Creating Cash Advances
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create a cash advance request in ctcLink
Audience: All Staff.
A Cash Advance (CA) is a Travel document created to facilitate payment to the traveler in advance of or before travel; and can be applied across multiple Expense Reports. A Cash Advance can also be created at the time of Creating a Travel Authorization.
An Expense Report (ER) is Travel document created after travel to record actual cost of travel; it may also produce a reimbursement and/or reconcile a Cash Advance. It is used for ALL Employee Reimbursements and replaces A-19.
From the ctcLink Gateway main page, navigate to Financials Employee Self Service by selecting either the Financials Self-Service tile or the FSCM link.

Creating a Cash Advance Request
Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service menu > Travel and Expenses > Cash Advances > Create/Modify
- The Employee Self Service page displays. Select the Navigation Menu icon.
- Select the Menu icon.
- Follow the navigation: Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Cash Advances.
- Select Create/Modify.
To complete a Cash Advance Request, you will need to know what Budget or Chartfield values to be added in the Accounting Details section. If unsure what values to use, please check with your supervisor. A cash advance can also be created at the time of creating a Travel Authorization.
- The Cash Advance search page displays. Depending on your role, the Empl ID will default into the field. If you are authorized to enter a cash advance on behalf of someone else, then you will need to look up the Empl ID first.
- Select Add.
- The Create Cash Advance page displays. Select the appropriate purpose from the Business Purpose drop-down menu.
- Enter the appropriate Advance Description.
- Select the appropriate source from the Source drop-down menu.
- Enter the appropriate Description.
- Enter the appropriate Amount.
- Notice that the Advance Amount field now displays the total amount of the cash advance request.
- If the Cash Advance needs lines added or removed, select the Add a New Row [+] icon and/or the Delete a Row [-] icon to the right of each line item to add new lines (+) or remove the specified line (-). Repeat steps 5 - 8 for each new row.
Select the paperclip icon or the 'Attachments' link to upload supporting documents.
- Expand the Accounting Details section to review and/or enter the ChartField Values.
- Optional to expand the Totals section to view the total amount of Cash Advance.
- Select the checkbox to certify that the advances submitted are accurate and comply with local expense policy.
- Select Submit Cash Advance or Save for Later. In this example, we'll Submit Cash Advance.
- Select the Submit Cash Advance button to push your request to the person who approves such things.
- Select the Save for Later button to save the Cash Advance without submitting it for approval. You can save the report with or without invalid or missing information, and you can modify it later. Expenses displays the Save Confirmation page to indicate that it successfully saved the Cash Advance and indicates if missing or invalid information exists.
To troubleshoot and resolve errors, please refer to QRG Correcting Cash Advance Errors for Travelers.
- The Cash Advance Submit Confirm page appears. Select the OK button.

- The Cash Advance Submit Confirm page disappears. The View Cash Advance page displays. Note the cash advance Report number has been assigned and submitted for approval.
- Optional to select the Refresh Approval Status button to view the Approval History or approval workflow.
For more information on the next steps, please see QRG Expenses Checklist & Process Steps Guide under the Cash Advance Reconciliation step.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Creating Cash Advances. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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