9.2 Adding Applications Manually with a Fee
Purpose: Use this document as a resource for how to add applications manually with fees in ctcLink.
Audience: Admissions Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC AD App Entry
- ZZ AD App Entry
You must also set these SACR Security permissions:
- CS 9.2 SACR Security: Basic Requirements for Staff
- CS 9.2 SACR Security: Academic Program Security
- Academic Plan Security
If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Adding Applications Manually with a Fee
You must always run the Search/Match process before adding a New Application. The creation of duplicate IDs is highly detrimental to Records and Financial Aid, especially in a global system.
When adding an admission application (Quick Admit, Add Application) to an existing EMPLID:
- If you copy/paste an EMPLID, you may have noticed that when you copy/paste an EMPLID it can come along with an extra space and tab. Please keep an eye out and delete those extra spaces before and after an EMPLID before saving your record. If you save with the extra space/tab, it creates a NEW EMPLID (a duplicate!) that includes that space/tab.
- If you manually enter an EMPLID, please confirm it is the same as the intended EMPLID before saving. If you save it and it is not the same and intended EMPLID, it can create a new EMPLID (or associate data with the wrong EMPLID).
- When you get a warning that an SSN is already in use, heed it! It is a clue that you may unintentionally be creating a new EMPLID. Stop and figure out who else has the SSN on their record: Are they the same person that you are adding to the system?
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Student Admissions > Application Entry > Add Application
Navigation: ctcLink CS Staff Hompage > Admissions Processing Tile > Entering Applications > Add Application
- The Application Entry page displays. Enter the following information:
- Application Nbr. Do not change, accept default value of eight zeros.
- ID. Allow to default to "NEW" unless adding an application for an existing student.
After you've performed a Search/Match and have determined that the student does not already have an academic record at your institution, then you would enter their EMPLID (ctcLink ID) into the ID field. For example, a student at your college might have a student ID because they were enrolled in Continuing Education classes--a Cont Ed Academic Career. Now the student wants to enroll into classes under the Academic Career; therefore, you would enter their ID into the ID field and select Academic Career.
- Academic Institution: Enter or look up.
- Academic Career: Enter or look up.
- Add.

- The Biographical Details tab displays. Enter the applicant information into the following sections:
Person Information
- Enter the student's information into the followings fields:
- Prefix if disclosed by student
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Birth Information. Select this link to access the Birth Information Detail page--enter the student's birth location, country, and state (Optional) and select OK.

Biographical History
- Use the Effective Date field in the Biographical History section to enter the date from which the entry is valid in your system.
- Marital Status not required. This field is identified with an asterisk-- it is not required to enter information in order to save.
- Select the Sex drop-down list and choose the desired item from the drop-down menu--Female, Male, Not Exclusively Male or Female, Unknown as been disclosed by the student.
The Legal Definition of Sex.
- Please enter the legal sex as denoted on this person's birth certificate or driver's license per WAC 246-490-075 or WAC 308-104-0150.
- If provided, enter applicant information into the National ID section(s). Additional rows can be added by selecting Add.
Contact Information
In the Contact Information section, enter the address information:
- Address Type such as Home, Business, or Mailing. The system displays Home as the default address type.
The default for the Effective Date field is the current system date. The effective date is the date when the address for the address type you selected is effective. This date is also the date when the status that you select is valid.
The Status field is set to either Active or Inactive.
- Select the Edit Address link in the Contact Information section.
- If you are entering a foreign address for a student, it is recommended you select the foreign country first using the lookup tool, and then click Edit Address to enter the address fields next.

PeopleSoft delivers foreign address formats to conform to the customary address format of the specified country. Below is a helpful crosswalk for staff to use when determining where to enter values in PeopleSoft foreign address fields.
- Enter the desired information into the following:
- Address 1 field
- Address 2 field (if applicable)
- City field
- State field
- Postal field
- County field
- Select the OK button.
If you cannot save your address, confirm your address by checking the accuracy of your address. If you can still save the address due to an error, select the Change Country link and choose your country. This will allow you to bypass the error before selecting OK.
Click here for instructions on bypassing an address.
Note: When searching for England, select GBR (United Kingdom) to open the address fields.

- Select the Type drop-down list in the Phone section and choose the desired item from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the desired information into the Phone field.
- Select the Type drop-down list in the Email section and choose the desired item from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the desired information into the Email Address field. Select the Add a New Row [+] icon or the Add button in these sections to add an additional address, phone, or email.
- Use the Visa/Permit Data link to enter the visa/permit data that has been disclosed by the individual.
- Use the Citizenship link to enter the citizenship and/or passport data that has been disclosed by the individual.
- Select OK.
- Select the Regional tab.
- Enter the Ethnicity information that has been disclosed by the individual. Additional entries can be added by selecting the [+] plus icon.
- The History section allows you to enter Military Status information. This section is not required and should only be entered if it has been disclosed by the student, and it does not affect Veteran Benefit Reporting.
- Select the Personal tab.
- Select the Gender Identity drop-down list to select the appropriate option if the information has been disclosed by the individual.
- Select the Sexual Orientation drop-down list to select the appropriate option of the information has been disclosed by the individual.
Why are we collecting this information?
- Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
The primary purpose for collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information is to ensure inclusivity and success for all students in our system. It is imperative, and a system goal, to provide safe places for all students to be affirmed in their identity and learn in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. In addition, this data will assist local colleges in providing services and creating programs and curriculum designed to support student success within the LGBTQIA+ community.
- The Application Program Data tab displays. In the Program Data section, enter the following information:
- Effective Date: Enter or accept the default value.
- If the entry is after the first day of the term, backdate the effective date to the first day of the term.
- Admit Term: Enter or look up.
- Academic Program: Enter or look up.
- Campus: Once the Academic Program is selected, the option to select a campus becomes available defaulting to MAIN.
- Academic Load: Defaults to Full-Time.
- You do not need to enter the following information into the Program Status section:
- Program Action: Defaults to "APPL"- Do not override this value.
- Action Reason: This field is not required.
- Enter the following information into the Plan Data section:
- Academic Plan: Enter or look up based on the information the student has provided.
- Sub-Plan: The student will select the optional Sub-Plan from the college's paper application. Select the looking glass to enter the desired Sub-Plan.
- Select the Application Data tab.
- The Application Data tab displays. Enter the following information into the Application Data section:
- Application Center (institution code). Enter or look up.
- Admit Type: Enter or look up (FYR, INT, REA, RUN, TRF).
- Remaining fields. Enter or select as required by local business process/policy.
- Enter information into the Additional Information section as required by local business process/policy.
- Information on the Application School/Recruiting tab is optional.
- Information on the Additional Details tab is optional. To view the tab, select the arrow to the right of the Application School/Recruiting tab.
- Once the application entry has been saved, the updated Biographical Details page displays. Note the student's ID number has been assigned.
- In the Application Fee Information box, select the Calculate Application Fees hyperlink.
- Enter the Date and *Fee Status of "Pending."
- Select the OK button.

- You will be directed back to the Application Data page. Notice in the Application Fee Information box, the Status has been updated to "Calculated."
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC SF Running Start
- ZD SF Customer Accounts
- ZD SF Running Start
- ZZ SF Customer Accounts
- ZZ SF Running Start
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
View Customer Accounts
Navigate to NavBar > Navigator > Student Financials > View Customer Accounts.
- On the Customer Accounts page, enter the Business Unit and Student ID .
- Select the Search button.
- Select the Account Details hyperlink to view additional details.
- Process complete.
Sometimes, a student will provide a valid address that isn't recognized by Clean Address. This often happens when an apartment or home is under new construction. In cases where you've verified that a student's address is accurate and the address isn't recognized by Clean Address, bypass Clean Address by following the steps listed below.
The Clean Address database is updated every few months (with data from USPS), so colleges do not need to report addresses that are not recognized by Clean Address.
To view a table of invalid address error descriptions, visit the QRG 9.2 Update Address Information.
- Enter the desired information into the following:
- Address 1 field
- Address 2 field (if applicable)
- City field
- State field
- Postal field
- County field
- Select the OK button in the lower-left corner.
- If the address is not verified as deliverable, a message box will appear at the top of the screen.
- In the message box, click OK.
- Above the Address 1 field, select the Change Country link.
- Select USA by scrolling or searching.
- Select OK in the bottom-left corner.
- The Address History page displays. Verify the address in the Address History panel.
- Select OK.
- The Addresses tab displays. Select Save in the lower-left corner.
- Process complete.
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