Correcting Expense Report Errors for Travelers

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for resolving Expense Report (ER) errors using the Classic Navigation (Menu) or Fluid Tiles in ctcLink.

Audience:  All Staff.

Correcting Expense Report Errors for Travelers using Classic Navigation

Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Expense Reports > Create/Modify

  1. The Expense Report search page displays. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter Search Criteria to identify your expense report.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. Select the Expense Report (ER) you want to modify/correct. The Modify Expense Report page displays.
  5. Select the Save for Later link to automatically verify your expense lines for errors.
  6. If Save for Later triggers an error, an error flag will display to the left of the expense line. You may also see red highlighted fields, indicating where there is missing information.  If the GL Unit field highlights in red, it is highlighting that an error has been detected with the information in the Accounting Details section (the ChartField values).
  7. Select the error flag(s) icon to open the Expense Report Line Errors window to review explanation of error(s).
Select the error flag
  1. The Expense Report Line Errors Window displays, take a note or screenshot of the error(s). In the following example, please review the error and proposed correction:
  2. Missing Payment Type – Select the down arrow icon in the Payment Type field to select a payment type.
  3. Missing Description – Enter a Description.
  4. No Receipt – You can either select the paperclip icon in the expense line to attach a receipt (the attachment must have the word ‘Receipt’ in the attachment description), or you can select the No Receipt Checkbox, and then select the No Receipt Comment bubble to enter a comment.
  5. Combo Edit Rule Error – The most common ChartField Combo Edit Rule error is missing an ACCOUNT/ CHARTFIELD2/ OPERATING_UNIT/ FUND_CODE/ DEPTID/ CLASS_FLD. This indicates that one of the required fields listed is missing a value. If you have entered a value in Account, Class, Dept, Fund, Oper Unit, and State Purpose and this error will not clear, submit a FSCM Travel and Expenses Service Desk Ticket for assistance with the error.
  6. Select the Return button to return to the Modify Expense Report page to make your corrections.
Expense Report Line Errors window

Additional common error example:

Combo error for fields OPERATING_UNIT/ DEPTID in group HCM_DEPTS - This error indicates that you are not allowed to use HCM departments in expense transactions. You will need to update the Dept field to a non HCM dept (If you haven’t already, validate the Chartfield values with your supervisor). (Note that the GL Unit field is highlighted in red, this signifies an issue with the Chartfield values, not an issue with the GL Unit.)

Combo edit error example
  1. Once you have completed making corrections, select Save for Later again.  
  2. If Save for Later uncovers no errors, select Summary and Submit. For more instructions on how to submit for approval, please see QRG Submitting Expense Reports for Approval.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Correcting Expense Report Errors using Classic Navigation. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Correcting Expense Report Errors for Travelers using Fluid Navigation

Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service homepage

  1. The Finance Employee Self Service homepage displays. Select the Expenses tile.
Select the Expenses tile
  1. The Expenses page displays. Select the My Expense Reports tile.
Select my expense reports tile
  1. The My Expense Reports page displays. In the Not Submitted section, select the Expense Report (ER) you will be working on.

This page defaults to your own Expense Reports page. If you are an Authorized Expense user, creating and submitting reports on behalf of others, select the down arrow icon to the right of your name to select the appropriate person who’s ER you will be working on.

Select not submitted
  1. The Expense Report header page displays. Select the Update Details button.
Select Update details
  1. The Expense Entry page displays. Any expense lines in error will have a red error flag.  When you select an expense line that has an error, you will see red highlights on the fields in error as well as a summary of the expense line errors at the top of the Expense Entry page. Please review the error and proposed correction:
  2. Missing Description - Enter a Description.
  3. Missing Payment Type - Select the down arrow in the Payment Type field to select a payment type.
  4. Combo Error for fields - The most common Chartfield Combo Edit Rule error is missing an ACCOUNT/ CHARTFIELD2/ OPERATING_UNIT/ FUND_CODE/ DEPTID/ CLASS_FLD. This indicates that one of the required fields listed is missing a value. If you have entered a value in Account, Class, Dept, Fund, Oper Unit, and State Purpose and this error will not clear, submit a FSCM Travel and Expenses Service Desk Ticket for assistance with the error.

Additional common error example:

Combo error for fields OPERATING_UNIT/ DEPTID in group HCM_DEPTS The error indicates that you are not allowed to use an HCM department in expense transactions.  You will need to update the Dept field to a non HCM dept (If you haven’t already, validate the Chartfield values with your supervisor). (Note that the GL Unit field is highlighted in red, this signifies an issue with the Chartfield values, not an issue with the GL Unit.)

Expense entry errors
  1. Scroll down to view the bottom of the page. In the Additional Information section, note that there is a No Receipt error. (A No Receipt error will not be included in the error summary at the top of page.)
  2. You can either attach a receipt by selecting Attach Receipt or select Receipt Missing in the Exception Comments section to enter a Receipt Missing comment.  
receipt missing error
  1. Some errors are cleared as you make corrections, other errors require you to select Save to force the error validation. Once you have completed making corrections, select Save again.  
  2. If Save uncovers no errors, select Review and Submit if you are ready to submit for approval.
save, review and submit

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Correcting Expense Report Errors using Fluid Navigation. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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