CS 9.2 - SACR Security: Milestone Security
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for applying Milestone security in ctcLink.
Audience: Local Security Administrators
You must have the ZZ Local Security Admin or ZZ Local SACR Security Admin role for this navigation. For more information about these two roles, please refer to the CS 9.2 All 'ZZ' Security Roles (Processor) QRG.
Prior to establishing Milestone Security for a user, the user must have a User Profile established in the Campus Solutions pillar and must have established the SACR Security Basic Requirements defined for their User ID, which establishes their institution.
Milestones are non-course related but vital requirements that a student must complete toward degree progress to graduate. Colleges may choose to establish milestones for undergraduate student progress. After milestones are defined they can be assigned by advisors to a student, as well as being recorded to show the student's completions of milestones and attempts to fulfill them, by using the Student Milestones component. After configuring milestones, a user must have the Milestone Security established in SACR Security in order to assign configured milestones to a student.
The role name needed to configure milestones is: ZZ SACR Milestone Config
The role name(s) for processing milestones are: ZZ SR Milestones or ZC SR Milestones
The role name(s) for viewing student milestones is: ZD SR Milestones or ZD SR Super User
The role name for updating student milestones is: ZZ SR Milestones
Navigation: Main Menu> Set Up SACR> Security> Secure Student Administration> User ID> Milestone Security
- Enter User ID and/or Academic Institution to search for a user or group of users.
- Click Search. If one result is returned, the page will open for that user. If multiple results are returned, select the appropriate user by clicking on their User ID to open the page.

- Grant access to individual Milestones by clicking the Look Up (spy glass) icon and selecting the individual milestone. Click the Plus (+) symbol to add additional milestones. For each milestone check in the Inquiry Indicator box for view only. To add update access click the Update Indicator box. Colleges may also choose to grant access to ALL milestones as 'View Only' by clicking the All Inquiry button, or as View/Update by clicking the All Update button, which will automatically insert the Milestone value of ALL and check the appropriate indicator boxes.
- When entry is complete, click Save.
- Click Return to Search
Each college locally defines their milestones. The use of milestones is optional for colleges. Some examples of existing milestones include:
- AIS CONC - AIS - DTA Degree Concentration
- ENGLISH - English Competency
- HS ASL - High School ASL
- HS CHEM - High School Chemistry
- HS FRNC - High School French
- HS JAPN - High School Japanese
- HS PHYS - High School Physics
- HS SPAN - High School Spanish
- MATH - Math Competency
- AADTA_CONC - AA-DTA - Concentration Earned
- ADAST_CONC - Administrative Assistant Conc.
- APP_BASAM - BAS Management App Items
- APP_BASHS - BAS Human Services App Items
- APP_DH - Dental App Items
- APP_MA - Medical Asst App Items
- APP_NURS - Nursing App Items
- APP_PHARM - Pharmacy App Items
- APP_PHLEB - Phlebotomy App Items
- AREASTUDY - Area of Study
- AST_CONC - AS-T/MRP Concentration
- AUTOHITECC - HiTECC Program Acceptance
- AUTOTTEN - T-Ten Program Acceptance
- DMAPORTFOL - DMA Portfolio Reviewed
- EL_CHEM141 - Chemistry Eligibility CHEM&141
- EL_ENGL101 - English Eligibility ENGL&101
- EL_ENGL102 - English Eligibility ENGL&102
- EL_ENGL98 - English Eligibility ENGL98
- EL_MTHLV10 - Math Eligibility LV10
- EL_MTHLV20 - Math Eligibility LV20
- EL_MTHLV30 - Math Eligibility LV30
- EL_MTHLV40 - Math Eligibility LV40
- EL_MTHLV50 - Math Eligibility LV50
- EL_MTHLV60 - Math Eligibility LV60
- EL_MTHLV70 - Math Eligibility LV70
- EL_MTHLV80 - Math Eligibility LV80
- AADTA_CONC - AA-DTA Degree Concentration
- ACCOUNTING - Accounting Competency
- AS-T1_CONS - AS -Track 1 Concentration
- AS-T2_CONS - AS -Track 2 Concentration
- ASL - ASL Competency
- BIOLOGY - Biology Competency
- BTEC - BTEC Competency
- BUSINESS - Business Competency
- CHEMISTRY - Chemistry Competency
- COL SUCCES - College Success Requirement
- COMP SCI - Computer Science Competency
- ECONOMICS - Economics Competency
- ENGLISH - English Competency
- ENGR - Engineering Competency
- IT - Information Tech Competency
- LPN - Student with LPN License
- MATH - Math Competency
- MATHHSTA - Math Placement
- MATHTRANS - Math Placement
- MEDA - MEDA Cohort Student
- MILITARY - Military status for tuition
- NAME - Legal Name Update
- NURSING - Nursing Cohort Student
- PHYSICS - Physics Competency
- PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology Competency
- RESIDENCY - Residency Review
- SPANISH - Spanish Competency
- TECH ED - Principles of Tech Competency
- TRANS_EVAL - Transfer credit evaluation
- ADN_APP_L1 - ADN Application Level 1
- ADN_APP_L2 - ADN Application Level 2
- ADN_APP_L3 - ADN Application Level 3
- APPRENTICE - Completion of Apprenticeship
- ENGINETECH - Engineering Technology Pathway
- ENGL_COMP - English Competency
- INDTT_CONC - Industrial Trades Technician
- MATH_COMP2 - Math Competency 2 year
- MATH_COMP6 - Math Competency 6 year
- ORGLEADPER - Performance Improvement Focus
- PN_APP_L1 - PN Application Level 1
- PN_APP_L2 - PN Application Level 2
- PTA_APP_L1 - PTA Application Level 1
- PTA_APP_L2 - PTA Application Level 2
- AA_HONORS - AA Honors
- AB_HONORS - AB Honors
- ACCOUNTING - Accounting Competency
- AC_PATHWAY - Arts & Communications
- AMATH - Math for Prof-Tech
- AST1_HONOR - AS-T Track 1 Honors
- BIOLOGY - Biology Competency
- BM_PATHWAY - BM_Pathway
- CHEMISTRY - Chemistry Competency
- CPR CERT - CPR Certification
- ENGLISH - English Competency
- FIRST AID - First Aid Certification
- HC_PATHWAY - Healthcare
- IT_PATHWAY - Information Technology
- MATH - Math Competency
- MS_PATHWAY - Math & Science
- PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology Competency
- SCUBA - SCUBA Certification
- SE_PATHWAY - Social Science & Education
- SPANISH - Spanish Competency
- ST_PATHWAY - Skilled Trades
- AADTA_CONC - AA-DTA Concentration
- ACCOUNTING - Accounting Competency
- AS-T1_CONC - AS Track 1 Concentration
- AS-T2_CONC - AS-T Track 2 Concentration
- BIOLOGY - Biology Competency
- CHEMISTRY - Chemistry Competency
- COLLG_110 - College 110 Competency
- EMT - EMT Competency
- ENGINEERNG - Engineering Competency
- ENGLISH - English Competency
- MATH - Math Competency
- PHILOSOPHY - Philosophy Competency
- PHSYICS - Physics Competency
- PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology Competency
- SPANISH - Spanish Competency
- AADTA_CONC - AA-DTA Concentration
- AADTA_SPEC - AA-DTA Specialization
- ACCT - ACCT Competency
- BIOL - BIOL Competency
- BUS - BUS Competency
- CHEM - CHEM Competency
- CS - CS Competency
- CU - CU Competency
- ED PLAN - Ed Plan
- ENGL - ENGL Competency
- ENGR - ENGR Competency
- HIT - HIT Competency
- MATH - MATH Competency
- NURS - NURS Competency
- PHYS - PHYS Competency
- PSYC - PSYC Competency
- REXCEPTION - Repeat Exception
- SOC - SOC Competency
- TMATH - TMATH Competency
- TRANS - Transcript
- TRANS MATH - Transcript of Math
- ACCT - Accounting Proficiency
- ANTH - Anthropology Proficiency
- APLED - APLED Proficiency
- ARCHT - Architecture Proficiency
- ART - Art Proficiency
- AUTO - Automotive Proficiency
- AUTO A6 - Auto A6 Cert Req Met
- BIOL - Biology Proficiency
- BT - BT Proficiency
- BUS - Business Proficiency
- CAD - CAD Proficiency
- CATT - CATT Proficiency
- CET - CET Proficiency
- CHEM - Chemistry Proficiency
- CHIN - Chinese Proficiency
- CIS - Computer Info Sys Proficiency
- CS - Computer Science Proficiency
- CUL - Culinary Proficiency
- DRMA - Drama Proficiency
- ECON - Economics Proficiency
- ENGL - English Profiency
- ENVSC - Environmental Sci Proficiency
- FIRE SCI - Fire Science Proficiency
- FOD - Fire Officer Proficiency
- FRCH - French Proficiency
- FS - Fire Science Tech Proficiency
- GEOG - Geography Proficiency
- GEOLOGY - Geology Proficiency
- HISTORY - History Proficiency
- HM - Hotel/Restaurant Mgmt Proficie
- HOTEL MMGT - Hotel Mmgt Proficiency
- HSCHEM - Chemistry Proficiency
- ICT - Invasive CT Proficiency
- JAPN - Japanese Proficiency
- MATH - Math Proficiency
- MMGT - MMGT Proficiency
- MRSR - Mchn Reason/Spatial Relations
- MUSC - Music Proficiency
- PHIL - PHIL& Proficiency
- PHYS - PHYS Proficiency
- POLS - Political Science Proficiency
- PSYC - Psychology Proficiency
- SLEP - Secondary Lvl English Proficie
- SOC - Sociology Proficiency
- SPAN - Spanish Proficiency
- BASM_ENTR - BAS-Entrepreneurship Emphasis
- BASM_HLTC - BAS - Healthcare Emphasis
- BASM_MNFC - BAS - Manufacturing Emphasis
- BMAAS_GB - AAS-General Business Emphasis
- BMAAS_MKT - AAS-Marketing Emphasis
- BMAAS_SBM - AAS-Small Bus Mgmt Emphasis
- BMAAS_SM - AAS-Social Media Emphasis
- DEGREEPLAN - Need a degree plan
- EPAAS_ECED - AAS-Early Childhood Ed Emphasi
- EPAAS_GED - AAS-General Education Emphasis
- EPAAS_SLMT - AAS-School Library MT Emphasis
- EPAAS_SPED - AAS-Special Education Emphasis
- HSFRCH - High School French Req
- HSGPA - High School GPA Verification
- HSJAPN - High School Japanese Req
- HSSPAN - High School Spanish Req
- MATH CMPL - Devt Math Sequence Completed
- PTHWY_ART - Humanities,Arts,Design Pathway
- PTHWY_BUSN - Business and Marketing Pathway
- PTHWY_EDUC - Educ,Social,Behavior Sci Path
- PTHWY_EXPL - Exploratory Pathway
- PTHWY_HLTH - Health Pathway
- PTHWY_HONR - Honors Pathway
- PTHWY_PULL - Pullman Pathway
- PTHWY_STEM - Sci,Tech,Eng,Math Pathway
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