Adding a Class Fee Via Maintain Schedule of Classes

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to add a class fee in ctcLink

Audience: Class Scheduling staff

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Class Builder
  • ZD CM Class Attributes
  • ZD CM Class Builder
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Class Attributes
  • ZZ CM Class Text Book
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You also need to set the following SACR Security permission:

Fees added at the course level are not seen on the class schedule pages.  Class fees will be charged in addition to any course fees only if the Charge for Course Fee checkbox is selected on the Class Fees Modal tab.   It is recommended to verify the fees on the course catalog prior to adding fees on the class sections to avoid any duplication.  Course fees can be seen at NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes

Adding a Class Fee

  1. The Maintain Schedule of Classes search page displays.
  2. Academic Institution: Enter or look up.
  3. Term: Enter or look up.
  4. Subject Area: Enter or look up.
  5. Using the remaining search options to narrow the results.
  6. Select Search.
  7. Qualifying classes are displayed at the bottom of the Maintain Schedule of Classes search page.
  8. Select a class from the list of Search Results.
  9. The Basic Data tab displays.
  10. Select the Add Fee button.
  11. The Class Fees Modal page displays.
  12. Select Charge Method:
    1. Most courses should remain with the 'Always' default
    2. If the class should not charge tuition, select 'Not include in term tuition' from the drop-down menu.
  13. Optional checkboxes:
    1. Charge for Wait Listed Class: Class fee is to be charged to a wait listed student.
    2. Charge for Course Fee: Charge course fees in addition to class fees. If you do not select this check box, class fee definitions override course fee definitions for the same class.
    3. Include in Pro-rata: Class fee is included in pro-rata refund calculations.
    4. Include in other Withdrawal: Include this fee in other withdrawal calculations.
  14. Select the Class Sub Fees Modal tab, and the Class Sub Fees Modal page will appear.
    1. Select an Account Type. Class fees are typically 'FEE' (Mandatory Fees). Consult the local business process to determine the account type.
    2. Item types are the specific codes for the fee being charged. Consult local business processes to determine the item type code for specific courses.
    3. Fee Trigger: Always select 'Use Criteria.'
    4. Fee Amount Equation: Leave blank.
    5. Fee Amount fields: Fees can be set as a per unit charge or flat amount.
      1. If you are charging per unit, enter the appropriate dollar amount in the Amount/Unit field.
      2. If you are charging a flat amount, enter the appropriate dollar amount in the Flat Amount field.
      3. You can only use one option or the other. You cannot use both the Amount/Unit and Flat Amount fields combined
      4. Minimum Amount/Maximum Amount: These fields only apply to this class section and would only be used if charging per unit.  Do not use it if you do not have a max amount.
    6. Adjustment Code: Choose the correct Adjustment Code for your college.
    7. Due Date Code: Choose the correct Due Date Code for your college.
    8. Optional: Waiver Group: These are college-specific. Please refer to your business process.
    9. Optional: To add multiple fees, select the Add a New Row [+] button within the Sub Fees sub-section and repeat steps A through I.
  15. Select Apply.
  16. Select OK.
  17. The Basic Data tab displays.
  18. Select Save.
  19. Process complete.

If class fees change and students are enrolled, their tuition will recalculate to the adjusted amount when the student or staff views their customer account.  

Delete a Fee

You should only click the Delete Fee button on the Class Fees Modal page if you have confirmed that there has never been any enrollment in this class for the specific term. Clicking the Delete Fee button will remove the historical class fee rows from the system, and all associated data will be permanently deleted. This action cannot be reversed. Instead, update the fee amount to $0.

  1. Select Update Fee on the Basic Data tab.
  2. Update the fee amount on the Class Sub Fees Modal tab to $0, whether it's a flat amount or an amount per unit.
  3. Select OK. 
Maintain Schedule of Classes

The students' tuition will recalculate when the staff/students views their customer account or the batch tuition calculation process runs.


Jack Foerster

Are there any issues with adding a class fee after students have registered for the class? I see that it says "If class fees change and students are enrolled, their tuition will recalculate to the adjusted amount when the student or staff views their customer account." I just want to make sure there's no consequences to adding a class fee after students are enrolled, and if there are would we have to drop all the students, cancel the class, recreate it and add the class fee then re-add the students?

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Jack, Thank you for your question. Great news--if class fees change, you do not need to drop then re-add students. Their tuition will recalculate when the staff/student views their customer account or the batch tuition calculation process runs.

Erica Jesberger

This QRG does not address what to do if you need to remove a class fee that was mistakenly added. I can't find a separate QRG on this topic either. Can this be updated to address removing class fees and/or can another QRG be created for this topic? We are not sure what to do to remove a class fee that was mistakenly added.

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Erica, Your question is greatly appreciated; thank you. A "Delete Fee" section is now available. Have a fantastic day!! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

Linda Chadwick

I have been asked about how to add fees to a class that will charge the student for each day they attend, rather than a flat fee. This is for a Continued Ed class. How do I accomplish this task?

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Linda, This is a great question. Our Functional Analysts can assist you with the scenario presented by submitting a CS Support Ticket. Thank you so much! Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

Emily M

Hello, I'm experiencing an issue where when I click on the Add Fee button, the Class Fees Modal page prompts me to either Find an Existing Value or Add a New Value instead of the page shown in this QRG. No matter what criteria I input, I can't move forward with the process. I have Class Building security role and no other schedulers at my college are experiencing the same issue when trying to put a fee on the same class. Any guidance? Thank you.

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Emily,
Thank you for your comment, and I apologize for any inconvenience. The security administrator at your college can help. It might be possible for them to compare your security access. Thank you for your time, Emily. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

Liz Mueth

Hi Tanjagay, I want to confirm, in the 2nd blue box on this QRG it says "Class fees will be charged in addition to any course fees only if the Charge for Course Fee checkbox is selected on the Class Fees Modal tab." If there is ONLY a course fee and no class fee, you do not need to click the box that says "Charge for course fee." I have run the query QCS_SF_CLASS_FEES_BY_TERM it shows that if there is a class fee, there is a "yes" in that check box field, even though I have not checked it in the class fee modal section. My team is having some confusion around this and I would like to make sure that I am telling them the correct information.

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Liz, Thanks for asking such a great question. We need to know the course/class information and the term to troubleshoot your question. If you submit a CS Support ticket, our analysts can assist you. Have a fantastic day. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

Joanne Savage

Hello Liz/Tanjagay---what is the answer to this question as I have the same question? thank you!

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Joanne,
It's a great question; thanks for asking. The query will display "Yes" for class fees if the Charge for Course Fee checkbox is selected on the following navigation: Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Course and Class Fees > Class Fees. The QRG Add a Class Fee through Student Financials can provide additional details: You can also view the query long description details in metaLink. Thank you so much for your time—I appreciate it! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer.

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