Unmatching an Accounts Payable Voucher

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for Unmatching an Accounts Payable voucher in ctcLink.

Audience: Finance Staff 

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Voucher Entry
  • ZZ Voucher Processing

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Note:  Only vouchers in a Matched or Manually Overwritten status are eligible for UnMatching.  Running the matching process for a voucher locks certain fields from edits and UnMatching a voucher will unlock those fields for you to edit again.  You will need to re-run the matching process for the voucher after making those edits before it can continue to be processed.

It is recommended to establish each user with the specific access associated with their job duties and is not recommended to simply copy one user's access to another user as this could lead to overallocation of access. However, there are situations where a group of staff within a single department all require the same access to perform similar work. In that case, the COPY function provides the ability to apply all Process Group definitions from one user to another without having to search and enter each Source Transaction and Process Group combination. 

Please refer to the QRG 9.2 FSCM Security - Process Groups

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Payable > Review Accounts Payable Info > Vouchers > Match Workbench

Matching Workbench

  1. The Match Workbench page displays.
  2. Enter search information to find the voucher you want to unmatch.
  3. Select Search.
Match Workbench page
  1. Qualifying vouchers display at the bottom of the Match Workbench page in the Search Results for Match Inquiry Type section.
Match Workbench page

UnMatching a Voucher

  1. Check the Undo Match checkbox for the voucher(s) you wish to unmatch.
  2. Select 'Undo Matching' from the Action dropdown menu.
  3. Select Run.
Match Workbench page

NOTE:  Selecting Run may redirect you to the Process Monitor.  After the process has completed successfully, you can return to the now UnMatched voucher for editing – you will notice that those Invoice Information fields that were locked after the voucher was Matched are now available for editing.  **After edits have been made to the targeted voucher, you will need to re-run Matching for that voucher before it can continue to be processed.

Voucher Regular Entry Invoice Information page
  1. Process complete.


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