CS 9.2 SACR Security - Population Update Security
Purpose: Use this document as a guide for establishing Population Update security in ctcLink.
Audience: Campus Solutions Core and Financial Aid staff; Local Security Administrators
You must have the ZZ Local Security Admin or ZZ Local SACR Security Admin role for this navigation. For more information about these two roles, please refer to the CS 9.2 All 'ZZ' Security Roles (Processor) QRG.
Population Update is a process that uses the Population Selection utility to update values in selected fields. Your college will choose the records and fields to make available for update and set user security to identify which users can update the records. The user selects the records and fields to update on the Population Selection Update run control page.
Each record that can be updated has a query to use for population selection. This query is joined with other records to determine the population that you want to update when you use the PS Query selection tool.
This component sets user security for accessing records to update using the Population Selection update process.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > User ID > Population Update Security
- The Population Update Security search page displays.
- Enter User ID.
- Select the Search button.
- The Population Update Security page displays.
- Select the Record (Table) Name spyglass.
- The Look Up Record (Table) Name popup displays.
- Select a Record (Table) Name from the list.
- The Look Up Record (Table) Name popup disappears.
- The Record (Table) Name field populates.
- To add another Record (Table) Name, select the Add a New Row [+] icon.
- A new, empty row displays.
- Repeat steps 5 through 10 until you've added all the Record (Table) Names you wish.
- Select the Save button.
- Section complete.
When you select a record and access the Population Update Setup page, the system makes the fields from that record available in the Field Name dropdown lists. Select each field that you want to make available for users to update. Only the records and fields that you select and to which the user has security access will be available on the run control page.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Setup
- The Population Update Setup search page displays.
- Enter Record (Table) Name begins with.
- Select the Search button.
- The Population Update Setup page displays.
- Select the Field Name dropdown.
- The Field Name dropdown list displays.
- Select a Field Name.
- The Field Name dropdown disappears.
- The Field Name populates.
- Select the Attribute Sequence spyglass.
- The Look Up Attribute Sequence popup displays.
- Select an Attribute Sequence.
- The Look Up Attribute Sequence popup disappears.
- The Attribute Sequence field populates.
- Select the Save button.
- Section complete.
Note: You access the Population Selection pages listed here from the standard Population Selection group box on the Run Control page. You will use other pages depending on the values and parameters that you enter for a specific process. Those pages are documented where the specific run control page for that business process is documented.

Now let's run through the steps of defining, previewing and launching a Population Update process.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Process
- The Population Update Process search page displays. In this example, we'll create a new Run Control ID.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- The Add a New Value tab displays.
- Enter a meaningful Run Control ID.
- Select the Add button.
- The Population Selection Update page displays.
- Select the Record (Table) Name dropdown.
- The Record (Table) Name dropdown list displays.
- Select a Record (Table) Name from the list.
- The Record (Table) Name dropdown list disappears.
- The Record (Table) Name field populates.
- Error Reporting: You can choose to have the process display error messages only or all of the messages that it encounters during the update, or you can choose not to display any of the messages. Displaying at least the error messages gives you an opportunity to decide whether to investigate and resolve the problems. For this example, select Report Error Messages.
- Population Selection: A standard group box appears on run control pages for processes that use the Population Selection process to select the IDs to process. The Population Selection process may be required for some processes (for example, the Mass Assign Service Indicators process) but optional for others (for example, the 3C Engine process). The Population Selection Context Definition for a process controls whether the Population Selection process is available and if is required or optional. Select the Selection Tool dropdown.
- The Selection Tool dropdown list displays.
- For this example, select PS Query.
- The Selection Tool dropdown disappears.
- The Selection Tool field populates.
- Select the Query Name spyglass.
- The Look Up Query Name popup displays.
- Select a Query Name from the list.
- The Look Up Query Name popup disappears.
- The Query Name field populates.
- This query demands that we provide it with some instructions. Select the Edit Prompts link.
- The Query Prompts popup displays.
- Enter or select Institution.
- Enter or select Career.
- Enter or select Effective Term.
- Select the OK button.
- The Query Prompts popup disappears.
- Now let's look at the population of students that will be updated by this process. Select the Preview Selection Results link.
- The Preview Selection Results page displays. Examine the list of students.
- Select the Return button.
- The Population Selection Update page displays. Now let's set the values for the field(s) we wish to update.
When you enter the Record (Table) Name, the fields that are available for update become available for selection. Enter each field that you want to update and enter the value to use. When you run the Population Update process, the system finds the record and updates the field values with the values that you specify for the records that you have identified using the Population Selection utility.
For the following records you can decide whether to update the existing effective dated row or to insert a new effective dated row:
- ISIR Internals/Control Data
- Student FA Term
The following records have additional functionality:
- Admissions Application Data: Optional Batch EIP for this record.
- Admissions Application Recruitment Category: Optional Batch EIP for this record.
- Admissions Prospect Career: Optional Batch EIP for this record.
- Records needing INAS Calculation: Hardcoded value "P" for Protection Reason.
- Calculation of Total Duration.
- Loan Origination Detail: Hold/ UnHold logic, custom XLAT.
- Loan Origination: Logic to update Borrower Citizenship Status for Grad PLUS, Subsidized, and Unsubsidized Loans.
- Pell Origination: The date fields associated with Pell Origination Status and Pell Trans Status are also updated with the system date.
- Corresponding update to Student Aid Attribute
- External Award Staging Detail: Custom translate for processing status.
- Student Career: The date field associated with the Synchronize Advisement Report is also updated with the system date.
- Term Activation: The Tuition Calc Required check box is selected when the Override Tuition Group is updated.
- Student Equation Variables: Validated against term activation record. The Tuition Calc Required flag is set to Y when Student Equation Variables are processed.
- Student Packaging Variables: Validated against student aid record.
- Student FA Term : Update of Override fields related to update of FA Load, NSLDS Loan Year, and Direct Lending Year.
- Validation of entered FA load value.
- SAP records : Operator ID of the person running update and date/time stamp of the process.
- Validation of EMPLIDs selected for Population Update process.
- For this example, select the Field Name dropdown at the bottom of the page.
- The Field Name dropdown list displays.
- Select a value from the list.
- The Field Name dropdown disappears.
- The Field Name value populates.
- Now let's provide the value that will be used to update the Field Name for each of our students. In the Select Attributes to Update section at the bottom of the page, select the Date tab.
- The Date tab displays.
- Select the Common Attribute spyglass.
- The Look Up Common Attributes popup displays.
- Select a Common Attribute from the list.
- The Look Up Common Attribute popup disappears.
- The Common Attribute field populates.
- Select the Run button at the top of the page to release the process to the Process Scheduler. Please refer to the Process Scheduler/Process Monitor QRG for guidance.
- Process complete.