Withholding Mismatch Report

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to review all payments and associated vouchers made to withholding entities by supplier. This is part of the 1099 yearend processing.

Audience:  Financial Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Accounts Payable Reports

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Before you can create the Withholding Mismatch report (APX9010), you must run the Withholding Mismatch Application Engine process (WTHD_MISMATCH). The Withholding Mismatch report enables you to identify voucher lines on which the withholding applicable flag does not match the withholding flag on the supplier.

You can update transactions using the Withholding Update Application Engine process (AP_WTHD_UPDT), and then rerun the Withholding Mismatch process and Withholding Mismatch report to recheck the voucher line withholding.  

Withhold Mismatch Report

Navigation:  Suppliers > 1099/Global Withholding > General Reports > Wthd Voucher/Supplier Mismatch

  1. The Wthd Voucher/Supplier Mismatch run control search page displays.  Enter an existing Run Control ID then select Search; or Add a New Value, then select Add.
  2. The Withhold Mismatch Request page displays.
  3. Enter field values:
    1. Request ID.
    2. Business Unit.
    3. Start Date (beginning of current year).
    4. End Date (end of current year).
  4. Select the Run button.
Enter mismatch request parameters
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.  
  2. Select Mismatch Report (PSJob).
  3. Select OK.
Select Mismatch report and ok
  1. The Withhold Mismatch Request page displays. Select Process Monitor link. The Process Monitor page displays. For more information please see QRG Process Scheduler/Process Monitor. Select the Refresh button until the Instance corresponding to the Process Instance number noted above achieves a Run Status of 'Success' and a Distribution Status of 'Posted'.
  2. Select the Report Manager link.
Process runs to success
  1. The Report Manager page displays. Select the Administration tab.
  2. Select the APX9010-APX9010.htm link.
Select Admin tab

Sample of the Withholding Mismatch Report:

Example of WH Mismatch Report
  1. Process complete.


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