9.2 Adjusting an Invoiced Bill Through AR

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for adjusting invoiced bills in ctcLink.

Audience:  Billing/AR Specialists

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Grant Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Use the Adjust Bills function when you make invoice changes. You can credit entire bills and rebill with one action (such as the bill was sent to an incorrect customer), or select only certain lines to rebill (such as correcting a line amount or distribution information). You can also add lines of activity and rebill, change discounts or surcharges, associate new entry types and reasons with the bills, and calculate new totals.

You can adjust any bill in the system except consolidated bill headers. However, if the bill originated from an external source, best practice is to make corrections in the source system and initialize the adjustment from there. The source system then sends the adjustment through the Billing Interface. If the billing originated in Billing, the adjustment is done directly from Billing.

When creating an adjustment, you will be required to enter an adjustment reason. An adjustment reason is required for both header and line level adjustments. You will be able to select the reason from a prompt list.

All credits and rebills are required to be combo edited. This will prevent combo edit errors from being detected in the preload process, after a credit/rebill has been finalized and printed, due to changes in the combo edit rules that have occurred since the creation of the original bill. Upon saving the credit/rebill, combo edits will take place and any errors that occur will be flagged. Errors can be corrected using the bill entry transaction pages. To allow customers to change their GL/AR options and customer information, and have that information reflected on rebills, the current GL/AR options and the customer information is copied to the new bills. 

You can adjust a bill header or bill line ONLY ONCE.

Adjusting Entire Bills

Navigation: Billing > Maintain Bills > Adjust Entire Bill

  1. The Adjust Entire Bill search page displays.
  2. Enter Business Unit.
  3. Enter Invoice.
  4. Select Search.

Note: If the bill that you select has had prior adjustments made at the bill line level, it is not a valid choice on this page. You must continue that bill adjustment on the Adjust Selected Bill Lines page.

Adjust Entire Bill search page
  1. The Adjust Entire Bill page displays.
  2. In Select Bill Adjustment Action select one of the following:
    • No Bill Action  No action for the displayed bill will occur at this time. When you first access the page, the system uses this value as the default action. This prevents you from adjusting a bill unintentionally. Whenever you save the process, this default action resets.
    • Credit Entire Bill  Create a credit bill for the displayed bill. The bill as a status of RDY (ready).
    • Credit & Rebill  Create a credit bill and create a copy of the displayed bill. The rebill copy has the status of NEW. Note: Some fields are not copied during a rebill but are initialized to certain values.
  3. In the Adjustment Results section:
    • You many leave NEXT in the Credit Bill field and the system will assign an invoice number to the adjustment, or, if business practices support a naming standard, you can enter your own unique number, such as CR-<the invoice number you want to adjust>.
    • You many leave NEXT in the Rebill Bill field and the system will assign an invoice number to the new invoice, or, if business practices support a naming standard, you can enter your own unique number, such as RB-< the invoice number you want to adjust>.
  4. Select an Adjustment Reason from the prompt list. The reason code is mandatory when issuing a credit.
  5. In the Rebill Default Action section:
    • Retain Original Invoice Value  (default) Select this option to retain the customer information from the original bill.
    • Use Current Customer Value  Select this option to use current customer information on the rebill.
  6. Select Save.

In the Adjustment Results section, enter the new name for the Credit Bill and the Rebill Bill.  A suggested naming convention is to prefix the original invoice "MSC-0000001234" with "CR-MSC-0000001234" for the credit bill and "RB-MSC-0000001234" for the rebill. The naming convention for credits and rebills is a college business decision.

Adjust Entire Bill page
  1. After the process is complete, the invoice number of the adjustment bill appears in Adjustment Results section, if appropriate.
  2. Select the Header Info 1 link next to Rebill Bill to access the Standard Billing Header Info 1 page and modify the bill header.
Adjust Entire Bill page
  1. The Billing General page displays in a new window.
  2. Adjust the rebill as necessary.
  3. Set Bill Status to "RDY".
  4. Select Save.
  5. Close the new window.
Billing General page

The generated Credit Bill has a Bill Status of RDY by default.  Both bills are now ready to be invoiced.

Adjusting Specific Bill Lines

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Billing Processing
  • ZZ Grant Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Billing > Maintain Bills > Adjust Selected Bill Lines

  1. The Adjust Selected Bill Lines search page displays.
  2. Enter Business Unit.
  3. Enter Invoice.
  4. Select Search.
  1. The Adjust Selected Bill Lines page displays.
  2. In Line Adjustment Parameters section, select one of the following:
    • No Bill Action:  When you first access the page, the system uses this field as the default bill action. This setting prevents you from adjusting the bill unintentionally.
    • Adjust Selected Lines: Enables you to adjust any combination of lines on this bill. When you select this option, the Add to Existing Bill check box appears.
    • Add to Existing Bill: Select to add the lines to an existing bill. If you do not select this check box, the system generates a new bill for these adjustment lines.
    • Line Opt: (line options)  Select a value.
      • Create Net Adjustment Only: Creates one adjustment line.
      • Create Reversal and Rebill: Creates two new lines, one that credits the original line chosen, and one that reflects the adjustment.
      • Credit Line: Creates one line with a reversal of the amounts from the original line chosen.
    • Adjustment Reason Default:  Select the appropriate code from a list of valid reason codes that will be made available via a prompt list. A reason code is required for a reversal line and a credit line.
  3. In the Line Adjustment Results group box, the system displays one of these field:
    • Add to Bill:  The system displays this field if you elect to add to an existing bill. Enter the invoice number of the existing bill to which you want to add the lines. If you elect to add to an existing bill but there are no existing bills available, select No Bill Action, reselect Adjust Selected Lines, and deselect Add to Existing Bill.
    • Warning! Adjusted Project Costing and Contracts lines should never be added to non-Project Costing or Contracts bills.
    • Adjustment:  The system displays this field if you elect to add to a new bill. The system assigns the default invoice number NEXT to the adjustments. If business practice allows, you can assign your own unique invoice numbers to the credit bill or rebill by overriding NEXT.
    • Warning! You can adjust a bill header or bill line only once.
  4. Set Filter Options:  Select this link to enter search values and to filter the invoice lines returned that need to be adjusted. After entering the values, the user will have the option to search, clear search, or return to the Adjust Selected Bill Lines page.
  5. Select Bill Lines:  All lines that satisfy the search criteria appear in this scroll area. The grid tabs at the top of the list enable you to view different bill fields.
  6. Select Save.
Adjust Selected Bill Lines page
  1. After the process is complete, the invoice number of the adjustment bill appears in Line Adjustment Results, if appropriate.
  2. Select the Header Info 1 link next to Adjustment to access the Standard Billing Header Info 1 page and modify the bill header.
Adjust Selected Bill Lines page
  1. Select the Bill Line Info 1 link to access the Standard Billing Line Info 1 page and correct line information.
  2. Adjust the rebill as necessary.
  3. Set Bill Status to "RDY".
  4. Select Save.
Billing General tab

You can adjust a bill header or bill line ONLY ONCE.

The generated Credit Bill has a Bill Status of RDY by default.  Both bills are now ready to be invoiced.

  1. Process complete.


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