Approving Travel Authorizations
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for budget checking and approving Travel Authorizations in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance and Business Office staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Expenses Approval <this is a dynamic role that is automatically applied to the user profiles of Supervisors and Travel & Expenses Assigned Approvers>
- ZZ Expenses Manager
- ZZ Expenses Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Approving Travel Authorizations
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Approve Transactions > Approve Expense Transactions
- On the Approve Expense Transactions page, select the Travel Authorizations tab to review and approve multiple Travel Authorizations.
- The Travel Authorizations tab will display. Select the Description link or Transaction ID link to navigate to the Travel Authorization Summary page. The Travel Authorization Summary page will display.
- On the Travel Authorization Summary page, select the Expense Type link to access the Expense Detail page to view information about each expense line. The Expense Detail page will display.
Use the Travel Authorization Summary page to review a summary of travel authorization expenses. Managers and project managers who have authority to approve travel authorizations use this page.
- The Approve Travel Authorization - Authorization Detail page displays, review the expense details for the selected line.
- Optional to select the Check Expense for Errors button.
- Optional to select the Accounting Detail link to view the ChartString or Accounting Distribution.
- Select the Return to Travel Authorization Details link to go back to main page.
Depending upon your local college end-user setup and security roles, you may have viewing or editable access.

If you have finished reviewing the information on the Travel Authorization and are ready to make an approval action, you may need to Budget Check the transaction first. Whether budget checking is needed depends on local BU configuration and the stage of approvals the Travel Authorization is in.
Please see QRG Budget Checking Travel Authorizations During Approvals.
- If you are ready to make an approval action for the Travel Authorization, select the desired approval action button at the bottom of the screen:
- Approve - select to approve the Travel Authorization. Note: Comments are optional.
- Send Back - to return Travel Authorization back to the end user. Comments are recommended, such as 'Please add travel backup documents and resubmit'.
- The Save Confirmation pagelet will display.
- Select the Return to Travel Authorization Summary link to return to the summary page.
The buttons available depend on local BU configuration and the stage of approvals the Travel Authorization is in.
- The Save Confirmation window displays. Select the OK button to confirm the Travel Authorization has been successfully approved.
Utilize the Return to Approval List and/or the Previous in List/Next in List links to navigate to view other approvals.
If you received an error message and are not able to approve the report, go to the Comments section, add the following comments "Error in approving report please review errors and resubmit once fixed". Select the Send Back button to sent a report back to the employee to review the error. Once fixed, the employee can submit the report back into the approval list.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Approving Travel Authorizations. This link will open in a new window.
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