ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Finance9.2 FIN - ExpensesExpense Reports - TravelerCreating a New Expense Report from an Existing Expense Report

Creating a New Expense Report from an Existing Expense Report

Purpose: Use as a reference for how to create a new expense report from an existing expense report in ctcLink.

Audience: Finance staff.

Creating a New Expense Report from an Existing Expense Report using Classic Navigation

Navigation:  Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Expense Reports > Create/Modify

  1. The Expense Report search page displays.  Select the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Enter or use the Look Up tool to select your traveler's Empl ID in the Empl ID field. Select the Add button.
  3. The Create Expense Report page displays.  Select the An Existing Report option from the Quick Start drop-down menu.
  4. Select GO to find an existing Expense Report from which to copy information.
  5. The Copy from Existing Expense Report page displays. If needed, use the calendar icons to update the From Date and To date fields and select the Search button. Select the Expense Report from which you want to copy.  This will copy information into a new, blank Expense Report.
Copy from an existing expense report
  1. The Copy from Existing Expense Report page disappears.  The populated Create Expense Report page displays.  Select the Save for Later link to Save/Update copied information as necessary.  
  2. Adjust the expense report fields as required.  Select the Summary and Submit link to submit new Expense Report when completed.
  3. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Creating a New Expense Report from an Existing Report using Classic Navigation. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Creating a New Expense Report from an Existing Expense Report using the Fluid Tile

Navigation:  Fluid Tiles > Employee Self-Service > Expenses

  1. The Expenses fluid tile will display.
  2. Select the Expenses tile.
Expenses tile
  1. Select the Create Expense Report tile.
Create Expense Report Tile
  1. The Expense Report page will display. In the Expense Details section, select the desired Expense Report Action: Copy Expense Report.
Select Expense Report Action of Copy Expense Report
  1. The Copy Expense Report Options window displays. In the Expense Report Copy Option section, select Full Expense Report.
  2. Enter a date range in the From Date and To Date fields.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Base Expense Reports populates with the entered date range are displayed. Select the Report ID you would like to copy.
  5. Select Copy Expense Report button.
Select ER to copy
  1. The Expense Report Header will display again. Add or update a new Description.
  2. Update/add Header details such as:
    • Update the Default Location.
    • Attach Receipts at the Header level.
    • Update or review the Accounting Defaults.
  3. Select the Update Details button.
Update details

Toggle back and forth from the Header page (pencil icon) to the Expense Lines page (Update Details button).

Toggle from header to expense detail lines
  1. The Expense Entry details page will displays the newly copied Expense Report.
  2. Make updates to the new Expense Report such as:
    • Update the Date(s) for each copied item to the current period.
    • Add current header/line attachments.
    • Select the plus sign icon [+] to add an expense line item.
    • Select the trash can icon to delete an expense line item.
    • Select the more icon for additional options such as: Quick-Fill, Copy, Delete icons.
  3. Select the Save button to save changes.

Note the selected transaction on the left will highlight in green and the details of that transaction will be displayed on the right.

Select the Error Flag to review and correct the expense entry error.

Make changes and save page
  1. After changes have been made. Select Review and Submit button. On the Expense Summary page, a Submission Confirmation message "CERTIFICATION: This is to certify that the data contained in this expense report is accurate and complies with expense policy." displays. Select the Update Details to return to the Expense Report details page.
  2. Select the Submit button (or Cancel if needed).
  3. Section complete.
Submission conf page

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Creating a New Expense Report from an Existing Expense Report using the Fluid tile. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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