Attaching Documents to Expense Reports

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to attach documents to Expense Reports in ctcLink, whether the ER is pending, paid, staged or approved for payment.

Audience:  All Travelers

Attaching Documents to a Pending Expense Report (Classic)

Documents can be added at the Header and/or Line levels. Multiple documents can be attached at the Header level and only 1 document attached at the Line level.

Modify Expense Report page

Note: If your Institution uses the Expenses Receipts Required functionality, then Receipt Attachments need to be added at the line level by selecting the paperclip icon. Alternately you may enter an exception comment if no receipt is available.

Expense line attachments

Navigation:  Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Expense Reports > Create/Modify

  1. The Expense Report search page displays.
  2. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  3. Select Search.
  4. The Search Results section of the page populates.
  5. Select a Report ID.
  6. The Modify Expense Report page displays.
  7. Select Attachments.
Modify Expense Report page
  1. The Expense Report Attachments window displays.
  2. Select Add Attachment.
  3. The File Attachment window displays.
  4. Select Browse.  Browse to your file.
  5. Select Upload.
Expense Report Attachments and File Attachment windows
  1. The File Attachment window disappears.
  2. The Expense Report Attachments window updates with your file.
  3. Optionally, you may enter a Description of the file.  The Description field on the Expense Report Attachments page is different from the Report Description field on the Create Expense Report page.  The Description field on this page describes the attached file.
  4. Select OK.
Expense Report Attachments window
  1. The Expense Report Attachments window disappears.
  2. The updated Modify Expense Report page displays.  Please note that the Attachments link displays, parenthetically, the count of attachments included with this expense report.
  3. Select Save for Later.
Modify Expense Report page
  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

 View the external link to Attaching Documents to Expense Reports (Classic). This link will open in a new tab/window

Attaching Documents to an Expense Report when it's Paid, Staged, or Approved for Payment (Fluid)

Navigation: FSCM Employee Self Service homepage.

  1. The Finance Employee Self Service homepage displays. Select the Expenses tile.
Expenses Tile tile
  1. The Expenses page displays.
  2. Select the Expense History tile.
Select Expense History tile
  1. The Expense Report History page displays.
  2. Select the Expense Report History tab to expand the Expense Report History section to the right.
  3. On the right side of the page, select the right arrow icon for the Expense Report that you want to add attachments to.
Select the arrow icon
  1. The Expense Report Summary page displays.
  2. On the top left side of the page, select the Pencil icon to open the Expense Report Header page.
Select the pencil icon
  1. On the Expense Report Header page, select the Receipt Attachments arrow.
Select Receipt Attachments
  1. The Attachments window displays.
  2. Select the Add Attachments icon.
Select Add Attachment icon
  1. The Select File to create as Attachment window displays.
  2. Select My Device icon.
Select My Device icon
  1. The File Upload window displays.
  2. Locate the file(s) that you want to upload. (Note: to select more than one file to upload, hold down the Ctrl and/or shift keys.)
  3. Select the Open button when done selecting files.
Select files and then Select Open
  1. The file(s) will be listed in the Select Files window.
  2. Select the Upload button.
Select upload
  1. When the File(s) upload process is complete, select the Done button.
Select the done button
  1. The Attachments window displays. Optional to add a description.
  2. Select the Done button.
Optional to update Descriptions and select Done when finished.
  1. The Expense Report Header page displays and a green banner may flash at the top of the page that says 'Attachments Saved'.
  2. The Attachments are now saved.
  3. To Exit the page, select the 3 dots on the top right of the page and select one of the options.
  4. Process complete.


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