Assigning Roles to Users and General Tab Information

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to assign roles to users and FS User Preferences in ctcLink.
Audience: FS College Security Administrators

PeopleSoft Security

Roles are required for users to access ANY pages within PeopleSoft.  

Users will have default roles assigned.  These default roles (ZZ PeopleSoft User, EOPP_USER, PAPP_USER, CTC%_DISTR, ZZ_EMPLOYEE) contain settings required for the user to access PeopleSoft correctly and are dynamically assigned.

Here’s a look at User Profiles and the security they need to access pages, data, and various functions and processes in PeopleSoft.

Row level security in Financials is controlled by primary permission list.

Distributed User Profiles

Assign User Roles  Using Distributed User Profiles

Navigation:  Main Menu > People Tools > Security > User Profiles > Distributed User Profiles

  1. Enter User ID in the Search by field on the Distributed User Profile page.
  2. Click Search.
Find an Existing Value tab

General Tab

This page captures basic information about the user, including the user ID and name. From a security standpoint there are many items of interest on this page. In the Permission Lists section at the bottom of the page there is a value for the Primary permission list and the Row Security permission list. These values impact a user’s experience in PeopleSoft.

The Row Security permission lists are used to control specific lookups within PeopleSoft. For example, many pages have a Business Unit, TableSet, Ledgers, Book, and Paycycle Lookups. Row Security and Primary Security are set to specific values. Users will only see data in the system based on the parameters of these permission lists.

General tab

ID Tab

This tab identifies the User’s ID Type, Empl ID and Name.

ID Tab

User Roles Tab

  1. Navigate to the User Roles tab.
  2. Determine the roles that the user needs for their job position.
  3. Click the Lookup spyglass to see a list of roles.
  4. Click on the role that you want to add to the User’s Profile.
  5. Click on the (+) button to add a new row. (Most users will have multiple roles assigned).
  6. Repeat steps to add additional role(s).
  7. Click the Save button when finished adding roles.


User Roles tab



This new system is great, a one-stop-shop for many users!

Tanjagay Martin

Hello Flora! Thank you for sharing your comment.

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