HCM Security - Assigning Roles to Users

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to assign roles to users in ctcLink.

Audience: HCM College Security Administrators

Assigning Roles to User - Using Distributed User Profile

Classic Navigation:  PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > Distributed User Profiles

  1. Enter User ID in the Search by field on the Distributed User Profile page.
  2. Click Search.
  3. The General tab displays.
  4. This page captures basic information about the user, including the User ID and name. From a security standpoint there are only two items of interest on this page. In the Permission Lists section at the bottom of the page there is a value for the Primary permission list and the Row Security permission list. These values impact a user’s experience in PeopleSoft.
  5. Navigate to the ID tab. Based on the User ID entered in the search operation, this tab identifies the user’s ID Type, which most often will be Employee (use the drop-down menu list to view all options); the Empl ID and Name (Description).
  6. There is an optional User Description field available if you want to change the description associated with the User ID (top of the page).
Distributed User Profiles page - ID tab with ID Type, Empl ID, Name, Description and Save button highlighted.
  1. Next, navigate to the User Roles tab.
  2. Determine the roles that the user needs for their job position.
  3. There is an available Lookup icon (beneath the User Roles title) to locate the first occurrence of a particular role. Type in the first few characters of the Role Name, for example ZD and click the OK button. Your cursor will go to the first line it finds those matching characters. This is useful if the list is long and you are searching to find if the role is already assigned.
  4. Be aware of the row navigation buttons above the header to the right. The total number of roles is identified and the default display is 10 rows. Use the Next or Previous arrows to move about or select the View All link.
  5. To add a new Role Name to the user's profile,  select the Add a New Row icon [+] at the end of a row.
    NOTE:  Most users will have multiple roles assigned.
Distributed User Profiles page - User Roles tab with row navigation, and add a new row icon highlighted.
  1. In the new row, Role Name field, select the lookup icon for the Look Up Role Name search page to locate the necessary role.
  2. From the search results list, click the Role Name link and the role is added to the User Roles page.
  3. Repeats steps 11, 12 and 13 to include additional role(s).
  4. Select the Save button.
    NOTE: After saving, the role names are resorted alphabetically, so it does not matter where you inserted the new row.
Distributed User Profiles page - User Roles tab with new row with lookup icon highlighted.
  1. Repeat the procedure for multiple users.
  2. Navigate to the Audit tab. This is an informative page where you can see who was the last person to make a change to the user's security.

After adding roles to users there are three (3) processes that need to run before users will see data.


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