Viewing or Modifying Default Accounting in Travel Authorizations

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for viewing or modifying default accounting in FSCM travel authorizations in ctcLink.

Audience: All Staff.

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  • ZZ PeopleSoft User

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NOTE: Default Accounting (or Accounting Defaults) in PeopleSoft Financials Expenses allows you to set the default ChartField values for all expense lines on Expense Reports and/or Travel Authorizations. When you update the Default Accounting (or Accounting Defaults), during transaction creation or during editing, every expense line will be updated to the ChartString entered in the Default Accounting or Accounting Defaults section.

From the ctcLink Gateway main page, navigate to Financials Employee Self Service by selecting either the Financials Self-Service tile or the FSCM link.

ctcLink Gateway image

What's the difference between Classic and Fluid? It's a personal preference! PeopleSoft end users can choose the path that is most effective for them. The Classic navigation uses a breadcrumb menu with a deep hierarchy whereas Fluid navigation uses Homepages and Tiles as the starting point to navigate to pages/processes. Fluid pages have a different look than classic yet most of the same functionality.

Viewing or Modifying Default Accounting in Travel Authorizations Using Classic Navigation

Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service menu > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations > Create/Modify

  1. The Employee Self Service page displays. Select the Navigation Menu icon.
  2. Select the Menu icon.
  3. Follow the navigation: Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations.
  4. Select Create/Modify.  
Navigational path to Travel Authorizations
  1. The Travel Authorization search page displays. Select the Find an Existing Value tab. Depending on your role, the Empl ID will default into the field. If you are authorized to enter an expense report on behalf of someone else, then you will need to look up the Empl ID first.
  2. Enter Search Criteria to identify your travel authorization:
    • Authorization ID.
    • Description.
    • Name.
    • Empl ID.
    • Status.
    • Creation Date.
  3. Select Search. The Modify Travel Authorization page displays. Select Actions drop down arrow to "Default Accounting".
  4. Select the GO button.
Use Actions box to select Default Accounting
  1. The Accounting Defaults page displays. You can:
    • Change or update the ChartField values.
    • Add rows and redistribute percentages. The total % of all lines must equal 100.00%.
    • Delete rows that do not apply to the travel authorization.
  2. Select Add ChartField Line to add a new accounting line if needed.
Accounting summary window
  1. Enter ChartField values for the new row.
  2. In the % column, enter the percentage of expense to charge to the ChartFields that you entered when you added a new row. The accounting split must equal 100 percent for the set of default ChartFields.
  3. Optionally, select the Load Defaults button to reload the accounting defaults from the Employee Profile - Organizational Data and Employee Profile - User Defaults pages.
  4. Optionally, select the User Defaults link to access the Employee Profile - User Defaults page.
  5. Select OK.
TA Accounting Defaults
  1. The Modify Expense Report page displays. To continue working on the travel authorization at a later time, select Save for Later.  To submit the report for approval, select Summary and Submit.
  2. Section complete.
Select Save or summary and submit

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Viewing or Modifying Default Accounting Using Classic Navigation. This link will open in a new window.

Viewing or Modifying Default Accounting in Travel Authorizations Using Fluid Navigation

Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service > Expenses Fluid Tile > Create Travel Authorization

  1. The Finance Employee Self Service homepage displays. Select the Expenses tile.
Expenses Tile tile
  1. The Expenses employee self-service page displays. Select the Create Travel Authorization tile to modify an existing Travel Authorization. (Alternately you can select Create Travel Authorization to create new Travel Authorization and skip to step 4.)
Select the Create Travel Authorization tile
  1. The Travel Authorization (TA) search page displays. Select the Travel Authorization you want to modify from the Pending section and click on the right arrow.
Select pending travel authorization
  1. The Travel Authorization page displays. In the Details Section, select the Accounting Default tab.
Select Accounting Default tab
  1. The Travel Authorization Defaults page displays. You can:
    • Change or update the ChartField values.
    • Add rows and redistribute percentages. The total % of all lines must equal 100.00%.
    • Delete rows that do not apply to the Travel Authorization
  2. Select the plus sign [+] icon to add a new accounting line.
select the plus icon to add line(s)
  1. Enter ChartField values for the new row.
  2. In the % column, enter the percentage of expense to charge to the ChartFields that you entered when you added a new row. The accounting split must equal 100 percent for the set of default ChartFields.
  3. Select Done.
Travel authorization defaults window
  1. The Travel Authorization page displays. You can continue to work on the Travel Authorization lines, or to work on the Travel Authorization later, select Save.  To submit the report for approval, select Submit.
  2. Section complete.
Save or submit the TA

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Viewing or Modifying Default Accounting Using Fluid Navigation. This link will open in a new window.


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