  If your school is not in the list, select the X in the top right corner of the pagelet to go back and enter it manually.
  3. Select the applicable high school.  The information will then populate the screen.
  4. If multiple high schools were attended, select the Add School/College checkbox to create a new row.
  5. Complete the required question:  "What will be the highest level of completion when you begin college?" before proceeding to the College section.
Search Organization screen
  1. For those who have previously attended college, scroll down and add the information following the same process as listed for high school information.
  2. When the School/College sections are completed, scroll down and select the Next button to continue to the Ethnicity section of the application.
College information
  1. Ethnicity Information page displays.  It is optional but available for all admit types.
  2. For question 2 on this page, you may make more than one selection.  
  3. Once you select a checkbox, another drop-down field may display offering further selections.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and select the Next button to continue.
Ethnicity page
  1. The Upload Documents page displays.  This page is optional and is used to upload a variety of documents such as:
    • Transcripts
    • Test Scores
    • Work Experience
  2. Review the instructions on this page.
  3. Select the Upload Document Type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the Upload File button and follow instructions for locating and uploading the document.
  5. Enter a Description.
  6. Select the plus [+] icon on the right to add a new row for each document to be uploaded.  
  7. If you need to remove an uploaded document, select the trash can icon that is located to the right of the [+] sign.
  8. Select the Next button to continue.
Upload documents page
  1. The Residency Information page will be seen on the General application only. Answers to questions will determine the Residency status for the student.  
  2. All questions on this page require a response.  
  3. Select the Next button to continue.
Residency page
  1. The Supplemental Questions page contains additional questions that are required to be answered.
  2. Select the Next button to continue.
Supplemental Questions
  1. The Review and Submit page displays.  This is the certification page that all answers are correct to the best of your knowledge.
  2. Review instructions and select the Yes, I accept checkbox.  
  3. Notice the Submit Now button is grayed out.
Review and Submit
  1. If you receive an error message as displayed below, it will highlight the area that is incomplete.
  2. Select the OK button to return to the Review and Submit page.
Review and submit error
  1. Notice the High School/College Information is highlighted in red indicating this is the page that still needs completion.  Select the link to return to this page and complete the needed information.  
  2. Select the Next button to save the updated page.
  3. Select the Review and Submit link,then again select the Yes, I accept checkbox.  
  4. If all areas are complete, the Submit Now button will display.
Submit Now button
  1. If no payment is required, there should be a message confirming that the application was successfully submitted.
  2. If there is an application fee due, the Payment Details page will display.
  3. Select the Proceed button to continue.
Payment Details
  1. A message will display asking to confirm that you wish to continue with Payment.
  2. Select the Continue button.
Contnue with Payment
  1. A payment screen displays to offer payment choices:  Card or eCheck.
  2. Select the applicable payment type link and enter required information.
  3. Select the Finish button to complete payment process.
Pay by credit card
eCheck payment
  1. A confirmation message will display upon successfully receipt of payment.
  2. You have successfully completed and submitted an application!
  3. Section complete.
Quick Review of Left Side Menu Choices
  1. Now that an application has been entered, let's review the menu choices to the left of the main screen.
  2. Each one of these links will open a new window on your browser.
  3. The first one in the list is:  Start a New Application. The new application screen displays and the process is ready to begin.
Start a New Application
  1. The next menu choice is:  Instructions Guide.  This page will help walk you through the process.
Instructions Guide
  1. Next up is the In-Progress Applications link.  This page displays any active applications that have yet to be submitted.  
  2. Select the Resume button to continue the application.
In-Progress Applications link
  1. Last, but certainly not least is the Submitted Applications link.  This page displays successfully submitted application(s).
Submitted Applications
  1. Section complete.
Save for Later
  1. If you are not able to complete the whole application, you can use the Save for Later button on any of the applicable pages to return to complete later.
  2. Select the In-Progress Applications link.
  3. Select the Resume button to continue the application.
In-Progress Applications
  1. Process complete.

Please get in touch with your college if you require immediate assistance with ctcLink. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college.