Setting Dynamic Class Date Rules

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for creating a Dynamic Class Date Rule in ctcLink.

Audience: Curriculum staff

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Class Builder
  • ZC CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Class Builder
  • ZD CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course and Class inquiry
  • ZD CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ CM Course Catalog
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You must also set the following SACR Security permission:

Supplemental Information:

What are Dynamic Dated Classes? 

There are two kinds of Dynamic Date Rules: DYN and OEE. An OEE rule is a Dynamic Date Rule for which the "Use for OEE" box is checked. Classes in the DYN session follow whichever standard Dynamic Date Rule you have applied to that class. Classes in the OEE session follow whichever OEE Dynamic Date Rule you have applied to that class. Regardless of type, a Dynamic Class Date Rule allows you to set start and end dates and deadlines for Drop, Withdraw, and Census that deviate from the regular session.

What's the difference between OEE and DYN?

Classes in the DYN session apply to the entire class, and calculated dates affect all enrolled students. You apply a Dynamic Date Rule in the OEE session with the "Use for OEE" box checked. Classes in the OEE session allow you to apply a student-specific start date, and dates, including the end date, are calculated at a student level, which means variance from student to student enrolled in the same class. For a DYN class, only the class dates vary. For an OEE class, the dates that apply to the student vary.

How is the Census Date calculated? 

For Standard DYN, the census date is based on the length of the class and is the 20% point of the instructional days of the class. For OEE, the census date is the last class day or the last day of the term, whichever comes first. You must follow the correct Census Date format (see below) to ensure your FTE count is accurate.

Dynamic Class Date Rule

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Dynamic Dates > Dynamic Class Dates Table

  1. The Dynamic Class Dates Table search page displays.
  2. Select Add a New Value.
  3. The Add a New Value tab displays.
  4. Academic Institution: Enter your college code.
  5. Dynamic Class Date Rule: Enter the desired name for this rule. (10 char. max)
  6. Select Add.
  7. The Dynamic Class Dates page displays. Use it to describe the rule.
  8. Effective Date: Use 01/01/1901.
  9. Status: Leave as the defaulted 'Active.'
  10. Description: Input a desired description. (30 char. max)
  11. Short Description: Input a desired short description (10 char. max)
  12. Use for OEE: Check this box only if the rule will be applied to Open Entry/Exit classes.
  13. Establish rules. Values apply to enrollment transactions performed by students and staff.
Dynamic Class Dates Table


First Date to Enroll
First date a student can enroll.
*Not entered when Use for OEE is checked.
Last Date to Enroll
Last day a student can enroll.
*Not entered when Use for OEE is checked.
Last Wait List Date
The last day  a student can be placed on open waitlist. This value cannot be set to 9999.
*Not entered when Use for OEE is checked.
Last Date to Drop
The last day a student can drop a dynamic dated class, regardless of penalty grade.
Drop Action Dates
The enrollment engine uses these dates when a student drops dynamic dated classes from their schedule via Student Center or when a staff member performs a drop.
Delete Factor: Use 9999
Retain Factor: The last day on which a student can be dropped without the class appearing on their transcript or receiving a penalty grade.
Penalty Factor: The last day on which a student can be dropped from a class with a “W” penalty grade.
Penalty2 Factor: Use 9999
Cancel & Withdrawal Dates
The Enrollment Cancellation (drop for non-payment) and Session Withdrawal processes use these dates.
Cancel Factor: Drop for non-payment deadline.
WD w/o Penalty: This value should be the same as the Drop Action Retain Factor.
WD w/Penalty: This value should be the same as the Drop Action Penalty Factor.
Class End Date
 Use for OEE.
Fully Graded Date
The day a student is considered fully graded. This date is used for Financial Aid purposes.
Lapse Start Date
Related to the grade lapse (incomplete grade) process.
Sixty Percent Point in Time
This value is informational only but is required. Use the following:
Rule: B – Point Between Class Start-End
Rounding Scheme: M – Basis Day
Factor: 0.600
Census Date
To make sure your FTE count correctly, your Census Date must conform to these settings.
DYN -- Use B for Role, for Rounding Scheme, and 0.20 for Factor
OEE – Check Use for OEE at the top and for Role, for Rounding Scheme, and 0 for Factor

Rules: Establishes the basis on which your rule begins to calculate dates.

NOTE: The Rules available are dependent on the type of date/deadline.

Point Between Class Start-End
Use this rule when the calculation is based on a percentage of calendar days between the start and end of a class.
Days before/after Class End
Use this rule when the calculation is based on number of calendar days before or after a class has ended.
Percentage of Class Hours
Use this rule when the calculation is based on a percentage of class meeting hours rather than days.
Percentage of Class Meetings
Use this rule when the calculation is based on a percentage of class meetings rather than calendar days.
Number of Class Meetings
Use this rule when the calculation is based on number of class meetings before or after a class has begun.
Days before/after Class Start
Use this rule when the calculation is based on number of calendar days before or after a class has begun.

Rounding Schemes: You can round the date/deadline up or down. The PeopleSoft week runs Monday - Friday.

NOTE: The available rounding schemes are dependent on the rule selected.

Rounding Scheme
Beginning of Week
End of Next Week
Following Friday
End of Week
First Meeting of Week
First class meeting day of week
Last Meeting of Week
Last class meeting day of week
Basis Day

Next Day
Next calendar day
Next Meeting Day
Next class meeting day
Beginning of Next Week
Following Monday
Previous Day
Previous calendar day
Previous Meeting Day
Previous instructional day


Excludes the rule from being calculated. Date/deadline defaults to applicable Term/Session or Academic Calendar values.
Whole Number
Number of days
  1. Select Save.
  2. Process complete.


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