CS 9.2 SACR Security: Program Action Security
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for securing which Program Actions a user can take on a student's Program/Plan Stack in ctcLink. All administrative system users with 'Z' security roles in the Campus Solution pillar require basic SACR Security, but users who are also granted access to update a student's Program/Plan stack will require the granting of specific access in order for Student Program/Plan component to properly function. Only a Registrar should be granted 'ALL' access. Other administrative system users will need their supervisor to define what specific actions they are permitted to take and those actions must be predefined in the system.
Audience: Managers requesting/approving security access for staff in the Campus Solutions pillar and College IT Security needing clarity on the access requested.
You must have the ZZ Local Security Admin or ZZ Local SACR Security Admin role for this navigation. For more information about these two roles, please refer to the CS 9.2 All 'ZZ' Security Roles (Processor) QRG.
Prior to setting attempting to add Program Action Security, you should have completed the steps for SACR Basic Requirements, as well as the user must have access Academic Program Security and Academic Plan Security or you will receive an error and will need to go back and establish the prerequisite SACR Security before returning to grant them access on this page.
All students in ctcLink must be active in an academic program and plan to later be activated into a term for that academic program and plan. Staff activate students into academic programs and plans by running a process or entering students' academic program and plan data manually in the Student Program/Plan component. Students' academic program and plan data rows are stored in the academic program table. The collection of student's rows in the academic program table are called the student's program stack.
When staff execute program actions to change a student's program data, the corresponding program action status often changes. Below are program actions relevant to Student Records:
- ACTV (Activate) - Active in Program
- WADM (Administrative Withdrawal) - A student is withdrawn for administrative reasons.
- COMP (Completion of Program) - A student has completed the program.
- DEFR (Defer Enrollment) - This action lets you change the admit term for the applicant and record that they are deferring enrollment.
- DATA (Data Change), PRGC (Program Change), PLNC (Plan Change) - Data relative to a student's program, plan, or career status was changed.
- DISM (Dismissal) - A student is dismissed from the academic institution.
- DISC (Discontinuation) - A student discontinues attendance.
- LEAV (Leave of Absence) - A student takes a leave of absence from his program.
- RADM (Readmit) A person has applied to reenter a student career and academic program for which they already have a student record.
- RLOA (Return from Leave of Absence) - A student returns from a leave of absence.
- REVK (Revoke Degree) - Revoke a student's degree.
- SPND (Suspension) - A student is suspended from your academic institution.
- TRAN (Transfer to Other Career) - A student makes an inter-career transfer.
- ADRV (Admission Revocation) - A person was admitted into an academic program, but it was later determined that the person did not qualify for admission.
- MATR (Matriculation) - A person has completed all necessary steps to become an active student in an academic program.
Define program action security by assigning a user ID to specific program actions on the Program Action Security page. If you do not give the user ID access to program actions on this page, the user ID cannot perform any program actions.
Navigation: Set Up SACR> Security> Secure Student Administration> User ID> Program Action Security.
- Enter the User ID.
- Click Search.

- Use the Look Up (spy glass) icon to search for the appropriate Program Actions to grant to the user. Be sure that only those actions relevant to the staff person is granted, as a number of the actions available would traditionally only be granted to a Registrar.
- Use the Plus (+) symbol to add extra rows to add the desired values.

- When done entering, click Save.
- Click Return to Search.
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