Performing T&E Expense Processing
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for performing any of nine different travel and expense processes from the same ctcLink process scheduling page.
Audience: Travel and Expense staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Expenses Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Use the Expense Processing page to run the jobs described in this QRG. Transaction Processes and Accounting Processes run in parallel as documents move through their life-cycles in T&E. The table below provides a brief description of each job. The table is also organized into jobs intended to be run before payments are picked up and processed in Accounts Payable and after payments are processed in Accounts Payable.
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing
BEFORE payments are picked up and processed in Accounts Payable:
Stage Payments This process is run after a Cash Advance or Expense Report is fully approved (and budget checked if applicable) to make the payment eligible to be picked up by an AP Pay Cycle. |
Post Liabilities This process is run after a Cash Advance or Expense Report is fully approved (and budget checked if applicable) to create the accrual accounting entries that establish the payment liability for the CA or ER. |
Unstage Payments This process is run after a payment is staged but before it has been picked up by an AP Pay Cycle to make that payment ineligible to be processed by AP. |
AFTER payments are processed in Accounts Payable
Update Paid Status This process is run after a payment has been selected, created and paid through AP to mark the payment at "Paid" in T& E tables. |
Post Payment This process is run after a payment has been selected, created and paid through AP to create the payment accounting entries that relieve the liability created by the Post Liabilities process. |
Cancel Payments This process is run after a payment that has been paid in AP is canceled in AP. Depending on how the payment is canceled in AP, this process will return the payment to a Staged status so it can be corrected and/or reprocessed in AP or terminate the payment and not allow it to be reprocessed. |
Close Liability This process is run after a transaction has been marked for close in T&E. Transactions need to be marked for close if they have been paid though AP and the payment is canceled in AP AFTER the Post Payment processes has been run. If the Post Payment process has not been run before a payment is canceled, the Close Liability process does not apply. |
Advance Reconciliation This process is run after a Cash Advance has been reconciled via an Expense Report or through a manual reconciliation entry in T&E to mark those advances as “Reconciled” in T&E tables. |
Escheatments This process is run after an AP Expenses payment is Escheated in AP. The system will create new EX Accounting entries that offsets the existing Liability Accounts/Unclaimed Property and changes the EX Document status to "Escheated". |
The Business Unit selection is required prior using the Expense Processing page. For each new Run Control ID created, please select and save your Business Unit.
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing
- The Expense Transactions run control ID search page displays.
- If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button.
- NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA010_EXPENSE_PROCESSING (College, Process).
- The Expense Processes tab displays. If this is a new run control ID, a warning message displays. Select the OK button.
- Select the Selected Business Units tab.
- In the Selected Business Units section enter or lookup your Business Unit.
- Select the Save button. Select the Expense Processes tab.
Select the foldable listed below for to proceed with the various Expense Processing process:
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing
PREREQUISITES: Must have completed the AP Pay Cycle Payment Creation step for one or more Expense Reports that had a Cash Advance applied to them. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense Processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed.
- Select the Advance Reconciliation checkbox to update expense tables to indicate that cash advances are reconciled against corresponding expense reports.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
PREREQUISITES: Must have created and fully approved one or more Expense Reports and/or Cash Advances. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Post Liabilities: Select to create rows in the EX_ACCTG_LINE table for the journal generator to send to PeopleSoft General Ledger to post liabilities. The Post Liabilities process generates accounting entries for expense reports, cash advances, and reconciled cash advances.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
PREREQUISITES: Must have successfully marked an Expense Report for Unposting. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Unpost Expense Report: Select to reverse accounting liability entries for expense reports that are marked for unposting. You can edit and resubmit unposted expense reports.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
PREREQUISITES: Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Close Liability: Select to reverse Liability entries for cash advances and expense reports that are marked for closure.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
PREREQUISITES: Must have created and fully approved one or more Expense Reports and/or Cash Advances that have an amount due to the Traveler. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
Expense Reports or Cash Advances will not be eligible to be Staged, if the Default EX profile was changed after the transaction was created. If you are having issues Staging an ER or CA, you may need to change the Default EX profile back to the Default that was used to create the transaction. After the transaction is successfully Staged, you can change the profile back to the new Default if needed.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Stage Payments: Select to move expense transaction data into staging tables for Payables processing.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing
PREREQUISITES: Must have completed the AP Pay Cycle Payment Creation step for one or more Expense Reports and/or Cash Advances. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
The update paid status may go to zero after running the Post Payment Expense process. This is a known issue and was a change by Oracle. We still recommend periodically running the update paid status process to verify all items are cleared.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Update Paid Statuses: Select to change the Status of cash advances or expense reports to Paid. Run this process to mark transactions as Paid prior to posting Payments without generating accounting lines.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing
PREREQUISITES: Must have completed the AP Pay Cycle Payment Creation step for one or more Expense Report and/or Cash Advance payments. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select Refresh to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Post Payments: Select to create rows in the EX_ACCTG_LINE table for the journal generator to send to PeopleSoft General Ledger to post payments.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
PREREQUISITES: Must have one or more Expense Report and/or Cash Advance payments successfully staged. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Unstage Payments: Select to move expense transaction data out of staging tables that have not been selected by the Payables system.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
PREREQUISITES: Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processes tab displays. Select Refresh to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Cancel Payments: Select to reverse accounting entries for payments that you canceled in PeopleSoft Payables.
- Select Run. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
- Section complete.
PREREQUISITES: Must have one or more Expense Report and/or Cash Advance payments successfully Escheated in A/P. Must have Selected Business Unit selected and saved, for assistance please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite for steps.
- The Expense Processing tab displays. You may need to add/verify your college on the Selected Business Units tab page. If the Run Control ID is new, select the Save button and then select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts. If you are using an existing Run Control ID, the transaction counts will update automatically.
- Select the Escheat Payments option. (When you select the Escheat Payments option and run the Application Engine process, the system offsets the existing Liability Accounts/Unclaimed Property and changes the status to "Escheated").
- Select the Save button.
- Select the Refresh button.
- Select the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing process (EX_TRAN_PRCS). The Process Scheduler Request page disappears and the updated Expense Processes tab displays.
- Note the Process Instance number. Select Process Monitor. Refer to the QRG Process Scheduler/Process Monitor instructions.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates one of the Expense Processing actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the link to Expense Processing: Posting Expense Payments. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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