Local Security Management Overview
Purpose: This guide has been developed to provide a overview of basic security concepts with links to all reference materials available to aid a new Local Security Administrator into learning how to manage security for their college.
Audience: Local Security Administrators (LSAs)
A Walk Through of Basic Security Concepts Recording can be found here:
Part 1 - Basic Concepts, How User Profiles Are Created (54 min 2 sec)
Part 2 - Employee Onboarding (39 min 39 sec)
Part 4 - SACR Security (34 min 34 sec)
Basic Concepts in PeopleSoft Security
PeopleSoft Security is comprised of many nested layers. A User Profile, which contains Roles, which contain access rights defined in Permissions Lists. The visual below shows how those nested layers
Once a User Profile exists, there are other security 'additional' layers that are added in Campus Solutions (CS), Human Capital Manager (HCM) and Finance (FIN or FSCM) for the individual user's access needed:
In HCM - There is a unique Row Level permission list for Time Administrators.
In CS = There is SACR Security, that allows specific access to certain codes or functionality in CS.
In FIN (FSCM) = There is User Preference Definitions to control default values, limit functions and define the Business Unit a user has access to, in addition to Route Control Profiles for each approval role that denotes the Business Unit that approval is limited to approve for.
How User Profiles Are Created
Every person in the ctcLink System should only have one security profile, regardless of whether they are a student, employee or both, no matter how many colleges they are affiliated with. One User Profile.
If they first start off as a student, they will get that User Profile created with a standard set of student roles, from the Campus Solutions (CS) User Profile template. This process is triggered by an active application at a college that has been matriculated. It uses the User Profile CTC_STUDENT_TEMPLATE, which will assign the following security roles to a student user ONLY IF they are not already an employee.
A new student user profile must have an active application, i.e., have been matriculated, for the Distributed User Profile to be created by the system.
Student User Profiles only live in the CS Pillar and Portal (Gateway), and student bio/demo data will also only live in the CS pillar and does not synchronize to the HCM pillar, unless action is taken to make that student an employee.
- ZZ PeopleSoft User - Basic access to general PeopleSoft functions granted to all ctcLink users, except former employees with no other access needs.
- ZZ SS Student - Grants access via a link in Portal (Gateway) to Student Self Service.
- EOPP_USER - Common Portal User that grants Portal Access.
- PAPP_USER - Enteprise Portal User that grants Portal Access.
- CTC_xxx_CC - Dynamic role applied to students associated with their college tile. xxx is the college code.
If they first start off as an employee, they will get the User Profile created with a standard set of employee roles, from the HCM User Profile template: CTC_PS_USER_TEMPLATE, which will assign the following security roles to a user:
- ZZ PeopleSoft User - Basic access to general PeopleSoft functions granted to all ctcLink users, except former employees with no other access needs.
- CTC_UN_HCM - Triggers the HCM link in Portal. The UN stands for Unified Navigation in HCM.
- EOPP_USER - Common Portal User that grants Portal Access.
- PAPP_USER - Enteprise Portal User that grants Portal Access.
- NA Payroll WH Form User - A delivered PeopleSoft HCM role enable access to update capable PDF tax forms.
- ZZ_EMPLOYEE - Grants access to the HCM Self Service and Finance Self Service links in Portal (Gateway).
- CTC_xxx_DISTR - Dynamic role applied to employees associated with their college tile. xxx is the college code.
The existence of an "Active" Job Record will trigger the process to automatically create a User Profile in HCM only if one does not exist. If the employee worked somewhere else in the ctcLink system, they will already have a User Profile that exists. The LSA will need to edit that existing profile to meet the security needs for their college.
If they once were a student, and then become an employee, the Local Security Administrator will wait for the HR person to add that person's bio/demo data to HCM and add an employment instance in HCM. This will trigger the creation of the User Profile in HCM.
The ZZ SS Student role is now assigned dynamically to those users who may have been an employee first, but then became a student. If a user starts off as a student, they will get the role upon user id creation as part of template roles. This should cut down on the number of manual assignments for this role. It is based on Acad_prog.
If an employee is active at multiple colleges and needs elevated rights in HCM or Finance at the secondary college, a New User id will need to be created by SBCTC to allow the user to perform job duties at the secondary college. LSA’s will need to submit a ticket to SBCTC to create the User id and Activate the account Via OKTA. This allows the college to segregate the job duties between colleges in the HCM/FS pillars. If the employee is a supervisor and has approval authority in Manager Self Service for Both institutions, the approval routings in HCM will route to the EMPLID user id for that employee, not necessarily the Secondary User ID. This happens because Manager Self Service Workflow is employee ID based. However, they should still be able to approve all transactions with no issues. If an employee needs access in Campus Solutions to multiple colleges, this will be handled via SACR values. LSA’s would add SACR for the secondary school to accommodate the needs for that user. A word of caution in the CS pillar, with using this approach, is there is No way to segregate job duties by role assignment.
For Faculty that work at multiple colleges, their access in CS would be controlled via SACR. Unless that faculty member needs elevated rights in HCM for another reason, there should be no reason for them to worry about HCM access for multiple colleges as an employee as employee self service is driven off their employee id and not row level security. It is a best practice to have the row/primary permissions and email id set to the primary college’s data.
When a User Profile is created for an employee in HCM, it will synchronize to Portal (Gateway), Finance and Campus Solutions (if a User Profile doesn't already exist). Roles applied in HCM, that also exist in other pillars will also synchronize to those other pillars. See section "Roles That Sync Between Pillars" for more critical information.
The automatic creation of a User Profile is NOT the end of what is needed for security. The LSA must NOW do their part, in EACH pillar. This guide will walk a new LSA through each step in that process.
Colleges will NEED to have a defined process that directs how an employee is granted role and access approval from their manager. That manager will then communicate those access needs to the LSA. The LSA will perform the entry tasks to get security applied for the user. LSAs will require the following roles to be able to perform their duties.
Local Security Admin Roles:
- ZZ Local Security Admin - Grants access to the Distribute User Profile (add/update to college grantable roles that are shared among all institutions) and the User Profile (display only all roles) and any additional security pages in CS or FIN (FSCM) pillar.
- ZZ Local Security CS Admin xxx (xxx = college code). Grants access to the Distribute User Profile (add/update to college-specific grantable roles that are NOT shared among all institutions in the CS pillar).
- ZZ Local Security FS Admin xxx (xxx = college code). Grants access to the Distribute User Profile (add/update to college-specific grantable roles that are NOT shared among all institutions in the FSCM pillar).
- ZZ Local Security Admin xxx (xxx = college code). Grants access to the Distribute User Profile (add/update to college-specific grantable roles that are NOT shared among all institutions in the HCM pillar).
- ZD_DS_QUERY_VIEWER - Grants access to run queries they have access to in Query Viewer. View access to college-grantable roles that are shared among all institutions.
- ZD_DS_QRY_SECURITY_TABLES - Grants access to the tables (records) that pertain to security.
Role Approver Roles (optional):
- ZD Local Security Admin - Grants DISPLAY ONLY access to the Distribute User Profile (add/update to college grantable roles) and the User Profile (display only all roles) and any additional security pages in CS or FIN (FSCM) pillar.
- ZD Local Security CS Admin xxx (xxx - college code). Grants display-only access to the Distribute User Profile (view college-specific grantable roles that are NOT shared among all institutions in the CS pillar).
- ZD Local Security FS Admin xxx (xxx = college code). Grants display access to the Distribute User Profile (view college-specific grantable roles that are NOT shared among all institutions in the FSCM pillar).
- ZD Local Security Admin xxx (xxx = college code). Grants display access to the Distribute User Profile (view college-specific grantable roles that are NOT shared among all institutions in the HCM pillar).
- ZD_DS_QUERY_VIEWER - Grants access to run queries they have access to in Query Viewer.
- ZD_DS_QRY_SECURITY_TABLES - Grants access to the tables (records) that pertain to security.
Recording demonstrating Basic Concepts in PeopleSoft Security and How User Profiles are Created (as listed above):
The first step in getting an employee into the ctcLink system is performed by the HR office (information provided below for reference). Once they do their job, the dynamic process will run (every 3 hours from 7am to 7pm) and then the LSA can do their job, which is everything else a user will need to get into ctcLink.
Before adding a person record into the HCM pillar, first check to see if the person already exists in the system. The person may have already worked for another college on ctcLink, or may have been a student at a college within the ctcLink system.
Before adding an employment instance, the employee must have a person record in HCM. Keep in mind, they might have a person record in the CS Pillar, but CS Bio/Demo data does not synchronize to HCM and must be added to the HCM system before the employment instance can be attached to the employee's person record.
You can determine if they already have a student record in CS by navigating to: navbar > navigator > Campus Community > Person Information > Add/Update a Person and searching by name and comparing the Data of Birth and address information; note the EMPLID.
You can then double check they are the intended person by navigating to: navbar > navigator > Campus Community > Person Information > Identification > External System ID and entering the EMPLID noted.
NOTE: This will display the user's Employee SID, but be warned it also has the possibility of showing the user's clear text social security number, which is why access to this page is restricted to a specific security role: ZZ CC External System ID.
9.2 Add a New Employee Person Record and Job Instance
9.2 Add an Employment Instance (training video)
IF BRAND NEW ctcLink Person - Dynamic Process runs every 3 hours from 7am to 7pm to build a NEW HCM User Profile, which will sync to all pillars and portal.
Note: This process ALSO adds the ZZ HCM Manager role dynamically for any manager and ZZ Hiring Manager for TAM colleges. It does NOT add the needed ZZ Expenses Approval and ZZ Delegation roles needed for managers in the Finance pillar. Those roles must be added by the LSA.
Local Security Admin Responsibilities
While the steps above are completed by HR Staff, all the steps below must be done by user with Local Security Administrator (LSA) access (ZZ Local Security Admin)
The user profile will be automatically generated once a Job Data record exists. Keep in mind that if the employee already had a job from a prior college on ctcLink, that employee will already have an existing user profile and you will need to review it to ensure it has the appropriate security roles.
The dynamic process that runs to create a NEW User Profile will also update any existing User Profiles with a CTC_xxx_DISTR security role when a person has an active job at a college.
Note: If the user is a Payable Time processor, they will require the TL Super User row level security of CTC_xxx_TL_SUPERUSER (where xxx = Company Code).
On the HCM User Profile, the General Tab contains fields that the LSA will need to update:
- Symbolic ID: Must be set to SYSADM1
- Primary: Must be set to CTC_PT_WAxxx_ALL (where xxx = Company Code)
- Row Security: Must be set to CTC_PT_WAxxx_ALL (where xxx = Company Code)
- Process Profiles: Must be set to CTC_PT_PRCSPRFL_STAFF (to grant ability to launch processes, including scheduled queries)
On the FSCM User Profile, the General Tab contains fields that the LSA will need to update:
- Symbolic ID: Must be set to SYSADM1
- Primary: Must be set to CTC_PT_WAxxx_ACCESS (where xxx = Company Code)
- Row Security: Must be set to CTC_PT_WAxxx_ACCESS (where xxx = Company Code)
- Process Profiles: Must be set to CTC_PT_PRCSPRFL_STAFF (to grant ability to launch processes, including scheduled queries)
All employees will need their Overall User Preferences set regardless of what they do at the campus. This must be done AFTER the User Profile, General Tab is updated to point their Primary/Row permissions to your institutions.
Keep in mind, employees who work at more than one college might NOT have their Overall User Preferences pointing to your institution if their Primary job is at the other college.

Here's a tool that allows us to use the Launchpad tool to copy User Preference Definition settings from one user to another. The CTC custom Launchpad tool had been updated. The Copy User Preferences Setup Security component has changed, and the Launch Security Matrix and Launch Permission ListRole Builder components have been removed:
9.2 FSCM Security - Using Launchpad to Copy User Preference Definition Settings
On the CS User Profile, the General Tab contains fields that the LSA will need to update:
- Symbolic ID: Must be set to SYSADM1
- Primary: Must be set to CTC_PT_MASK_xxx (where xxx = masking choice - read below)
- Row Security: Must be set to CTC_PT__MASK_xxx (where xxx = masking choice - read below)
- Process Profiles: Regular CS Staff - Set to CTC_PT_PRCSPRFL_STAFF (to grant ability to launch processes, including scheduled queries)
- Process Profiles: Full/Part Time Faculty - Set to CTC_PT_PRCSPRFL_FACULTY (to grant ability to launch processes without allowing daily/weekly recurrence)
Masking Values: (If missing, no search return values will appear. Does not control college data access managed via SACR)
- CTC_PT_MASK_ALL (default) = Mask Social Security Number and Mask Date of Birth
- CTC_PT_MASK_SSN = Mask Social Security Number and Unmasked Date of Birth
- CTC_PT_MASK_NONE = Mask Social Security Number and Unmasked Date of Birth
- CTC_PT_MASK_PARTIAL = Mask Social Security Number and Partial Masking of the Date of Birth
If the newly hired employee will need to work in the CS Pillar they must have Basic SACR Security to enable their access to your college's data. This is managed via SACR security, rather than through Primary and Row Level permissions on the User Profile, as is done in HCM and FSCM.
CS 9.2 SACR Security: Basic Requirements for Staff
In addition to Basic SACR Security, staff that have been granted specific page access will likely also require SACR Security relative to the specific page access:
CS 9.2 SACR Security - Academic Program Security
CS 9.2 SACR Security: Program Action Security
CS 9.2 SACR Security - Service Indicator Security
CS 9.2 - SACR Security: Milestone Security
CS 9.2 - SACR Security: Test ID Security
CS 9.2 - SACR Security: Enrollment Security
CS 9.2 SACR Security - Population Update Security
SACR- 3Cs Group Security (Financial Aid)
In addition to various additional SACR Security needed in the Student Administration area, if someone works with Student Financials data they may also require SACR Security for Student Financials. This applies to Cashiers, Finance staff working in SF, Financial Aid staff reviewing student account data.
CS 9.2 - SACR Security: Student Financials
In some cases the entry time for adding SACR Security can be burdensome. Areas such as Service Indicators, Student Groups and Population Update can have many values. In those cases it may be more efficient to find a user who already has the exact or close to the same access for that area. You can then choose to simply copy their security to the new person and edit it from there.
Always be mindful of staff working at more than one college as they are not a good candidate to use as the source to copy from.
Can be done by LSA with ZZ CC External System ID or ZC CC External System ID role access or by ctcLink Project via OTM Ticket Request
Regarding Returning Employees
The Local Security Administrator must add the ZZ PeopleSoft User role manually if the person is not new to the system, but is returning as an employee.
When a brand new user profile is created in ctcLink, by default the employee will have the base roles assigned, including the ZZ PeopleSoft User role.
If the employee already existed in the system then left, the ZZ PeopleSoft User role would have been removed as part of Offboarding, When the employee returns to active employment, the role will need to be manually assigned by the Local Security Administrator.
Reference Materials for choosing what roles might need to be added in HCM are available at the links below:
Pillar Security Matrix Mapping by Module – Human Capital Management (DG4)
Reference Materials for choosing what roles might need to be added in FSCM are available at the links below:
Pillar Security Matrix Mapping by Module – Finance (DG4)
Session 4: Understanding Finance Additional Security (DG4)
9/13/21: Security Support on Finance and User Preference Definition & Grants Security (DG6)
9/27/21 - Revision Security on Finance and User Preference Definition & Grants Security (DG6)
FSCM Pillar - Roles with Route Control Profiles:
Keep in mind each role that is associated with Automated Workflow (AWE) will require a Route Control Profile specifying the college Business Unit to be added on the Roles tab of the User Profile in the same row as the AWE relevant role (see screen shot below).
Roles that require this entry that are visible to DG6 colleges are outlined below:
ZZ CC Budget Approval
ZZ GL Journal Approval
ZZ GL Jrnl Accountnt Approval [Seattle District Only]
ZZ Purchasing Approval
ZZ Requisition Approval
ZZ Treasury Approvals
ZZ Voucher Approval
ZZ_AWE_ADMIN_xxx (where xxx = Company Code)
ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_xxx [Seattle District Only]
ZZ_AW_AMT_HDR_LEVEL_x (1 or 2)
ZZ_AW_AMT_LEVEL (1,2 or 3)
ZZ_AW_BUDGT_JRNL_APPROVER - (State Board Staff Only)
ZZ_AW_COMMODITY_xxx (xxx = Various Role Names)
ZZ_AW_EXEC_LEVEL_xx (numbered value)
These roles are existing in the system and tied to a global approval workflow lists that will be transitioned once all colleges are live from the CTC version of the security role to the equivalent ZZ_AW version of the role:
Note: ZZ Expenses Approval does not require a Route Control Profile
Note: ZZ_AW_BUYER, ZZ_AW_AP_MANAGER and ZZ_AW_AP_SPECIALIST exist and will be associated with a approval workflow lists once all colleges are live, but at not currently in use today.
Reference Materials for choosing what roles might need to be added in CS are available at the links below:
Pillar Security Matrix Mapping by Module – Core Campus Solutions (DG4)
Pillar Security Matrix Mapping by Module – Financial Aid Campus Solutions (DG4)
Pillar Security Matrix Mapping by Module – Student Financials Campus Solutions (DG4)
Session 5: Understanding CS Additional Security (DG4)
8/9/21: Security Support on Faculty/Advisors + Review CS Roles + Basic SACR Security (DG6)
8/16/21: Security Support on SF/FA Roles + SF/FA Relevant SACR Security (DG6)
9/8/21: Security Support on SACR Security in CS, Local Security Management Discussion Follow-Up (DG6)
If your school is just implementing MFA, and you would like SBCTC to mass load the role for you, please submit a helpdesk ticket.
Refer to QRG Okta - Multi-Factor Authentication for How to Login with Multi-Factor Authentication and How to set up your Multi-Factor Recovery Options.
To enable Multi-Factor Authentication for an Employee, the local security administrator must add the role ZZ_OKTA_MFA to the distributed user profile for the Employee in HCM. This role will then sync to Portal and enable Multi-Factor Authentication for the employee. If the person is a student, then the role needs to be added to the distributed user profile in Campus Solutions, so that it will sync to portal for the student. This access sync’s to portal real time.
If a user no longer needs to have Multi-Factor Authentication enabled, the local security administrator would remove the ZZ_OKTA_MFA role from HCM and/or Campus Solutions. This procedure removes it from Portal and removes the MFA Requirement.
It is recommended that users set up more than one recovery method. If the user forgets their Multi-Factor Authentication credentials/access, follow the same procedures as if the user forgets their password.
It is up to each campus to define the set of users that they want to enable MFA for.
Query security stands separate from page access security. Below is a link to some background information on Query Access Groups and Companion Roles.
There are many, many queries available to assist LSAs in managing security data. There are 3 that will be most commonly used Queries to manage security on a regular basis:
- Allows LSAs to dump down all roles assigned to staff with active jobs at your college.
- Allows LSAs to compare a Query to a User to see what roles might be missing.
- List of menu navigation paths and the security roles that grant access to a page. Also gives insight into what ELSE that role grants access to. Might be helpful to download all navigation and "Z" roles and distribute to your approvers.
SIDE NOTE: If sending a complete dump of all navigation and roles, it is recommended to remove all roles that LSAs at a college cannot grant before distributing to role approvers so they do not get confused.
- Allows LSAs to view SACR Security Baisc + Program, Plan, Transcript Type, Student Financials
Basic Steps to Follow for Query Security:
- Queries that start with CTC can be in any pillar. You may need clarification from the user about which pillar the query is in
- Queries that start with QCS are in the CS pillar. Queries that start with QFS are in the FSCM pillar. Queries that start with QHC are in the HCM pillar.
- Get the user's ID
- In the pillar the query lives in, open one tab to the user's Distributed User Profile and the other to query viewer
- Run QXX_SEC_QURY_RECORD_USR_RPT_BA, entering the User's ID and query(ies) the user needs access to into the prompts
- If the query indicates that the user has access to all of the records used by the query(ies), ensure the user has the role ZD_DS_QUERY_VIEWER
- If the query indicates the user does not have access to one or more records, review the list of roles that grant access to the record(s) the user is missing, and follow your internal query role approval process. Remember that granting access to a query role will nearly always grant access to queries other than the one the user needs, too, so be cautious about approving query role access!
- If the query is in the CS pillar, the user may need additional SACR security to be able to run the query successfully. You can use QCS_DS_QUERY_RECORD_RPT. If any of the records are labels SCRTY, the query probably requires additional SACR.
- Grant the approved roles on the Distributed User Profile
If a role name exists as an identical match in other pillars, the roles will sync across the pillars.
For instance, if a college admin adds the ZD Local Security Admin role in HCM, it will sync across pillars and add that role to CS and FS automatically. And if they delete the ZD Local Security Admin role from a user in HCM, it will remove it from the same user in FS and CS.
Therefore local security admins will need to be mindful of which roles sync across pillars so that they can remove/add them in the other pillars as needed. In the example above where they added the ZD Local Security Admin in HCM, they may need to now go to CS and FS and remove the role from the user if they don’t need it in those pillars.
For changes made in HCM for these types of roles, it syncs to CS/FS and PT. If the change is made in FS, then there is no sync. And if the change is made in CS, it syncs only to PT.
College Grantable roles that are affected by the above, in addition to the ZZ/ZD Local Security Admin are:
- The college CTC_XXX_DISTR roles in HCM. Changes made to this access in HCM, will sync to FS and PT as the DISTR roles do not exist in CS.
- The college CTC_XXX_CC roles in CS, changes to this will sync to Portal.
- ZZ PeopleSoft User
- ZZ Former Employee role (is now dynamic so should be ok) but it syncs from HCM to FS/PT
- ZZ Navigation Bar Access role (exists in CS too, not FS)
- ZZ_EMPLOYEE (exists in FS/HCM/PT)
- ZZ_CS_STAFF (exists in CS/PT)
- ZZ SS Student/ ZZ SS Advisor/ZZ SS Faculty ( sync from CS to PT)
- ZC CC Personal Info Student (CS) syncs to portal
- ZD CC Personal Info Student (CS) syncs to portal
- ZZ CC Personal Info Student (CS) syncs to portal
- ZZ CC Pers Info NID Update (CS) syncs to portal
Note: ZZ Local Security Admin role functions the same, it syncs from HCM to FS/CS/PT but this role is only grantable by SBCTC.
These queries will show an LSA any role that will sync across pillars. This will allow the LSA to go back and check the other pillar areas to ensure the role is needed. For example if a person needs the ZD Local Security Admin in HCM but not FS/CS, and the LSA adds the role to the user in HCM, that role exists in the other two pillars and will sync across and get added to the user in FS/CS. If the role is not needed in FS/CS, the LSA will need to go manually remove it.
For information on the two Legacy applications (LegacyLink and Legacy Transcripts), please refer to this section in the ctcLink Reference Center: Legacy Access
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