9.2 Using a Payment Worksheet to Apply a Payment
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to Use a Payment Worksheet to Apply a Payment in ctcLink.
Audience: AR Specialists.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AR Apply Payments
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The following QRG demonstrates only one of several potential scenarios. This serves as a guideline that will vary depending on the accounting conditions.
Use a Payment Worksheet to Apply a Payment
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Receivable > Payments > Apply Payments > Create Worksheet
- The Create Payment Worksheet search page displays. Enter your district's business unit as the Deposit Unit (it may be prefilled).
- Enter the Deposit ID associated with the payments you wish to apply.
- Select Search.
- If there is more than one un-applied payment in the deposit, each payment will be listed at the bottom of the Create Payment Worksheet page; select the payment you wish to apply. If there is only one payment in the deposit, that payment will be selected automatically.
- The Payment Worksheet Selection page displays. Note that using a payment worksheet generally involves three steps: (1) Worksheet Selection, (2) Worksheet Applications, and (3) Worksheet Actions. You are currently on the Worksheet Selection step. Use the Payment Worksheet Selection page to select AR item(s) for inclusion on the worksheet (with the assumption that you might pay those items with the payment you are currently working). To include all open items for a particular customer, configure the Customer Criteria section as follows:
- Select Customer Items from the Customer Criteria drop-down menu (the default selection).
- Enter the Customer ID (which will prefill if the customer was identified on the payment).
- Enter your district's Business Unit (which may be prefilled).
- Select Build.
- The Payment Worksheet Application page (step 2 of the payment worksheet process) displays. Use it to select the open items you wish to pay with the current payment. For each item you wish to pay with the current payment:
- Select Pay An Item as the Entry Type (the default selection).
- Select (via the Sel Checkbox) the open item(s) you wish to pay.
- Item ID, Type and the Balance section are automatically updated.
- Select Save.
- Select Worksheet Action (near the bottom of the page).
- The Payment Worksheet Action page (step 3 of the payment worksheet process) displays.
- Select Create/Review Entries to generate the payment accounting.
The Payment Worksheet Action page can be used to 1. Create/Review Accounting Entries, 2. Delete the Worksheet to start over, and 3. Post the Payment. Recommended to select Batch Standard in the Posting Action section when posting payments. By selecting Batch Standard, the payment will be posted in batch when the next scheduled AR Update runs. This allows time for additional corrections if needed.
- The Accounting Entries page displays. Review and update as needed.
- Select Save.
- Select Return to Previous Panel.
- The Payment Worksheet Action page displays. Select 'Batch Standard', then select OK.
Note 1: You must select OK after selecting a posting action. If you simply Save, no posting will occur.
Note 2: The AR Update is scheduled to run nightly. However, your college can schedule additional update (for example at noon) or request an AR Update ad hoc.
- A new window will open to the Process Monitor. Insure that the payment posts without incident. Refer to the Process Monitor QRG for instructions. Close the Process Monitor window.
- To review the accounting navigate to NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Receivable > Payments > Review Payments > Deposit Accounting Entries.
- The Deposit Accounting Entries search page displays. Enter Deposit Unit and the Deposit ID with which you are working.
- Select Search.
- If multiple payments in the deposit have accounting, each payment will be listed; select a payment. If only one payment in the deposit has accounting created, it will be selected automatically.
- The Payment Control page displays.
- Select the Accounting Entries tab.
- The Accounting Entries tab displays.
- The payment you selected has been successfully applied to the open item selected on the payment worksheet.
- Process complete.
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