HCM Security - Assigning Roles to Users
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to assign roles to users in ctcLink.
Audience: HCM College Security Administrators
Navigation: Main Menu > PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > Distributed User Profiles
- Enter User ID in the Search by field on the Distributed User Profile page.
- Click Search.
This page captures basic information about the user, including the User ID and name. From a security standpoint there are only two items of interest on this page. In the Permission Lists section at the bottom of the page there is a value for the Primary permission list and the Row Security permission list. These values impact a user’s experience in PeopleSoft.
This tab identifies the User’s ID Type, Empl ID and Name.
- Navigate to the User Roles tab.
- Determine the roles that the user needs for their job position.
- Click the Lookup to see list of roles.
- Click on the role that you want to add to the User's Profile.
- Click the (+) button to add a new row - NOTE: Most users will have multiple roles assigned.
- Repeats steps 7, 8 and 9 to include additional role(s).
- Click Save.
- Repeat process for multiple users.
- Navigate to the User Profile Audit tab. This is an informative page where you can see who was the last person to make a change to the user's security.
After adding roles to users there are three (3) processes that need to run before users will see data.
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