9.2 Job Effective Dated Row Insert (Short Work Break)

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for creating an new effective date row in Job Data for a single group of employees in ctcLink.

Audience:  Human Resource Specialists and/or Human Resource Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC HR Employee Maintenance
  • ZZ HR Employee Maintenance

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.


Do not run this process until Balloon Payments have been processed. Please work with your payroll department to coordinate the processes.

Insert Job Effective Dated Row

Navigation:  Menu  > Workforce Administration > CTC Custom > CTC Processes > Create New Job Eff. Dated Row 

  1. The Create New Job Eff. Dated Row search page displays.
  2. Select the Add New Value tab. (This step is strictly for the first run; after that you may use this new run control).
  3. Create a Run Control (something unique and easy to remember).
  4. Select the Add button.
  5. The Create New Job Effective Dated Row page displays.
  6. Select the appropriate Company.
  7. Enter/Select the Effective Date for the Job Data Insert.
  8. Select the appropriate Action for the Job Data Record.
  9. Select the appropriate Reason (optional but highly recommended).
  10. Select the appropriate PayGroup.
  11. Enter the Contract Begin Date.
  12. Enter the Contract End Date.
  13. Select the appropriate Department (if applicable).
  14. Enter the Contract Begin Date (if applicable).
  15. Enter the Contract End Date (if applicable).

WARNING: The system WILL NOT create/insert a new row for an employee with an effective dated row that is greater than the date entered in step #6; or if the employee has an Expected Job End Date less than the effective date in step #6.

Should an employee have a future dated row greater than the effective date entered in step #6; a manual entry will need to be created Job Data.  Additionally, if an employee has an Expected Job End Date that is less than the date entered in step #6; a manual entry will need to be created in Job Data.

Be sure to check your report results for validation.

This process WILL create an effective dated sequence for multiple actions with the same effective date.

WARNING: The system WILL NOT generate a new effective dated row for the Return from Workbreak Action IF the Short Work Break Action is NOT the most recent previous action of record.

It may be best to run this process for both actions simultaneously (1st Run = SWB; 2nd Run = RWB)

  1. Select the Run button to activate the process request.
  2. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  3. Select the OK button.
  4. The Create New Job Effective Dated Row page displays.
  5. Make note of the Process Instance number.
  6. Select the Process Monitor link to view the progress of the request.
  7. The Process Monitor page displays.
  8. Select Refresh until the Run Status changes to Success and the Distribution Status changes to Posted.
  9. Select the Go back to Create New Job Eff. Dated Row link.
  10. The Create New Job Effective Dated Row page displays.
  11. Select the Report Manager link.
  12. The Report Manager page displays.
  13. From the List tab, select the  CTC_JEDI_AE report link.
  14. The Report Index page displays.
  15. Select the JOB_EFFECTIVE_DATE link to view the actual results. (A separate window will appear containing the results. It is best to save or print these results for validation).

NOTE: You should ALWAYS VALIDATE your data at the end of this process. Select a few individuals from the results list to validate in Job Data.  (Navigation: Main Menu >  Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data)

Remember to look for those employees with a future dated row greater than the date selected for this process. Those employees will need to be updated manually.

End of procedure.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Job Effective Dated Row Insert (Short Work Break). This link will open in a new tab/window.


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