Marking Expense Reports for Unpost
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for marking Expense Reports (ER) for subsequent unposting in ctcLink. This process is also referred as to unposting Expense Reports.
Audience: Finance staff/supervisors.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Expenses Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
PREREQUISITES: Must have an expense report where liabilities have been posted, and it must not be in ‘Paid’ status. If it is in ‘Paid’ status, it is only eligible to be Unposted if the amount due employee is 0.00 (as well as liabilities posted).
Marking Expense Reports for Unpost
Expense Reports can only be unposted if the accounting date is within the current open period. Make sure you re-post the Expense Report before the current open period closes.
Do Not Unpost Expense Reports in a status of Paid or Staged.
Do not use the Unpost Expense Report process to update the Payment Type on the Expense Lines. If the Payment Type needs to be updated on a Posted Expense Report, then you can either Close the ER if it hasn’t been paid, or run the A/P Cancelation process if it has, with the Do Not Reissue/Close Liability option. Then you would need to enter a new, corrected expense report.
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > View/Adjust Accounting Entries > Mark Expense Report for Unpost
- The Mark Expense Report for Unpost search page displays.
- Use the Search Criteria to identify your expense report to Search by:
- Creation Date.
- Empl ID.
- Name.
- Report Description.
- Report ID.
- Report Status.
- Select the Search button.

- The Mark Expense Report For Unpost page displays.
- Select a Reversal Date option:
- Use Current Date.
- Use Specific Date.
- Select the Unpost button. The Unpost Expense Report window displays.
- Update Reversal Date, if necessary.
- Select OK.
- The Unpost Expense Report window disappears.
- The updated Mark Expense Report For Unpost page displays. Note the Unpost button is no longer available.
- For the next steps in the process, follow QRG Unposting Expense Reports.
- Open the Expense Report from Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > View/Adjust Accounting Entries > Update Unposted Expense Report, and select Save.
You must open and save the ER as described in step 12, or it will not be eligible to be posted again. Make sure the Unpost and Post Expense Processes are completed in the same Accounting Period.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the link to Marking Expense Reports for Unpost. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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