Creating User Templates
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for creating user templates for Expense Reports or Travel Authorizations in ctcLink.
Audience: Employees or Travelers.
From the ctcLink Gateway main page, navigate to Financials Employee Self Service by selecting either the Financials Self-Service tile or the FSCM link.

Creating User Templates
Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service menu > Travel and Expenses > User Preferences > Create/Update User Template
- The Employee Self Service page displays. Select the Navigation Menu icon.
- Select the Menu icon.
- Follow the navigation: Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > User Preferences.
- Select Create/Update User Template.
- On the User Template search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter a user defined Document Template name.
- Select Template Type:
- Expense Report.
- Travel Authorization.
- Select the Add button. The User Template page will display.

Note: The User Template page is used to create a template that pre-populates travel authorizations or expense reports for a specific user ID.
- On the User Template page, enter a Description.
- Enter a Short Description.
- Select an Expense Type from the drop-down list.
- Select the Add multiple new rows [+] button. A pagelet will display.
- On the pagelet, Enter the number of rows to add.
- Select OK. The pagelet will close.
- On the User Template page, use the newly added rows to select additional Expense Types.
- Select Save. The Save Confirmation page will display.
- On the Save Confirmation page, select OK. The User Template page will display.

Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Creating User Templates. This link will open in a new window.
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