Creating Manual AP Payments
Purpose: Use this document to create a manual Accounts Payable payment in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance Staff/Accounts Payable staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Payment Creation
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The Manual Payment Creation feature enables you to track manual payments in your PeopleSoft Payables system by creating manual payment worksheets and applying one or more vouchers to them.
Note: Total Payment Amount = Total Applied Voucher Amount(s) = zero balance.
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Payments tab
From the Regular Entry page, select the Payments tab to quickly review if it's been paid or verify the existing Payment Options. Optional to search for 'open' vouchers for the selected Supplier ID.
Use the Payments tab to see if a voucher has been paid (grayed-out) or scheduled for payment.
Creating Manual Payments
Navigation: Accounts Payable > Payments > Manual Payment and Prepayment > Create Manual Payment
- The Manual Payment Creation search page displays. The Bank SetID defaults to WACTC.
- Enter or lookup values for:
- Local college Bank Code.
- Local college Bank Account.
- The Payment Method defaults to MAN.
- Select the Add button.

- The Manual Pay Selection page displays. Enter or lookup Remit Supplier.
- Enter or lookup the Supplier Location.
- Enter Payment Currency = USD.
Enter Selection:
- Select the Match Currency option if you want the system to return scheduled payments with the same payment currency. If you do not select this option, the system returns all eligible scheduled payments for the remit supplier regardless of their payment currency and converts them to the selected supplier's currency.
- Select the Withholding Calculated option if you want the manual payment worksheet functionality to return only those vouchers for the remit supplier that have had withholding calculated (meaning, those vouchers for which withholding has been calculated at voucher posting time and have been posted).
- If this option is not selected, all vouchers for the remit supplier are available on the manual payment worksheet excluding all paid payment schedules and vouchers that are set to have withholding calculated at voucher posting and have not yet been posted.
Optional Criteria:
- Use the fields in the Optional Criteria group box to limit the vouchers that the system returns. For example, you can limit the search to vouchers with the same pay to bank or to vouchers with specific scheduled pay dates.
- Use the Build Worksheet button to create a temporary worksheet for the manual draft payment, based on the remit supplier, supplier location, and payment currency that you specified.
NOTE: Only scheduled voucher payments that are regular vouchers, registered vouchers, reversal vouchers, third-party vouchers, or adjustment vouchers are returned for application to manual payments.
- Select the Build Worksheet button.
- The Man Pay Worksheet tab displays. Use the Payment Date field to record the actual payment date. The Accounting Date field holds the posting date and defaults to the current date. The Payment Ref will default to NEXT to generate a new number at save time based on the next sequential number in the bank account. Enter Comments as needed.
- Select the Apply Voucher tab.
Optional to make the Payment Ref ID the current date.
Use the Apply Voucher page to apply scheduled vouchers to the manual payment. *NOTE: the fields in this section have the same functionality as on the Manual Pay Selection page. Use them to further limit the vouchers that appear based on the payment date range and currency of the payment.
Select any of the voucher IDs listed to access the Voucher Inquiry page for that voucher.
- The Apply Voucher tab page displays. Optional to use the Scheduled Pay From Date/To Date to refine results. Select the Search button to populate results below.
- Apply the selected manual payment and recalculate the total applied and balance amounts. Optional to use the Select All / Deselect All checkbox.
- Select the Save button to update the amounts. The Payment Amount = Total Applied and the Balance should be zero.
- A message box window displays confirming the Payment is successfully created. Select OK.
- Select the Man Pay Worksheet tab.
This field displays the difference between the manual payment amount and the total amount of the applied scheduled payments.
NOTE: The manual payment is only created in the PAYMENT_TBL when the balance is 0.00, that is, when the payment is fully applied to scheduled payments. Otherwise, only the manual payment worksheet is saved.
- Refresh the page. Use the Man Pay Worksheet (manual pay worksheet) page to verify the Number of Payment(s) and Total Applied with a Balance of 0.00
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above, Entering and Using Template Vouchers. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Creating Manual AP Payments. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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