Adding Course Fees Via Course Catalog

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to add a course fee in ctcLink

Audience: Course Builders

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
  • ZD CM Local Configuration
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Course Catalog
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You must also set the following SACR Security permission:

Fees added at the course level are not seen on the class schedule pages.  Course fees will be charged in addition to any fees added at the class schedule level.  Course fees apply to all sections of a class that is scheduled.

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog

Adding Course Fees

  1. The Course Catalog search page displays.  Use the default Find an Existing Value page to search for the course.
    1. Academic Institution: Enter or look up.
    2. Subject Area: Enter or look up.
    3. Using remaining search options to narrow the results.
  2. Select Search.
  3. If more than one course qualifies, a list of all qualifying courses displays at the bottom of the Course Catalog search page.  Select one.
  4. The Catalog Data page displays.  Select the Components tab.
  5. The Components page displays.
  6. Select Add Fee button.

The Location field must be left blank. Entering values in this field would result in the system not charging the appropriate fees.

  1. The Course Fees Modal page displays.
    1. Input the Term code for the term the fee should apply.
    2. Charge Method
      1. Most courses should remain with the 'Always' default.
      2. If the class should not charge tuition select 'Not include in term tuition' from the drop down menu.
    3. Select [+] to add additional terms.
    4. You should only click the Delete Fee button on the Course Fees Modal page if you have confirmed that there has never been any enrollment in this course for any term. Clicking the Delete Fee button will remove the historical course fee rows from the system, and all associated data will be permanently deleted. This action cannot be reversed.
  2. Select Course Sub Fees Modal tab.

It is recommended to set up course fees yearly for all terms in the academic year

  1. The Course Sub-Fees Modal page displays.
  2. Select an Account Type.  Refer to your institution's business practices to determine the account type.
  3. Item Type is the accounting code for the fee being charged.  Refer to your institution's business practices to determine the item type code to be used for specific courses.

Note: Item types have been cross-walked from Legacy fee codes and use the same descriptions as the Fee Codes in legacy.

  1. Fee Trigger: Always select 'Use Criteria'.
  2. Fee Amount Equation: Leave blank.
  3. Fee Amount fields: Fees should be charged as a Flat Amount only.
  4. Minimum Amount/Maximum Amount: These fields only apply to this class section and would only be used if charging per unit. Do not use.
  5. Adjustment Code: 'STD' (Standard).
  6. Due Date Code: 'STD' (Standard).
  7. Waiver Group:  Please contact your student financial office regarding which Waiver Groups to use as they are college specific.
  8. Select [+] to add additional fees.
  9. Select Apply to save data.
  10. Select OK to return to the course.
Course Sub Fees Modal page

Process complete.


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