Create Fluid Expense Report (Tile)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create an expense report (ER) using the PeopleSoft Fluid tile.
Audience: General Travel and Expense Users.
An Expense Report (ER) is Travel document created after travel to record actual cost of travel; it may also produce a reimbursement and/or reconcile a Cash Advance. It is used for ALL Employee Reimbursements and replaces A-19.
The Expense Report can be used for more than travel reimbursement, it can be used for other reimbursements. Check your local business process on other reimbursements that are not travel related.
From the ctcLink Gateway main page, navigate to Financials Employee Self Service by selecting either the Financials Self-Service tile or the FSCM link.

To complete an Expense Report, you will need to know what Budget or ChartField values to be added in the Accounting Details section. If unsure what values to use, please check with your supervisor.
NOTE: Default Accounting (or Accounting Defaults) in PeopleSoft Financials Expenses allows you to set the default ChartField values for all expense lines on Expense Reports and/or Travel Authorizations. When you update the Default Accounting (or Accounting Defaults), during transaction creation or during editing, every expense line will be updated to the ChartString entered in the Default Accounting or Accounting Defaults section. For more information on default accounting, please see QRG Viewing or Modifying Default Accounting in Expense Reports.
Create Fluid Expense Report (Tile)
- From the Finance Employee Self Service homepage, select the Expenses tile.
- Select the Create Expense Report tile to create a Fluid Expense Report.
The Fluid Expense Report has a different look than the classic yet most of the same functionality. As with Classic, users begin with the header information.
If you are a Delegate or Authorized Expense User (you create Expense documents on behalf of others), you will see an Employee selection page, where you will need to select either 'Create for Self', or select another employee to create the Expense report on behalf of.
- The Expense Report displays. Enter the Business Purpose, Description, and Default Location. If you have receipts, select the Attach Receipt side arrow button.
- To set or change the accounting chart string for the document, select the Accounting Defaults side arrow button. Be sure and complete all required fields with the accounting information you were provided for travel and then select the Done button.
- Select from the Expense Report Action menu.
- The Expense Entry page displays. Select the Add Expense [+] button to begin entering line items.
- Enter Date, Expense Type, Description, Payment, Amount (if not per diem expense type), and Billing Type.
If the Expense Type is for Transportation Mileage, enter Transportation ID and Miles (unless your college has GPS addressing turned on, then enter the Starting and Ending Point addresses, then select Calculate GPS Distance.)
For the Payment field, typically "Employee" or "P-Card" options are selected. When Selecting ‘P-Card’, you must also select ‘Personal Expense’, which is accessed by selecting ‘Receipt Split’ link at the bottom of the page. For the Billing Type field, "Billable" should always be selected.
Select the Personal Expense radio button 'Yes' or 'No' if needed. Use the Receipt Split window to provide more detail of an expense lines in the case of part Personal and Non-Personal Expense. Select the Done button to close the Receipt Split window.
- To return to the header information to add attachments or make other changes, select the edit icon next to the Expense Report Description at the top of the page.
- Select the Add button to create additional expense lines, or if complete, select the Save or Review and Submit button.
- The Summary page will indicate if there are errors on the page; for example: missing accounting chart string. You can add notes, under Additional Information.
- Once all errors have been corrected, select the Submit button.
For information on expense report errors and steps to resolve them, please refer to QRG Correcting Expense Report Errors for Travelers.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Create Fluid Expense Report (Tile). This link will open in a new tab/window.
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