CS 9.2 Default Roles and Masking Options for All Admin Campus Solutions Users
Purpose: Use this document to understand default roles and masking options.
Audience: Local Security Administrators
Required Roles
All staff accessing the Campus Solutions pillar for administrative system use will require a default set of roles to enable basic navigation, in addition to the standard applied ZZ PeopleSoft User, which is granted automatically to every employee:
The ZZ_CS_STAFF role provides access to the Campus Solutions Homepage as a landing space when navigating from the ctcLink Gateway (portal) into the Campus Solution pillar. This is accessed by selecting the link in the left-hand navigation pane titled CS Staff Homepage or choosing the CS link at the top of the gateway if the user has not adjusted their landing home page from within the CS pillar itself.
The tiles available on the CS Staff Homepage is controlled by the roles assigned to the individual user.

If your college staff receives an Unable to load Homepage 'Default_LP' message, they will need to contact your local security administrator for the ZZ_CS_STAFF role.
The ZZ SACR User Defaults role allows all Campus Solutions administrative staff to manage search criteria defaults, such as Term, Academic Institution, and Student Financials Business Unit.
The last two are important for multi-campus district users with access to more than one campus who desire the ability to change their default institution code on each search criteria page they land on. This is also where enrollment institution is defined if a user has the SACR Security setup for Enrollment; that security is not institution-specific. Rather, the institution is controlled by the default established with this role.
Note: Be advised that this role is not automatically granted to Faculty, Faculty/Advisors, or Advisor Only staff under their existence in the Instructor/Advisor table.
Recommended Masking and Alternate Options
Staff working in areas related to Student Financials will most likely not require visibility to SSN or DOB; therefore, the Primary and Row Level permission recommended provides masking of those fields. Remember, this does not apply to Query.
The permission list CTC_PT_MASK_ALL provides masking of student Social Security Numbers (SSN), referred to as National Identification (NID) in PeopleSoft, and masking of the Date of Birth (DOB).
Other options for masking capabilities in the Campus Solutions pillar are:
- CTC_PT_MASK_NONE = Mask Social Security Number and Unmasked Date of Birth
- CTC_PT_MASK_SSN = Mask Social Security Number and Unmasked Date of Birth
- CTC_PT_MASK_PARTIAL = Mask Social Security Number and Partial Masking of the Date of Birth
Process Profile Permission lists are assigned to a user based on their role at the college. Choose one of the two Process Profile Permission lists:
If a user is an instructor “only,” assign the CTC_PT_PRCSPRFL_FACULTY Permission list. If the user is both an Instructor and Staff or employee “only,” assign the CTC_PT_PRCSPRFL_STAFF Permission List. For additional information, view the QRG Understanding Process Profile, Row and Primary Permission Lists in the User Profile.

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